Lands only been rumored to exist...
I’m not getting my hopes up, given that by all appearances, we’re going into familiar territory from GW1. Based on the previous preview, we’ll be moving through Fort Vandal this time. That’s Silverwood, which would be big enough for most of a single zone in GW2 (if not the entirety).
It’ll be interesting to see the most lush area of GW1’s Maguuma Jungle short of The Falls and Tangle Root when it’s completely and fully dried out.
I’ve been hesitant to believe Anet’s hype. It may simply be talking about a perspective of common Tyrian knowledge in GW2 – which would include anything within the Maguuma Wastes, really, given that thus far we’ve been told that “no one’s been that far west since Zhaitan’s rise” more or less.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I don’t know, I took that line as a deliberate shot at the home of the murssat, as it was a “rumored” place. I could be wrong and, like you, I try not to get my hopes to high, but with that and the bit about “legends of Tyria’s past” might be referring to them and maybe either the PC or, at least ol Saul.
Perhaps a land where the asura have not already set up waypoints… ahem.
Maybe the last/lost refuge of the human druids?
There’s a lot we could be seeing.
If we talk about the Maguuma Jungle there’d be:
- the Temple of Balthazar
- the Druids
- The Bloodstone
- Possibly the Mursaat (depending on which theory you subscribe to for Saul’s wandering)
If we think about the vision the Pale Tree gave, we have:
- That golden place, whatever it was
- The orb in the center of the golden place
- A place tied to either or both, a stepping stone to reaching that place
- A place that we’ll visit after the golden place/finding the orb, which acts as a stepping stone to somewhere more important
This being in reference to both a “rumored place” and “legends of Tyria’s past”.
Chances are, the “rumored place” will be the golden structures, the question is returning back to the discussions from just after E4: what is that location?
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Maybe we’ll learn more about the place where Ronan found the seed that became the Pale Tree — and/or learn something about the other tree from which Malyck sprouted.
Hmm, wonder if the old druids had anything to do with that…
Would definitely love to see something delving into the history and lore of the Mursaat.
Do we have more information about Fort Vandal? Stays a big mystery for me :p
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]
A lot of people think that the transition shown in the ‘Season 2 returns November 4’ image is related to Fort Vandal. Considering the proximity to an area the Seraph is already invested in, it wouldn’t surprise me if Episode 5 features a concerted assault on Fort Vandal to get access to more of the Maguuma.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
when it said “the role that legends of tyrias past” i thought of ogdens benediction
Maybe the White Mantle can be in game too. We know they were using bandits, maybe there is some secret White Mantle cult behind Vandal, worshipping Mursaat that didn´t die when the Komalie was opened. Don´t forget Mursaat Rally. When is better time to get something from Mursaat history than goining right to the heart of Maguuma?
Futhermore, we could expect that we will learn where was Master of Peace going, maybe even baby of Glint could do something with that, or we could find another Sylvari tree (rumored by Malyck) and i´m expecting to get some more info on Caithe´s secret and who is mr. E.
Also, I´m hoping for Bloodstone
Optimistic me: Mursaat!
Pessimistic me: old GW1 map…
One or another, new maps = good! So doesn’t matter, I’m happy
Son of Elonia.
Lands only rumored to exist. Legends of Tyria’s Past.
Cantha confirmed.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Maybe the Hall of Heroes or even The Battle Isles.
They might be referring to a land that existed/was accessible in the gw1 era but in the gw2 is just a legend.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Well, technically, it doesn’t say we’ll visit ‘lands’ — it says we’ll visit ‘places’. If that makes a difference. Such places might include the place where Queen Jennah goes for her weekly royal pedicure. Or Evon Gnashblade’s kitchen.
Cantha confirmed.
Well, technically…
Now ain’t you a party pooper ….
witness our wonders and cry out in astonishment and humble themselves.
Beware our mighty works.
Well, technically, it doesn’t say we’ll visit ‘lands’ — it says we’ll visit ‘places’. If that makes a difference. Such places might include the place where Queen Jennah goes for her weekly royal pedicure. Or Evon Gnashblade’s kitchen.
Good point. Lands implies new geographical landscapes. “Places” is just a location.
Wizard’s Tower dungeon confirmed.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
That would be awesome! :o
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]
Has anyone brought up the idea that the Mursaat city exists in the Mists with access through a portal in the Maguuma Jungle? This would be an argument for why we never discovered it in gw1 or maybe the mursaat let Saul find them for numerous self serving reasons. In turn could the Zephyrites have found it empty and used it to house Glint’s children. If Mordremoth were to find the portal and somehow access the Mists he would have access to a near limitless source of magic.
I’ll leave this to the Lore guru’s who know much more than me. Also be nice I’ve been a lore lurker for ages, and am still hopeful things will get brought back around to making sense with gw1 lore.
That would be entirely plausible. We know that they’ve left the world – heavily implying they enter the Mist since there’s really nowhere to go from the world but into/through the Mists – and we know they’ve made teleporters before. Thalador has a theory that the reason why the White Mantle believed Janthir to be in the south was because Saul traveled south to a teleporter which brought him to the northern island we now know as Janthir.
The city doesn’t even need to be in the Mists really, for the theory to be plausible – just a teleporter out in the middle of the jungle that Saul stumbled through without knowing and taking him to location zulu that housed the mursaat city.
Of course, there’s also the possibility that the forest Saul was exiled to wasn’t the Maguuma Jungle, but the Woodland Cascades to the north (which would be closer to where he was arrested at).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
@ flamingfoxx that screen shot and the reddit post where \u\that_shaman pulled the in game model that the screen shot is a copy of, is what I started this thread about (and the blog post tidbits Colin gave us). Sort of hoping that something cool comes from all of it.
Oddly, I put the link to the reddit thread in a different post. So here it is again. The statue (?) In the screen shot is taken from the model of Abaddon used in his temple in Orr.
(edited by Edusd.7893)
I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and say the LS2 will lead into a full blown Expansion. That being Elona.
Upon seeing that screeenshot I for some reason immediately thought of the Grand Court of Sebelkeh mission from GW1.
I have no idea why it resonated with me in this way. I guess im optimistic.
I do hope you are right, Royale. I’m craving for Elona, I really love this place! I do hope they’ll finally fulfill our wish to go back our beloved places. Also, as they will add something regarding Abaddon (and, I assume, Palawa Joko), I’m sure we will be back on the lore tracks!
I’m trying not to be too thrilled but… I am
Son of Elonia.
I doubt they will introduce a new continent until all dragons r defeated. it would be hard for Anet to do LS on the continent we r on now and another continent at the same time.
I highly doubt they’ll introduce an entire continent in the four episodes that seem to be left of Season 2, when we’re still focusing on Mordremoth. Unless all of the first part of Season 2 was to lead into a Maguuma Wastes expansion (which I could kind of see).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
You can introduce the possibility of a new continent (i.e. Expansion). You don’t actually have to have a new continent.
I know we’re dealing with Mordremoth but the devs showed a teaser pic of a statue of Abbadon which immediately led me to think of Dry Top → Crystal Desert → Elona.
Abaddon had a lot more dealings than just in Elona. Theoretically, if they didn’t remove the temple of Abaddon from Orr (completely) and left statues (parts of, rather) of him in Istan, chances are there would be remnants in Cantha and elsewhere in Tyria. In fact, it would seem downright weird if there wasn’t something of him in Cantha, given that he would have been around for them for ~800 years and it’s further away from the gods than Orr.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Konig you are right, yet in GW1 I have never seen Abaddon in Prophecies or Cantha, so it’s easier to assume it’s more related to NF. I thought of Elona when I saw the screenshot, and that_shaman’s data-mining shows a dervish-like armor (even if some light armors look like dervish clothing), the coincidence is a big huge.
Yet I assume that Abaddon’s statue, which seems untouched, means 2 things:
- it’s situated somewhere unknown (worshippers don’t know he’s dead)
- some people still worship him in remote places (he might be alive?)
One or another means new places, and hopefully a step forward to a new continent. But indeed I highly doubt we will see a new continent with only 4 updates ^^
Son of Elonia.
Abaddon is dead. This has been confirmed and outright stated.
Abaddon was in Prophecies, technically. Abaddon’s Mouth. No, he wasn’t in Factions, though hints of him – or rather, a threat behind Shiro – exist in Factions (Suun’s dialogue at the end).
I think you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Ag least in regards to what to expect. A mere statue does not point to a plot related to Abaddon, really. And if it related to Elona, the text on the ceiling(?) would be Elonian, not Ascalonian. And the statue would be an Elonian style statue of Abaddon, which though we only see the head of such, is VASTLY different from the Orrian styled statue that we have in GW2.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
It does seem like we might be travelling in time with the coming update though, so who knows, maybe we will see a bit of Abby after all? ^^
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
New trailer:
At the end we see the statue, then a bunch of crates with Ogden in it. Then a place very similar to gw1’s Dragon’s Lair.
@Lordkrall: I don’t see how you get traveling through time. You mean the hourglass breaking then we zoom into it?
With the Dragon’s Lair bit, I kind of thought that – an object with sand in it – to be a portal to Glint’s Lair. Y’know… Sand… Glint’s lair hidden in the desert… With sand… Legend places it as being within a grain of sand… We got there in gw1 via a portal…
Or maybe the baby dragon’s lair, if they differ.
Ogden has only once left the Priory, when going to Arah.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
New trailer:
At the end we see the statue, then a bunch of crates with Ogden in it. Then a place very similar to gw1’s Dragon’s Lair.
@Lordkrall: I don’t see how you get traveling through time. You mean the hourglass breaking then we zoom into it?
With the Dragon’s Lair bit, I kind of thought that – an object with sand in it – to be a portal to Glint’s Lair. Y’know… Sand… Glint’s lair hidden in the desert… With sand… Legend places it as being within a grain of sand… We got there in gw1 via a portal…
Or maybe the baby dragon’s lair, if they differ.
Ogden has only once left the Priory, when going to Arah.
That section looked, to me, more like the place we have to defend the baby dragon instead of Glints’ lair. Which would coincide with the shiverpeaks shot.
Also, when did Ogden leave his hut/the priory for Arah? (I tend to skip the dialogues)
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
Ogden is at the camp at the beginning of each explorable path for Arah.
It’s definitely either travelling in time or at least experiencing/viewing the past. Pretty sure that’s why the hourglass is there and why it’s called “Echoes of the Past” – it’s a pretty cliche name.
I think it would’ve been cool for them to use the scrying pool in the eye of the north.
The trailer recap have shown a close up of in game footage of the zypherite Master of Peace at the end of the boss fight with Aerin. The close up of the Master of Peace in the trailer confirmed he had a clear golden egg tied to his back. This clear golden egg looked exactly the same as the golden egg in the ‘mussarat city’ cut scene.
That section looked, to me, more like the place we have to defend the baby dragon instead of Glints’ lair. Which would coincide with the shiverpeaks shot.
Also, when did Ogden leave his hut/the priory for Arah? (I tend to skip the dialogues
You forget that when we did Glint’s Challenge, we were teleported to the Crystal Desert (press m inside the mission challenge, and the map goes to the Crystal Desert). Dialogue implied that it was Glint’s lair, even.
And Arah explorable mode. He’s the one who debriefs us for the dungeon paths.
It’s definitely either travelling in time or at least experiencing/viewing the past. Pretty sure that’s why the hourglass is there and why it’s called “Echoes of the Past” – it’s a pretty cliche name.
I doubt it would be going into the past, unless it is via Fractals or the ritual from the crystal desert we experienced in Secrets in the Earth (sylvari c3 priory story step).
And yeah, the name is rather cliche – and very similar to the name of the norn C1 story step where players can meet Elder Thruln and learn the truth of the jotun’s fall.
The trailer recap have shown a close up of in game footage of the zypherite Master of Peace at the end of the boss fight with Aerin. The close up of the Master of Peace in the trailer confirmed he had a clear golden egg tied to his back. This clear golden egg looked exactly the same as the golden egg in the ‘mussarat city’ cut scene.
They also focused on the new ship from during Festival of the Four Winds.
Each scene focused on one of two things:
A golden shine/orb.
The subject of the subtitles (Mordremoth, national leaders/figure heads).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I think it would’ve been cool for them to use the scrying pool in the eye of the north.
I think the scrying pool is broken, and there’s not really any lore reason for us to be able to get up to the HoM (or for us to go up there)
I could think of many reasons to go back to the eyes of the north and revisit the scrying pool/fix it. Not the last of which is its origin, Discover who built it and why. Had it been there since the last rising? Nobody alive really knows, but it could have been. Also if did show the GW1 PC the rising of Primordus, well, his champion, but still, it was in tune with the elder dragons then, why not now? Perhaps now isn’t the time for it, but I think there could be plenty of things that place could be used for.
I have a hard time controlling my GW1 nostalgia/hype hybrid dreams sometimes.
That section looked, to me, more like the place we have to defend the baby dragon instead of Glints’ lair. Which would coincide with the shiverpeaks shot.
Also, when did Ogden leave his hut/the priory for Arah? (I tend to skip the dialogues
You forget that when we did Glint’s Challenge, we were teleported to the Crystal Desert (press m inside the mission challenge, and the map goes to the Crystal Desert). Dialogue implied that it was Glint’s lair, even.
And Arah explorable mode. He’s the one who debriefs us for the dungeon paths.
Ahh, don’t think I ever opened the map while doing that challenge. I just thought it was still taking place in some cave area near the central transfer center.
And that explains why I don’t know Ogden leaves. Haven’t done the explorables of Arah yet.
Please give us a keyring…
I could think of many reasons to go back to the eyes of the north and revisit the scrying pool/fix it. Not the last of which is its origin, Discover who built it and why. Had it been there since the last rising? Nobody alive really knows, but it could have been. Also if did show the GW1 PC the rising of Primordus, well, his champion, but still, it was in tune with the elder dragons then, why not now? Perhaps now isn’t the time for it, but I think there could be plenty of things that place could be used for.
The Norn fled south to where they currently are because they were driven there by Jormag – if the Northern Shiverpeaks are uninhabitable then I can’t imagine getting up there would be worth the lives it would cost. We have the portal stone, but I’m reasonably sure that’s just a mechanic for getting GW1 players their reward.
I agree with the portal stone being a mechanic, but once there was an asura network of portals that linked to near there, it might not be THAT hard to sneak a small force in there to investigate things. Anyways, it was more “thinking out loud” than anything else. would be interesting to revisit that mechanism is all, see what might be needed to go after the other dragons, or perhaps get their locations. Like I had said, I don’t think that now would be the best time for it, but perhaps if we ever go after Jormag himself, then hitting up the EotN might be worth it. Personally, I’d still like to know who or what built it and what it was originally for. Not to mention, my garden is still there! lol
Likely those portals have been destroyed, either deliberately as a security measure or as a consequence of the awakenings of Primordus and Jormag.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.