Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


I am sorry but I found too many plot holes with this personal story – Charr.

During the Personal Story “The Risen attack on Claw Island.” Tybalt sacrifices himself to save you and everyone else to escape and regroup back in Lion’s Arch.

Later on you receive a mission to re-take “Claw Island” and on the very same path way you take that was the same area where Tybalt died at. There was no gaping hole in the ground, no burn marks, no broken ground tiles. Nothing. Its like the very same area with no change at all, when during the sacrifice, Tybalt hinted he was going to make the greatest bomb explosion ever. Yet… there is no evidence of this.

Also to add to this, during your personal story line, it made a big huge deal how your War Band Legionnaire’s was missing in action and supposely, they recover it to be buried, only later to be revealed he has been revived to be a zombie only to be killed again.

To get to the point, it was revealed threw out the story line, by NPCs, that Zhaitan or the necklaces, would revive fallen or freshly killed people to be zombies under the control of Zhaintan. However Tybalt’s body is no where to be found?

Not even his sniper gun, that was shown during the pirate story line when saving “Demmi Beetlestone”, was found?

I find this very strange but then again this is one of many flaws I have discovered.

  • You lose all contact with your warband.
  • You lose all contact with “Korukhan the Blacksmith” the cool looking charr that explained his order, even to the point he is never really shown again.
  • The “mouth of Zhaitan” was never really explained what or who they were, since it was explained in the story that the “Eye of Zhaitan” was the former Kings or Queens of Orr.

Probably more, however I cant think of it at the moment. Very disappointed this was not explained very well.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


In my opinion, it’s not a plot hole just because they didn’t explain it on screen for us. So we don’t know what the Mouth of Zhaitan was created from. Would our characters know? So you didn’t see Korukhan again; guess he was busy on other assignments when you started hanging out with Traherne?

And be fair on the multiple storylines. The necromancer’s necklaces in the charr orders story are only in the charr story. Other races have different issues with Zhaitan. There’s no reason for that to be something true of all undead everywhere. Would you even know a zombie Tybalt if you saw him? All Risen end up looking pretty similar, heh.

If it makes you feel any better, imagine Tybalt got his face eaten off by Risen zombies on Claw Island. Doesn’t make you feel better? Oh well…

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: endeavor.7530


The way I see it, Tybalt is presumed to be dead because surviving Claw Island is a slim chance however, Tybalt is crafty. I would love to see two scenarios played out to explain his fate; 1) He lived by some engineer magic and is reunited with the player in Orr. 2) He died and is a champion that must be dispatched in Orr (if that’s the case I’d love to see him as an added “bonus” in Arah.

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Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Chega.8965


As far as I remember, Tybalt probably died when he defended player´s retreat from Claw island due to the mission Source of Orr (I think) where you kill the Eye of Zhaitan and during that fight the eye says to you (not precisly this but you got the point): “You lost someone to Zhaitan” … and that the “Tybalt, he is with Zhaitan now” so probably somewhere is a zombified Tybalt … assuming that the Eye´s words were true, of course.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

As far as I remember, Tybalt probably died when he defended player´s retreat from Claw island due to the mission Source of Orr (I think) where you kill the Eye of Zhaitan and during that fight the eye says to you (not precisly this but you got the point): “You lost someone to Zhaitan” … and that the “Tybalt, he is with Zhaitan now” so probably somewhere is a zombified Tybalt … assuming that the Eye´s words were true, of course.

I wouldn’t take the Eye too seriously about that, because it says the same thing about any of the three mentors – and it can’t be true for Sieran, because Sylvari can’t become Risen, so I don’t think we should assume it’s true of the other two.

I think the Eye is just trying to tempt or distract the PC at that point. It may be that Tybalt and Forgal became Risen, but I wouldn’t take the Eye’s word for it – they may just be dead.

I really wish there had been some closure on that storyline, whether it was having to destroy your Risen mentor or just finding their body when you return to retake Claw Island so you would know their souls were safe in The Mists.

For the record, I do think the game’s intention was that our mentors died, much as I miss Forgal and would love to have him back.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Later on you receive a mission to re-take “Claw Island” and on the very same path way you take that was the same area where Tybalt died at. There was no gaping hole in the ground, no burn marks, no broken ground tiles. Nothing. Its like the very same area with no change at all, when during the sacrifice, Tybalt hinted he was going to make the greatest bomb explosion ever. Yet… there is no evidence of this.

Well he probably didn’t get the chance for such. There’s also the fact that the instance is shared with those who did Vigil and Priory storylines, and neither Forgal nor Sieran were bomb makers, so for them it wouldn’t make sense.

However Tybalt’s body is no where to be found?

Not even his sniper gun, that was shown during the pirate story line when saving “Demmi Beetlestone”, was found?

Its likely that Tybalt was made into a risen (Zhaitan knew how to get into the Inner Sanctum of the Chantry of Secrets after all). Why a Risen Tybalt or Risen Forgal doesn’t show up at any time is the question – Anet probably wanted to avoid past storyplots as much as possible. Plus the Priory storyline had a sylvari, so it had to be during a Vigil or Whispers specific story step that they returned, since sylvari can’t be corrupted by dragons.

This isn’t a plot hole nor a flaw, but rather just unexplained aspect of the story.

  • You lose all contact with your warband.
  • You lose all contact with “Korukhan the Blacksmith” the cool looking charr that explained his order, even to the point he is never really shown again.
  • The “mouth of Zhaitan” was never really explained what or who they were, since it was explained in the story that the “Eye of Zhaitan” was the former Kings or Queens of Orr.

Well, Korukhan’s job was unrelated to yours – why would he meet up with you again when he’s the Whispers representative in the Black Citadel? Unless you return to the Black Citadel on a mission, there’s no reason to. Same with other representatives.

For warband, I found that odd too. But again, this isn’t a plot hole or a flaw. Just a missed opportunity.

And they never explained a lot of the dragon minions’ origins. I think we’re just meant to try to figure it out ourselves – I mean, what fun is it if we’re told everything? Wouldn’t it be more fun to try to figure out what those Zhaitan-made dragons (Tequatl, Blightghast, etc.) were before being corrupted?

So again: these aren’t plot holes or flaws. They’re just missed opportunities and mysteries.

The way I see it, Tybalt is presumed to be dead because surviving Claw Island is a slim chance however, Tybalt is crafty. I would love to see two scenarios played out to explain his fate; 1) He lived by some engineer magic and is reunited with the player in Orr. 2) He died and is a champion that must be dispatched in Orr (if that’s the case I’d love to see him as an added “bonus” in Arah.

Tybalt never appears and engineers don’t use magic (though they may use magic-imbued objects, but they don’t use magic themselves – that’s the whole point behind them).

As far as I remember, Tybalt probably died when he defended player´s retreat from Claw island due to the mission Source of Orr (I think) where you kill the Eye of Zhaitan and during that fight the eye says to you (not precisly this but you got the point): “You lost someone to Zhaitan” … and that the “Tybalt, he is with Zhaitan now” so probably somewhere is a zombified Tybalt … assuming that the Eye´s words were true, of course.

The risen love this thing called “psychological warfare” and they use it a lot – the Eye of Zhaitan even claims Sieran, a sylvari (and note that sylvari cannot be corrupted by Elder Dragons – they just die), is “waiting under Zhaitan’s wing.”

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Igneel.2618


Well, we must think that Tybalt died with a huge explosion of his inventions. Or sort of.
So maybe there was no trace of his body, because he just disintegrate with all that foes

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Not really – I mean, there’s no trace of Sieran or Forgal’s body, and they were an elementalist and warrior respectively. It just means that the risen did something with the bodies (just as there are no other bodies present on Claw Island when retaking it).

Just a kitten shame we never saw Risen Tybalt or Risen Forgal when the risen attacked the Chantry of Secrets/Vigil Keep respectively.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Hmm, well Tybalt could have had his body destroyed by any giant bomb he produces (noting the relative sturdiness of most buildings mechanically.) The same could be said with Seiran and her fire magic, her body may have just burned away. Forgal’s just one massively cool warrior going down surrounded by enemies, but taking like 50 with him, lol.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Mander.2506


Tybalt specifically cannot have become a Risen, because during the Raid on the Chantry of Secrets you discover a password locked door which Tybalt designed. The Undead have not bypassed it because they do not know the password. Seeing as Zhaitan knows whatever his minions know, if Tybalt had become a Risen the undead would have been able to unlock the door.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: smekras.8203


Tybalt can’t become Risen because of what Mander said, Sieran can’t become Risen because she’s Sylvari and Forgal can’t become Risen because he’d just stare corruption off of himself

in short, it’s all an attempt to freak you out

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Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


I know ppl want tybalt and the others back but they are not coming back. Tybalt did die and depending on how he made the lock in the whispers hideout the risen could of used it and it could of locked itself afterwards and also the eye of zhaitan says that he is part of zhaitan. Sieran is sylvari but also sylvari can die but wont be turned and after she dies u might encounter a random event in some areas where a risen mentions sieran and u have to kill that risen. Forgal i have no idea of him cuz i havent done the vigil part. The story has alot of good npcs dying which makes u want to just make zhaitan feel the pain of loss like your toon has felt.

Norn “cows” go moot.

Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw Plot holes

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

The Eye of Zhaitan mentions all three mentors as being with Zhaitan. Given that Sieran is among the mentioned, it’s unlikely that the Eye of Zhaitan told the truth.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.