Lion's Arch Conversations

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Ashebyrne.8352


Whilst running round Lion’s Arch there are a few conversations that I have overheard that i thought to consolidate. I am sure these probably been dealt with elsewhere but the search facility seemed not to work and also maybe its a good idea to have them together.

This only covers three but any more please add.

First is what i’ve dubbed the United Sea/Sky Skritt

Chatting to the skritt in the cave – here they are talking about being pirates. I only just got to Drydock in Silverwastes and there is an indication of Skritt progress there.

Not knowing the lore very well just thought I would ask – do Skritt have separate tribes or when they unite as a group does the group mind overrule that. So if they get a ship would that make them more ruthless / dangerous.

Wild random Speculation – there does seem to be a leaning towards air travel (especially with the Lion’s Arch station with the expansion) – makes me think they may focus more on this with perhaps a reoccurrance of teh Aetherblades. (I missed what happened to them I take they are still around or is there a skypirate vacancy?)

Ther other two involve Captain Gnashblade and Consortium

To feed into rumours of Gnashblade there is a statement he says in his office about if his merchants cannot be protected then he’ll start getting his own army.

There was also a conversation re consortium and adding a vast tract of land (maybe not vast but land definitely). Whether this means somewhere in the new expansion or somewhere else not sure but I am starting to see more conflicts arising with Gnash and the Consortium.

Wild Speculation – War, what is it good for? Well maybe trade but this could expand into physical conflict – especially with potential Gnashblade army.

Also just to add Zomorros or specifically his acquired items – where are they? Again not up on Zomorros’s lore. Where would he keep that stuff (if you ignore that its just a mechanism of teh game and actually real somewhere)

So just a few thoughts initially on the conversations


Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Skritt don’t have a ‘hive mind’ as it’s usually done.

It’s more of their communication is very rapid, so more skritt together means they can bounce more and more information back and forth, increasing the knowledge/intelligence of the group. A common theory I’ve heard is that Skritt are entirely used to this rapid fire communication method, and thus they sound kinda dumb to player races because it’s not their ‘normal’ talking.

The group of skritt in silverwastes is completely seperate from the skritt in LA.

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

To expand on Kalavier’s answer, skritt don’t have any explicit tribal identities or anything, but they don’t coordinate or communicate among scratches. If communities are in different maps, let alone separated by half the Tyrian continent, they aren’t collaborating.

The land the Consortium acquired is where they built their two new buildings, in the middle of the Commodore’s Quarter.

Zomorros- yeah. Still beyond me to make sense of his capricious ways, beyond just shrugging and saying a genie did it.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Vilenia.3081


The Whitening Theory, or why Captain Theo Ashford had to die…

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Skritt live in mostly-isolated communities. The skritt of Lion’s Arch has little to no interaction with (potentially even knowledge of) the skritt of Silverwastes. So they’re not related activities.

Aetherblades are still alive, and are hiding out in the Edge of the Mists currently.

We don’t know where Zomorros keeps his stuff, but if the flash-fiction segments that were given to us to hint to players on how to make the Reaper of Souls dagger is ever canon, he has some fancy building he lives in that is accessible to mortals.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

Skritt live in mostly-isolated communities. The skritt of Lion’s Arch has little to no interaction with (potentially even knowledge of) the skritt of Silverwastes. So they’re not related activities.

They have knowledge, at least. There’s a meeting on the beach every night where they discuss the ship building. Apparently one of the LA skritt ran an errand and was told by a Pact member.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Donari.5237


Which beach is that? I spent a little time one “night” looking for them but there are a number of sandy edges around the LA bay.

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

The kind of rocky spot just west of the water entrance to Trader Jixx’s. You have to be there at a very specific time- they’ll all show up in less than a minute, run their dialogue, and then synchronously dive into the ground.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Vilenia.3081


Skritt live in mostly-isolated communities. The skritt of Lion’s Arch has little to no interaction with (potentially even knowledge of) the skritt of Silverwastes. So they’re not related activities.

They have knowledge, at least. There’s a meeting on the beach every night where they discuss the ship building. Apparently one of the LA skritt ran an errand and was told by a Pact member.

You can also hear the Information Peddler talk about it.

The Whitening Theory, or why Captain Theo Ashford had to die…

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Vilenia.3081


Got to see the skritt meeting again a few minutes ago :

“Okay, okay. Let’s begin. Who has a tale to share with us ?”

“Oh! I do! I heard skritt are building a ship, way out in the wastes.”

“Hold on. When were you out in the wastes?”

“I brought ale to a soldier. She told me they found a big scratch out west, where our people are building a ship. She said the scratch has a storm wizard who will call down a flood so they can all sail away.”

“This is big, if it’s true. Thank you. If there are no more tales, then let us adjourn for now. Be safe.”

The Whitening Theory, or why Captain Theo Ashford had to die…

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Ashebyrne.8352


Firstly thank you for the replies – I do admit that a lot of assumptions re Skritt mind are my own from just playing the game – I blame the Asura. Interesting that they do communicate.

Went back to Silverwastes today and looked at their drawing board for the ship – saw the attached (I hope) map and writing. Is the writing translatable?

I am interpreting the map as north of the Silverwastes i.e new up coming stuff but really could be anywhere


Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


The text inland reads “new boat”, and the text on the coast reads “old boat”.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Lion's Arch Conversations

in Lore

Posted by: Quiznos.4296


For me it seems the scritt have a high propensity for learning, but short term memory.

This would explain why in groups they become very smart remembering by way of more constant communication, enforcing their memory, and providing a hive-mind-esque appearance.

When separated or in smaller groups (less communication), they forget more, and gather less intel… Becoming “dumb” or at very least, becoming more focused on a single topic.

Human population in game (and life) isn’t too far removed, but less noticeable because of a better memory (and longer range comms systems). Allowing geographic density to be less of a necessity.