A friend has pushed me to take a class in Atomic and Optical Physics recently. This along side several classes in Quantum Mechanics. In reading, listening to lectures, and generally cramping my brain I’ve come away with a fair bit of understanding and a lot of questions. Playing with these ideas has yielding some interesting ideas on just what’s going on in the minds of people when we discuss the idea of ‘magic’.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to go popping anyone’s metaphysical balloons here. Instead, since we’re all here to have fun, I’m going to inflate a few more and talk about why.
Dark Energy has been described as the 21st Century’s aether.. String Theory, on the other hand, has a curious frustration of resulting in an infinity if attempted to be combined with Quantum Mechanics. That doesn’t really work. Yes, you can work infinities with infinities using some algebra, but the equations are pretty tight and aren’t really going to yield a lot of practical utility beyond whatever personal clarification you may be seeking or trying to abandon.
However, it may be that the reason these ideas seems illusory or in conflict is because at certain scales, Information is continuous.
What do I mean by this?
In gross terms, when trying to describe something mathematically the effort is to arrive at a persistent and accurate quantity. There is a serial logic to this. A person attempting to understand something mathematically prefers that the accuracy of a given quantity has a persistence for just so long. Here I am clarifying that persistence is usually secondary to accuracy, and this ordering is both pedagogically precise as well as having within it a serial order; A takes us to B and so on. I’m using ‘serial’ here to stay away from the idea of linear, so as to include linear and retain the option for multiple simultaneous vectors.
Now, in the world of Tyria we see that most things are somewhat arranged this way. Ley Lines provide a continuous transmission of Magical energies. I’ll capitalize Magical here, since in the world of Tyria, Magic is an accepted idea. For our purposes, rationally, let’s consider this idea to be entirely precise while simultaneously (and in contradiction) a statement that Tyrians (really) have no idea what it is: they simply use it.
Now, the “use” of Magic is quite possible because Tyrians have identified something within the nature of their environment which is either absent from our own real world or has not been identified to us in such a way that we can make any practical utility from it consciously.
Whether or not we can ever come to realize the reality of one of these distinctions is not important for us in this post. Rather, what is important is that Tyrians have been able to make certain distinctions very clear to themselves which are accurate about Magic such that they are able manipulate the world toward their aims. In our world such words as Alteration, Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, and Evocation would be applicable for such Magics as we have seen used in Tyria. However, the Tyrians have roughly chosen to go with a very distinct style of interpretation for their Magics than have we.
Warrior – Axe, Hammer, Swordsmanship, Tactics – Attribute: Strength
Ranger – Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Wilderness Survival – Attribute: Expertise
Monk – (Prayers) >> Healing, Smiting, Protection | – Attribute: Divine Favor
Necro – >> Curses, (Magic) >> Blood, Death | – Attribute: Soul Reaping
Mesmer – (Magic) >> Domination, Illusion, Inspiration | – Attribute: Fast Casting
Elementalist – (Magic) >> Air, Earth, Fire, Water | – Attribute: Energy Storage
(Parenthesis) >> to | means that something has (a source of magic) and ends at |
I’m trying to give you a good visual way of seeing these each on just one line.
What I want you to notice is that the Attribute is Primary to the eventual outcome of this person in some manner. Thus, the vast difference between our way of interpreting the universe and Tyria’s is that Tyrians begin looking at the universe pluristically and attempt to define some qualitative attribute as essential rather than definitive to determining the mechanics of this particular plurality’s functionality.
To clarify even further, Tyrians never suffered to live a Descartes nor Locke. We have had to suffer with an inherited, but not particularly practical viewing of the world which crystallizes our ideas to regard everything in a linear modality aim at an anticipated absolution from which no advance thereafter, nor escape therefrom thereafter, will ever be possible. Thus, qualities of an observation such as solidity, motion, number, figure, and extension all are considered Primary while such things as taste, color, smells, sounds, and impressions (feelings) are all disregarded. For this reason we are linguistically crippled in most circumstances, unable to describe our emotions beyond just five words: Love, Empathy, Anger, Fear, and Guilt – with every other word variations on this theme and highly fixed to a hierarchical structure that is linear and absolute to one degree or another.
Tyrian, therefore, demonstrate a qualitative break from the consciousness which we demonstrate by retaining metaphysical boundaries that afford the potential to encapsulate ideas without degrading the potential of the consciousness doing so for not having the contorted notion of an absolute upon which to absorb, process, retain and output information. A Tyrian’s perception of information is continuous as contradictions are allowed their play.
Obviously this alludes to the possibility for vast contradictions to arise which would eventually overwhelm the Tyrian. However, this is largely countered by the aforementioned favoritism of plurality as the prime interpretation through which the universe is viewed. Contradictions are thusly anticipated and there is good evidence of philosophies created to handle them. The easiest of which to observe is the Elementalist.
In a more ridged style of Elemental Magic the use of one element typically precludes another. Whereas, in Tyria synergistic properties are favored over those discrete attributes. Combo Fields are one such property of this. Another is the absence of Arcane being a primary field. In fact, it’s Trait.
Here again, the use of the word Trait demonstrates pedagogical concern rather than philological.
With all of this in mind we can step forward with a more concrete understanding of how Tyria differs from our own world fundamentally without necessarily diverging from its physics in any discernible way.
Before trying to tackle the Physics I’m going to give every lore delver and math-head a bit of a gift. It relates heavily to this topic and should be a bit of fun for those really bored with the depth of lore delving can go right now. I challenge you to find things like this across Tyria and real life (you’ll have to reference both to solve this).
The upper three lines are sequences.
The lower three lines are clues that you are on the right track.
In the Lion’s Arch, above the Marriner Plague, are two words written on the walls: the largest in size is gold, the longest in length black. Together, the total count of their characters is two less than four times the value you will need to confirm these sequences.
Turn around for a clue how to begin…
A trip to the Grove will also afford you the correct number to begin calculating if you go to the pub, located through the candy-cane colored doors, and search along the windows for the picture of the yellow flower on a field of blue. The divisions of the flower’s yellow colors sum divided by two is the count you want; don’t miss the littlest one!
Look immediately down left of the flower, still on the window, and you’ll notice several leaves all alone on a branch… you’ll want add that number back into what you gained from Lion’s Arch if you really need reinforcement you’re on the right trail!
The choice of the Grove as a location is a clue…
Now a freebie: 137.5
What was Newton’s Third Law?
Ulam was doodling something like this in 1963.
Maybe you should take idea and go back to Lion’s Arch for awhile with all this in hand? All this information ought to go to something, shouldn’kitten Perhaps on it?
Travel to Wolf Lodge, Hoelbrak – Wolf Waypoint. Head inside, turn right, go up the little ramp, and you’ll see a number of bookshelves with scrolls on them. These are a clue, though redundant. Take the total number of shelves on each stand and multiple this number by the total number of stands. Write that number down. Now use the clue that has been repeating itself up to this point to find a way to make the number you have just written down smaller without subtracting or dividing: you may add.
The fact that I’ve chosen Hoelbrak instead of Rata Sum for this part is a clue…
The last paragraph reinforces you have found the base value you need to construct a ruler of sorts, though it will hardly be conventional!
The last paragraph also informs you to what you will be doing with this ruler to find the proper values so that you can uncover the sequences that began this quest.
A few hints. Go back to Lion’s Arch, where you turned around… this image you are looking at, now that you have gotten this far, is an embedded hint magnifying the clues you’ve already obtained.
If you think you have all of the clues, but aren’t sure what to do… go stare at the landscape of Orr for awhile. What’s stands out most consistently about the architecture?
Use the freebie to get a clue how to look for the sequences once you’re confident you’ve got it.
Be persistent and you’ll connect the dots!
Alright, puzzle is left to you to solve further! Oh, except one last thing… this leads to three pictures. You might want to hold them up to the light when your done…
Okay… Physics, Ley Lines, and Magic !
So, if Tyrians really aren’t interested in making arbitrary differences between Secondary and Primary Characteristics the way we do then they are able to make more rapid access to the information they use in their hearts and minds. Consequently, Skills might be representative of qualitative distinctions they’ve been able to identify, isolate, and eventually magnify until such qualities of some plurality can be exercised into some sort of utilitarian mechanism.
Simplistically, this is like saying Tyrians would be much more fascinated that water has the capacity to undulate than that it can move a wheel (which is more of a racial trait). The fact that water can glitter might be something a Mesmer would notice.
This would explain why a great many of our skills are pretty situational. It’s rare to see a skill so universally applicable as say, Polymorph, and then such things are very short at any rate. By contrast, Skills that teleport, cloak, and shadowstep are fairly common: only the aesthetic details vary. The importance here is that just as there is shadow step, there is probably some equivalent of undiscovered ‘light stepping’ and ‘folded light’ abilities out there that just hasn’t come about because monks have faded out of Tyria since they’re powers seem to be entirely based around being a conduit for Dwayna.
What this means is that areas like Serenity Temple have the potential to HEAL the Scar. It’s like an energy well that just needs to be tapped. These could actually function as a kind of conduit for that particular kind of ‘god magic’ – if you will. The reason I make this claim and distinction is that the Tyrians and their Gods probably first realized a linguistical modality more capable than our own for identifying those characteristics of reality which would yield Magic rather than produce it. This is the difference between forcing a cow to give milk and taking milk from a cow that’s able to provide it. Our real life methodologies force things. If it can’t be forced our sciences are pretty powerless. Whereas, the Tyrian method is looking for already available resources, regardless of how much morphology comes with it, and trying to get some utility out of that. We’d crawl this crude, but they’d probably just call us “unnecessarily conservative”: I’m thinking of an Asura saying this as I type. The ‘Gods’, if they were Human, probably just had the same abilities as a person determining the best place to set a Shinto shrine: where the weirdest most exotic concentration of that forest, that plain, that dance of light on the water most likes to appear… After the Gods figured it out, they stepped into that area and absorbed its power like a Human temple would otherwise.
And all of that goes back what I wrote here some time ago: