Kaineng City: Is it still there?

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: joshc.3129


With the rise of Orr created the tidal wave that destroyed the old Lion’s Arch. Tidal waves in real life can travel a huge amount of distance and still cause massive damage when it makes landfall. Do you think Kaineng City is still there or could have been severely damage when the tidal wave caused by Orr hit Cantha?

Now since we have a full global map of Tyria it’s clear Factions only took place on the northern part of Cantha and if Kaineng City was severely damage if not destroyed those who survived might have just moved south.

Just a thought.

Kill stuff to unlock weapons skills, most confusing thing I ever heard of. (sarcasm)

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I would think that Kaineng City wouldn’t have been hit nearly as badly, if at all, as the coastal areas of Kryta. It’s much further away and, if memory serves, was built in such a way that it wasn’t on the sea level, but was a little bit up from it, which would serve to mitigate potential damage.

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Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Kaineng City is HUGE – it takes up about half of the Factions map as of GW1, and is unlikely to have diminished over the centuries. The tidal wave likely dealt damage to the city, but removed it utterly? No. If it did, then just about the whole of the continent got flooded.

As DavidTurner said, the city was built up high. You had parts built on cliffs, and the city was just built on top of itself as well (which crushed the lower housings, turning them into slums). It wouldn’t be hard to wipe those structures out due to their already poor foundations, but again, due to the sheer among of land Kaineng City covers it would be impossible for the tidal wave to wipe the city out.

I’d imagine that the coast of northern Cantha and Shing Jea would have flooded, given how the Battle Isles were said to have been sunk, but that’s just about it. Sunjiang District, Tahnnakai Temple, Nahpui Quarter, and probably Vizunah Square would have all been safe I’d imagine. The sewers may have flooded over a bit though for a time.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i personally hope a great disaster caused it to catch on fire, forcing the place to be rebuilt. i’m also hoping the plague from GW1 did to kaineng what the bubonic plague did to medieval europe.

i just can’t stand those slums, and looking at labyrinthine cliffs, i can’t help but wonder how amazing a rebuilt kaineng that didn’t feel like a maze of slums, brown sewage and putrid air would be like.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: Alex the Precise.3654

Alex the Precise.3654

I agree that the tidal wave could have hit Cantha and some disaster may have to destroyed the city and reduced the population. It would be a convenient way to reintroduce a cleaner, less offensive Cantha. Looking more like Shing Jea crossed with post Searing Ascalon. There could be vestigages of the slums and newly built parts that could be used as vertical maps but still more wide open places. Also, if the Jade Sea has unfrozen it would be a great place for them to expand the underwater aspect of the game.

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I doubt a tidal wave from Orr would have damaged Kaineng too much. It may have flooded the lower parts of the city. Frankly that could be interesting cause those deeper places could easily have monsters and sea beasties move in with all the humans washed out.

It is possible that if Kaineng City has had its population drop that much of the original city could be in ruins however, abandoned to fall apart.

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: Sirius.4510


Realistically, those slums wouldn’t have stood up to much. A tidal wave would seriously weaken the lower levels of the structures, which would probably cascade and cause the whole thing to collapse. That’s if a fire didn’t get to it first, before Zhaitan rose. Not much to stop it from spreading for miles there.

…and that’s if gravity didn’t get to it first. Not exactly a stable structure. Kind of wonder if all bets are off.

Just a random PuGgle.
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Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Its base seemed to be the cities foundations which were pretty solid stone and metal. Im judging this by the structure of the Undercity area. Kaineng had some pretty massive sewers and canals down low.

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: Frosch.7809


The tsunami wave caused by the rising of Orr was more than twice as high as the masts of a large galleon, and it wiped LA from the face of Tyria, which was a stone city.

Given the high speed, far reach and crashing power of real-world tsunamis “only” several meters high we can assume that THIS one managed to reach Cantha and still had enough power to do some serious damage to Kaineng City, despite the far longer distance to Cantha. Higher tsunami waves have shattered entire civilizations in human history.

And have a look at the world map showing the outlines of the continents, the shoreline of Cantha has changed from what we can tell. (Shing Jea island seems to be connected to the mainland now, although i am not sure if that is due to the tsunami).

Even if the tsunami caused by the rising of Orr had already lost much of its power i think it is safe to assume that the lower parts of Kaineng City suffered considerably, but i am sure it has been rebuilt since then – it gives the game desingers a free hand to create something new.

[Yak’s Bend]

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: Sieg.8439


Agreed with the post above. I would certainly see a decent chunk of Kaineng being destroyed, simply because of how rickety and highly stacked the buildings were.

And like what’s been said, it’s been plenty of time since then, so they’ve probably rebuilt whatever was destroyed. Knowing how vertical Kaineng seemed then, I’m fully expecting something involving jump puzzles. Everywhere. Like a BotFW but without the aspects, lol.

Hoopa doopa.