Logan and his infamous decision

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Snaff died because of Eir and Zojja’s own ignorance. Logan had very little to do with it.

No, I do not agree. Glint had a job to do and she died for that. Everyone had a job, a role in that situation. Destiny’s Edge have always been forced to have clearly defined roles because of their limited number.
Logan was supposed to be the defence specialist, and is not logistically possible that the lack of a so important piece has not compromised the work of all yhe others.
This is the main problem of a small, organized group: Missing piece = 90% risk of failure.

They had hours to prepare. Glint did her job, but it’s not like she couldn’t have collapsed two doors before the fighting started.

The fact is, Zojja was able to hold one door by herself. If you put EVERYONE on one door, then it would’ve been a lot easier to hold. They didn’t need Logan, they just needed a better plan.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Basically the plan was bad. The group acted like selfish children instead of trained soldiers. Its everybody’s fault and they need to all grow up

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Tinni.4351


I don’t think Queen Jennah is mind controlling Logan but I do believe that Jennah being a shrewd politician, took advantage of Logan’s infatuation. Logan sees Jennah and because she’s beautiful and powerful, he is smitten with her. He stumbles over to Jennah, who finds out that he’s the younger brother of her very capable captain and is making a name for himself as a skilled fighter. She would have been dumb not to try to hook him and hook him she did with her scarf and later put him on the spot to make that bond and make that statement to her court. Thus implicitly warning them all that if she is attacked, she can summon him.

Does she have any true feeling for him? Who knows! Maybe they are an item behind the scene or maybe Jennah is like Queen Elizabeth the First who was famous for always flirting but never going beyond that and using the men who were in love with her to keep her throne secure and further the interests of her nation. I also think that Rythlock saw through Jennah and that’s part of the reason why he’s upset. I mean, “love” is not unheard of in Charr culture afterall. But I do believe Logan is, by now, genuinely in love with her.

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

(edited by Tinni.4351)

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Basically the plan was bad. The group acted like selfish children instead of trained soldiers. Its everybody’s fault and they need to all grow up

Ding ding ding.

Except maybe Rytlock and Caithe. They acted relatively mature.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Basically the plan was bad. The group acted like selfish children instead of trained soldiers. Its everybody’s fault and they need to all grow up

Ding ding ding.

Except maybe Rytlock and Caithe. They acted relatively mature.

The way Rytlock stormed off at the end wasnt particularly mature.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Omacron.4690


Without a heir, any monarchist goverment risk civil war. All nobles want the crown after all and will conspire to get it. A King without a heir is in an extremly vulnerable position because any potential conspirators wouldn’t need to factor the princess, thus reducing any coup to a single assassination.

Is Kryta’s government “monarchist”? The relative power wielded by its legislative body implies a constitutional monarchy of some sort. In the absence of a monarch, the Legate Minister would probably be able to hold the nation together.

And for the record, stopping a dragon who threatens the entire world places higher on the priority list than stopping a war that only involves two races.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Basically the plan was bad. The group acted like selfish children instead of trained soldiers. Its everybody’s fault and they need to all grow up

Ding ding ding.

Except maybe Rytlock and Caithe. They acted relatively mature.

The way Rytlock stormed off at the end wasnt particularly mature.

I guess I meant before/during the fight.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Syhnz.4928


we must not forget a soldier’s life and blade is pledged to the queen and country
the choice he made either way would of had heavy impacts.
but logically he did the right choice if he would of stayed with destiny edge and the queen would of died then odds are Charr and humans would be at war, kryta would be plunged into chaos without a queen to guide them and with corrupt ministers it would only be worse so he did his duty to his queen and country and saved more lives than he could of by slaying the dragon…anyways we’re here to finish the job so

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Without a heir, any monarchist goverment risk civil war. All nobles want the crown after all and will conspire to get it. A King without a heir is in an extremly vulnerable position because any potential conspirators wouldn’t need to factor the princess, thus reducing any coup to a single assassination.

Is Kryta’s government “monarchist”? The relative power wielded by its legislative body implies a constitutional monarchy of some sort. In the absence of a monarch, the Legate Minister would probably be able to hold the nation together.

And for the record, stopping a dragon who threatens the entire world places higher on the priority list than stopping a war that only involves two races.

The problem is who replaces Jennah. Even if Edge of Destiny killed Kralkatorik there would still be 4 or 5 EDs out there and the one friendly champion would be out of the fight. More over without the treaty between the Charr and the Humans, which would have been very unlikely without Jennah, the Orders would have had far more trouble gaining resources they needed to fight the EDs effectively.

Its only because they have succeeded in getting the races to start working together that organisations like the Vigil have gained the strength they have.

In defeating Kralkatorik thery would have won a major battle but suffered a great loss to there war against the EDs.

One of the key points in GW2 is the EDs cant be beaten without a united front from all the major races and several of the minor ones.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: moonslightv.6704


I think Logan was spineless coward and got to involved with his emotions. The fact of the matter is plain and simple. DE was fighting Kralkatorrik then and there and had a chance to KILL the dragon. If he stayed, the dragon more then likely would have been destroyed and that would be one less ED to deal with. With him running off, the ED was able to beat them and escape to spread its corruption.

Jennah wasn’t even in any immediate danger anyway, and even if she did die she is only one among countless government type officials, its not like there would not have been others who would have her same views and opinions and could have taken her place and carried on what she wanted to do.

(edited by moonslightv.6704)

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Khyron.8735


I always assumed Jennah ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL over Logan with her secret Mesmer powers and that’s why Logan flips out any time it’s brought up. He can’t quite explain why he left so he has to fill in the blanks himself and it upsets him greatly.

Ad majorem gloriam! Ad infinitum!

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Abriel.4103


He can’t quite explain why he left so he has to fill in the blanks himself and it upsets him greatly.

Except everything Logan himself said ingame totally contradict this statement.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Alpharius.2138


I don’t agree with Logan’s choice, I think he made the wrong call, but can I honestly say I would have chosen differently? Probably not. It was a judgement call. He had a major decision to make, the repercussions of which would be potentially massive and devastating on a scale far beyond him no matter what he chose. He had a small amount of time to make this decision. What it basically came down to was a split second mental and emotional coin toss that, tragically, had the rest of his life riding on it. Poor kitten.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Fincrn.9384


Ok first of all this was a sadistic choice: It dosent matter what Logan did or didn´t do, someone was going to die.

It was a dificult choice but I think I would have done the samething he did. Destiny Edge had time to back up (as far as I know) or escape from Kaltorrick, Jennah didn´t had that luxury, and she is prety important for the stability of Kryta given that she is the last person with royal blood on her veins, bringing possible civil war if something happends to her(this is actually explined in the human storyline).

So I would have told my friends to hold up the attack so I could save my family and loved one, not to mention the head of state, and then go back to them and resume the plan (probably at the next day).

(edited by Fincrn.9384)

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Plague.5329


Logan strikes me as being a simpleton and one of ‘those’ guys who will literally stab you in the back if it means getting laid with his love-of-the-week, even if he’s known you for years. I may think differently of him if he and the queen had a real relationship at the time, but it was obvious he was just being manipulated. Honestly, it always seemed to me he was the wrong one, with no real debate to the contrary.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I just hope the darker aspect of Jennah is explored, if only to make her more interesting. I do hope that being a puppet is going to take its toll upon her, since whilst she may be loved by a portion of Kryta’s populace, she’s locked in a power struggle with Minister Caudecus. I find him more intriguing, since he’s willing to do a lot of shady stuff to get what he wants. I tire of the ‘love and peace’ propaganda spouted out by Jennah and her supporters…mostly because it all boils down as a convenient and somewhat forced plot device to ensure that the charr are a playable race and not in a different faction.

It’s just a real shame that Logan was the sacrificial lamb to highlight just how important Jennah is meant to be. The damage is now done and we can see that by the overwhelming amount of hate people direct at him.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Tevesh.1265


Jenna’s life is critical to survival of humans as an independant nation in Tyria (the contitent), and in all of the world from the in-lore point as well since it’s well known that Elona is ruined and Cantha is severed from the whole world after a bloody civil war and under tyrranic rule.

(edited by Tevesh.1265)

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: bluejay.6739



In a later part his spirit reveals that he did it because he was in love with her and couldn’t let the woman he loves die.

So we have the entire planet being eaten by a elder dragon versus the death of his love. Not an easy choice, but I think the fate of the entire planet is clearly the bigger ‘good’ in this case.

Of course, this entire story REALLY went wrong when Gwen married Keiran, who other than having some over powered bow was a complete tool and couldn’t even make his own freaking picnic.

If Gwen had just married your character, Tyria would be a dragon free paradise now… which would admittedly make for a very boring game.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915



In a later part his spirit reveals that he did it because he was in love with her and couldn’t let the woman he loves die.

So we have the entire planet being eaten by a elder dragon versus the death of his love. Not an easy choice, but I think the fate of the entire planet is clearly the bigger ‘good’ in this case.

Of course, this entire story REALLY went wrong when Gwen married Keiran, who other than having some over powered bow was a complete tool and couldn’t even make his own freaking picnic.

If Gwen had just married your character, Tyria would be a dragon free paradise now… which would admittedly make for a very boring game.

Keiran needed your help because he was tied up with patrols. Also how would Tyria be a dragon free paradise? What if the GW1 character was female? What was wrong with Keiran anyway? I liked him. God knows he had the patience of a rock when it came to dealing with Gwen.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I just hope the darker aspect of Jennah is explored, if only to make her more interesting. I do hope that being a puppet is going to take its toll upon her, since whilst she may be loved by a portion of Kryta’s populace, she’s locked in a power struggle with Minister Caudecus. I find him more intriguing, since he’s willing to do a lot of shady stuff to get what he wants. I tire of the ‘love and peace’ propaganda spouted out by Jennah and her supporters…mostly because it all boils down as a convenient and somewhat forced plot device to ensure that the charr are a playable race and not in a different faction.

It’s just a real shame that Logan was the sacrificial lamb to highlight just how important Jennah is meant to be. The damage is now done and we can see that by the overwhelming amount of hate people direct at him.

I dont think you really get much of an understanding of Jennah and I cant help but feel your a little too hung up on the charr. Jennah made a truce with the charr, not due to ‘love and peace’ but out of neccesity. Humanity was in no position to keep spending resources fighting the charr. Infact there was never even talk of a treaty with the charr prior to Kralkatorik’s attack on Ebonhawke.

Also how is Jennah a puppet?

And Caudecus is a jerk. Half the troubles humanity is currently happening can probably be put at his front door.

The bandits, quite possibly the white mantle and indirectly the Centaur all seem to be connected to Caudecus.

You really want both of humanity’s leaders to be unmitigated jerks more interested in their own power than the welfare and possible future of their people?

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Arcturus.5846


I think if the Jennah X Logan story were written better not as many people would have a problem with it. Now we have this mesmer bond theory which can go both ways in Logan’s defense.

Since the author apperantly said it was real, put yourself is his shoes. You don’t know what is going in Ebonhawke. The invasion threat couldve been pigs on the loose and charging at random citizens for all you know. Destiny’s Edge still had the option to make a different plan.

So now you have two options, to go to Ebonhawke with the assumption that it’s hell like Minas Tirith with the leader of a crippled humanity and your love on the line or a crappy plan that is about to be executed.

Snaff death wasn’t his fault. It was Destiny Edge as a whole. Eir continued with the plan even though she shouldnt and everyone just followed along. Noone (important) would have died if they just backed off.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Gromlaw.4125


I coulda sworn I read in Destiny’s Edge that he had some sort of spell or that Jennah has some sort of aura about her that had him drawn to her, as in it wasnt so much his own choice.

The fires will consume everything.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I coulda sworn I read in Destiny’s Edge that he had some sort of spell or that Jennah has some sort of aura about her that had him drawn to her, as in it wasnt so much his own choice.

He had a spell on him that bonded him to her. As it seems though from what we have heard from devs that it allowed him to know when she was in danger. That spell he quite willingly allows to get cast on him.

What drew Logan to her originally is that the though she was hot.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Tinni.4351


I think what bothered me about Logan’s decision was that I honestly believe that Logan did not care about Destiny’s Edge as much as Destiny’s Edge cared about him. I got this impression most strongly when Caithe was visited by Faolain. Logan’s reaction to that, when contrasted with those of Rythlock made it clear to me that Logan simply did not think of Destiny’s Edge as being as close to his heart as Rythlock did. I might be wrong here but that’s the impression I got. That’s my big problem with Logan’s decision because I don’t think that decision was ever much of a dilemma for Logan. The life of all of Destiny’s Edge simply didn’t matter to him quite as much as his life did to his friends, if that makes sense…


In a later part his spirit reveals that he did it because he was in love with her and couldn’t let the woman he loves die.

So we have the entire planet being eaten by a elder dragon versus the death of his love. Not an easy choice, but I think the fate of the entire planet is clearly the bigger ‘good’ in this case.

Of course, this entire story REALLY went wrong when Gwen married Keiran, who other than having some over powered bow was a complete tool and couldn’t even make his own freaking picnic.

If Gwen had just married your character, Tyria would be a dragon free paradise now… which would admittedly make for a very boring game.

Keiran needed your help because he was tied up with patrols. Also how would Tyria be a dragon free paradise? What if the GW1 character was female? What was wrong with Keiran anyway? I liked him. God knows he had the patience of a rock when it came to dealing with Gwen.

O yeah! Keiran showed amazing patience and loyalty towards Gwen. I personally wished he would have ditched her and went off with Miku while I was doing the “what happened to Keiran” portion of the Hearts In The North content. But then again, I didn’t like Gwen.

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I think what bothered me about Logan’s decision was that I honestly believe that Logan did not care about Destiny’s Edge as much as Destiny’s Edge cared about him. I got this impression most strongly when Caithe was visited by Faolain. Logan’s reaction to that, when contrasted with those of Rythlock made it clear to me that Logan simply did not think of Destiny’s Edge as being as close to his heart as Rythlock did. I might be wrong here but that’s the impression I got. That’s my big problem with Logan’s decision because I don’t think that decision was ever much of a dilemma for Logan. The life of all of Destiny’s Edge simply didn’t matter to him quite as much as his life did to his friends, if that makes sense…

I think what we see of the inner workings of Logan’s mind shows that the decision was a huge dilemma for him. Alot of people seem to forget in the end of the book how shattered by his failures he was. ‘He failed his freinds, he failed his brother. At least he hadnt failed Jennah.’

Hes torn cause he feels guilt but at the same time feels that it was the choice he had to make. Theres no way he could have saved everyone but at the same time he feels he failed because of it so hes very defensive about it.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Kael.8960


Okay think of it this way: Pretend your party allows for 6 people: a sylvari thief, an asuran golemancer/engineer, an asuran magician/thing (i think zojja is a mesmer, she shot purple bolts at me in ta >.>), a charr warrior, a norn ranger, and a human guardian. Now say your party is going into some random dungeon (say CM, if only because Logan is the NPC in that dungeon that follows you around). Then, say in the beginning of your epic bossfight Logan the NPC gets oneshot and none of your party bothers to revive him. Now, plenty of people have completed CM without needing to revive NPCs, and the same applies to plenty of dungeons… Our GW2 parties for anything (even Arah, where you DO fight a dragon…without even a dragon ally like Glint) are 5 people, Destiny’s Edge is 6 people…so quite frankly, I can agree that the death of Snaff is really a tactical issue and not a “Logan ditched Destiny’s Edge” issue.

That’s my take on it anyway. Sure, Logan can feel guilty about it all he wants, DE can keep blaming each other, but in the end its just because they aren’t good at bossfights…

“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it,
bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


To be honest, I’d have to agree that Eir’s tactical planning there lacked a certain degree of acumen. Collapsing an entrance or two would have helped, as would positioning people at the insides of the tunnels rather than at the tunnel entrances (which would have given a defender at one tunnel more opportunity to assist if another tunnel was getting overwhelmed – a defender leaving one tunnel would leave that tunnel exposed, of course, but could have bought enough time for Snaff’s sacrifice not to be in vain). Which is probably why Zojja seems to blame Eir rather than Logan.

Does she have any true feeling for him? Who knows! Maybe they are an item behind the scene or maybe Jennah is like Queen Elizabeth the First who was famous for always flirting but never going beyond that and using the men who were in love with her to keep her throne secure and further the interests of her nation. I also think that Rythlock saw through Jennah and that’s part of the reason why he’s upset. I mean, “love” is not unheard of in Charr culture afterall. But I do believe Logan is, by now, genuinely in love with her.

Jennah doing the Elizabeth trick seems unlikely, because they’re in very different political situations. Elizabeth had to do that because by keeping all her potential political enemies at bay by dangling the hope that she’d marry them, she was able to keep them from trying a more direct route to power. Now, Jennah might also benefit from that trick, except Elizabeth had something Jennah doesn’t – An heir. Jennah needs to marry someone or there’ll be no monarch for the next generation.

There was an interview where Ree said their feelings for one another were genuine. Whether they could ever actually act on them… we don’t know what expectations there are for the marriages of royalty in Kryta. It may have been doomed to be a ‘courtly love’ scenario.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I get the impression that the main reason Jennah hasnt already married Logan is because she doesnt want to tie him to her. She has dialog in the personal story where she comments on how she made that mistake in the past and the world suffered for it.

She wants Logan to have the freedom to go out and do what he needs to do rather than hanging around and keeping her safe. To quote her, she needs ’ a partner, not another servant’. Logan is almost obsessive of her in the early parts of the game. She keeps pushing him to go out and do what he needs to do.

I also suspect she does love him. Hes dedication is to her as much as to the throne. He protects her as much because shes Jennah rather than a Queen. To a woman who since childhood would have had people trying to manipulate and toady to her for power, having a dashing man as honest and capable as him showing such interesting would have been very appealing Id suspect.

Infact the part of the romance I always thought was a bit off was how Logan had a love at first sight moment. Jennah’s interest makes alot more sense.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Thorgal.1287



In a later part his spirit reveals that he did it because he was in love with her and couldn’t let the woman he loves die.

So we have the entire planet being eaten by a elder dragon versus the death of his love. Not an easy choice, but I think the fate of the entire planet is clearly the bigger ‘good’ in this case.

Of course, this entire story REALLY went wrong when Gwen married Keiran, who other than having some over powered bow was a complete tool and couldn’t even make his own freaking picnic.

If Gwen had just married your character, Tyria would be a dragon free paradise now… which would admittedly make for a very boring game.

Keiran needed your help because he was tied up with patrols. Also how would Tyria be a dragon free paradise? What if the GW1 character was female? What was wrong with Keiran anyway? I liked him. God knows he had the patience of a rock when it came to dealing with Gwen.

so what if the GW1 character was female? Could still marry Gwen (and would admittedly make the game a lot less boring…)

Keiran was annoying… even worse then that plant character that wants me to join that librarian cult in GW2…

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Frotee.2634


If I knew the person I loved was in danger and I had the power to save them – well, screw the world.

…sadly, that doesn’t make me hate Logan any less, since I liked Snaff better than Jenna ^^°
Also, if he hadn’t left, chances are good we’d now have one less dragon to worry about.
And to make matters worse, he won’t even apologize for it….can we feed him to Zhaitan, please?

Polka will never die

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


If I knew the person I loved was in danger and I had the power to save them – well, screw the world.

…sadly, that doesn’t make me hate Logan any less, since I liked Snaff better than Jenna ^^°
Also, if he hadn’t left, chances are good we’d now have one less dragon to worry about.
And to make matters worse, he won’t even apologize for it….can we feed him to Zhaitan, please?

Actually he does apologize in the end. It takes him a while to get over his defensiveness.

(edited by Lutinz.6915)

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: TinyHowie.3946


Should Ned Stark had accepted King Robert’s appointment to the Hand of the King? If not the series couldn’t be so epic and awesome.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Ba air.1372

Ba air.1372

I think there were just a ton of plot holes. Jennah was clearly capable of dealing with the ogres without Logan’s help, with the illusion. I mean, what kept her from doing that in the first place? Oh there are ten less hyenas, NOW I can do my spell!!!

The way the battle with the dragon was staged it really did feel like if they had had Logan with him, they would have pulled through. By a hair mind. It was extremely close and him being there could have been the little bit to push the tide of the battle. (It’s possible that killing the dragon would have stopped the assault on Jennah anyways… )

Then again, I felt Logan’s blind devotion to Jennah was way overblown and much too sudden. I don’t particularly like Jennah’s character. She’s creepy. >_>

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: TinyHowie.3946


Hmm… even if Jennah is that awesome, that doesn’t mean she could handle her political rivals alone. She needs people on her side and make sure no backhanding is smacking around under her scope. Logan had been blowing through schemes all along and we can see Divinity’s Reach’s politic is far more complicated than other races.

I blame Eir on the decision to go on. She should have consulted Snaff, but could they make it through even if Logan’s there? I don’t think so. They could be matyrs enough as an example of sacrifice but either case the world would still be under threats of the Dragons.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I think there were just a ton of plot holes. Jennah was clearly capable of dealing with the ogres without Logan’s help, with the illusion. I mean, what kept her from doing that in the first place? Oh there are ten less hyenas, NOW I can do my spell!!!

The way the battle with the dragon was staged it really did feel like if they had had Logan with him, they would have pulled through. By a hair mind. It was extremely close and him being there could have been the little bit to push the tide of the battle. (It’s possible that killing the dragon would have stopped the assault on Jennah anyways… )

Then again, I felt Logan’s blind devotion to Jennah was way overblown and much too sudden. I don’t particularly like Jennah’s character. She’s creepy. >_>

The reason Jennah couldnt do anything straight away seemed to be because she was dazed from touching Kralkatorik’s mind. She needed time to recover her senses. The other possibility is that the spell may have taken much longer.

Also, probably the biggest difference that Logan made is he got the charr prisoners to fight giving the defenders a substancial increase in numbers. Considering Dylan died protecting the door of the building Jennah was in there was a strong chance that she wouldnt have survived long enough to cast her spell if Logan hadnt arrived.

Its most likely killing Kralkatorik wouldnt have stopped the Branded. Killing Zhaitan hasnt caused all the Risen to just stop killing. There is no reason to expect the Branded would be different.

The biggest issue was that the Jennah/Logan relationship was poorly developed. People dont sympathise with Logan because to the readers, Jennah isnt an important character. Snaff is. No reader is going to emotionally care more for Jennah than Snaff. For this reason it makes it harder for Logan’s choice to make sense.

To make it worse there relationship never seemed to make much sense. Logan just suddenly fell in love. Jennah as I stated earlier could be explained but Logan was just ‘LOVE’!!! from the first moment he saw her. It was too abrupt and had too short a time to develop.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: bluejay.6739


What if the GW1 character was female?

I don’t judge…

And I didn’t think I had to spell it out, but to make it clear the last part of that post was a joke.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Ba air.1372

Ba air.1372

The reason Jennah couldnt do anything straight away seemed to be because she was dazed from touching Kralkatorik’s mind. She needed time to recover her senses. The other possibility is that the spell may have taken much longer.
Also, probably the biggest difference that Logan made is he got the charr prisoners to fight giving the defenders a substancial increase in numbers. Considering Dylan died protecting the door of the building Jennah was in there was a strong chance that she wouldnt have survived long enough to cast her spell if Logan hadnt arrived.

That scene was just poorly done in general. Those are possible reasons but they still feel like a thin cloth thrown over gaping plot holes than something that makes sense. Then again, Jennah and her powers are just so vaguely established in the book. I’m still side eyeing that whole business that it took her that long to do anything when she was surrounded by other mesmers of great skill.

Besides… if Dylan died at the door, and didn’t have enough support to not get ripped up by hyenas, how on earth did the hyenas not get to her by the time Logan got to her if that was the risk?

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


The reason Jennah couldnt do anything straight away seemed to be because she was dazed from touching Kralkatorik’s mind. She needed time to recover her senses. The other possibility is that the spell may have taken much longer.
Also, probably the biggest difference that Logan made is he got the charr prisoners to fight giving the defenders a substancial increase in numbers. Considering Dylan died protecting the door of the building Jennah was in there was a strong chance that she wouldnt have survived long enough to cast her spell if Logan hadnt arrived.

That scene was just poorly done in general. Those are possible reasons but they still feel like a thin cloth thrown over gaping plot holes than something that makes sense. Then again, Jennah and her powers are just so vaguely established in the book. I’m still side eyeing that whole business that it took her that long to do anything when she was surrounded by other mesmers of great skill.

Besides… if Dylan died at the door, and didn’t have enough support to not get ripped up by hyenas, how on earth did the hyenas not get to her by the time Logan got to her if that was the risk?

It was impled that they were eating bits of Dylan at the time. Logan states at the end of the book that Dylan’s coffin was light because the hyena’s had taken alot of chunks off him.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Redrobin.5627


Like someone said earlier, those Thackeray people are a handful. I honestly wanted Logan to have a heroic death and be gone from the story. Sort of like a sacrificial death to make up for Snaff and Glint throwing away their lives since Eir didn’t have the brilliant idea to call the plan off seeing as a key defensive member was now gone.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: LeoLionWolf.3649


I would have continued on with the missions. Its the cost of life of a few hundreds to save thousands

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Porterhouse.6304


Either Queen Jennah or Logan (or both) have a panic attack and makes the wrong decision there. I think the term is, “get your priorities in order.” Your choices comes down to:

Queen Jennah dies / Snaff lives = 3 Elder Dragons roaming the planet

Queen Jennah lives / Snaff dies = 4 Elder Dragons roaming the planet

From what I’ve read the Elder Dragons are out to eat all of the flesh, minds, and life of everything everywhere until there is nothing left to eat – then they take a nap for a few millennia. The 2nd option doesn’t seem like such a good idea in that perspective.

Also keep in mind that Queen Jennah knew they were going to be way out in the middle of the Crystal Desert. She probably didn’t know about Snaff’s hole in the pocket portable asura gate. So how was she expecting Logan to get to her?

Remember that Rytlock practically has to tackle Logan to keep him from running off. Logan is screaming lines such as “I have to go. I’ll come back” and “I can come back. I will!”
He never comes back.
Doesn’t even try. Doesn’t even send them a carrier pigeon asking how their epic battle for all life on the planet is going. He straps on his shiny new armor, pilfers his brother’s sword, and heads off to Divinity’s Reach for a cushy palace job.

Even worse when you think about the part where Glint tests everyone in Destiny’s Edge with the whole shared-mind-reading trick to make sure they can work together. They’re all like, “oh yeah we can totally work together.” And then Logan takes off after his royal booty call. Makes you wonder what Glint was thinking when she saw that.

But the worst part is how, in the final battle, after all of the human defends have been wiped out and they are down to using dungeon Charr for help, the Queen just comes out and mesmerizes the Branded away. Why didn’t she do this in the first place?

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -

(On a side note, you can really get an insight to why Rytlock gets ticked off and leaves Destiny’s Edge)
Logan: “Hey guys, the Queen is calling me so I’m leaving you all to your deaths.”
Rytlock: “What?”
Snaff: “Use this portable asura gate to leave us all.”
Rytlock: “What!?!?”
Eir: “Well, if you think it’s the right thing go ahead and take off”
Rytlock: WHAT!!!???
Caithe: “Oops, the Branded got passed me and are now eating Snaff”
Rytlock: WHAAAAAT!!!???

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Actually Logan did go back but he was obviously far too late by that point.

As for why the Queen didnt mesmer all the Branded at the begining, its implied that she gets stunned from looking into Kralkatorik’s mind. Either that or it took her alot of time to pull off the illusion she used.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Levetty.1279


As the old saying goes ‘Bros before hoes’

So I would go help my EbonVanguard bros out and leave that hoe, Rytlock.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Alzrius.5926


Had Logan not done what he did, one of the last human strongholds left would been Branded chow. He waskittenif he did,kittenif he didn’t.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Hailbel.8493


Whether Logan did it because of love, compulsion or because of duty, imo, is immaterial. He saved a critical political tactician who seems to be the tenuous thread that could bring all the races together to fight the elder dragons. If he hadn’t, she’d be dead, and yes, there would be one less elder dragon in the world. I mean, during the Cold War, would you sacrifice your President so that Russia would have one fewer nuke and then go “Oh, thank goodness, we can only be nuked 3 times instead of 4, that makes such a big difference! Too bad no other country will help us go get those other 3 though, since our President (who was the only reason countries were aligning with us) is dead now.”

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Porterhouse.6304


Whether Logan did it because of love, compulsion or because of duty, imo, is immaterial. He saved a critical political tactician who seems to be the tenuous thread that could bring all the races together to fight the elder dragons. If he hadn’t, she’d be dead, and yes, there would be one less elder dragon in the world. I mean, during the Cold War, would you sacrifice your President so that Russia would have one fewer nuke and then go "Oh, thank goodness, we can only be nuked 3 times instead of 4, that makes such a big difference! Too bad no other country will help us go get those other 3 though, since our President (who was the only reason countries were aligning with us) is dead now."

Are you sure that’s a good example? The USA had 8 different presidents during the Cold War, and 1 of them was even assassinated. The Cold War still ended without a dragon holocaust nuclear holocaust.

If you were comparing Queen Jennah to US presidents, it would be more accurate to say that if Harry S Truman was declared ’President for Life’ at the start of the cold war, and never died, we would have allied with the USSR and eventually removed every last nuclear missile from their country. That sounds kind of silly though.

A better comparison would be like saying that Queen Jennah’s recall of Logan Thackeray during the battle of Kralkatorrik is more akin to the Bay of Pigs invasion during the Cold War.

Hypothetical situation. If the acting president of the United States of America was trapped inside a nuclear missile as it was flying over the Atlantic Ocean on it’s way to New York, and the only two things in the compartment with him were a self-destruct button and a parachute, which would you want him to use?

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Whether Logan did it because of love, compulsion or because of duty, imo, is immaterial. He saved a critical political tactician who seems to be the tenuous thread that could bring all the races together to fight the elder dragons. If he hadn’t, she’d be dead, and yes, there would be one less elder dragon in the world. I mean, during the Cold War, would you sacrifice your President so that Russia would have one fewer nuke and then go “Oh, thank goodness, we can only be nuked 3 times instead of 4, that makes such a big difference! Too bad no other country will help us go get those other 3 though, since our President (who was the only reason countries were aligning with us) is dead now.”

Are you sure that’s a good example? The USA had 8 different presidents during the Cold War, and 1 of them was even assassinated. The Cold War still ended without a dragon holocaust nuclear holocaust.

If you were comparing Queen Jennah to US presidents, it would be more accurate to say that if Harry S Truman was declared ‘President for Life’ at the start of the cold war, and never died, we would have allied with the USSR and eventually removed every last nuclear missile from their country. That sounds kind of silly though.

A better comparison would be like saying that Queen Jennah’s recall of Logan Thackeray during the battle of Kralkatorrik is more akin to the Bay of Pigs invasion during the Cold War.

Hypothetical situation. If the acting president of the United States of America was trapped inside a nuclear missile as it was flying over the Atlantic Ocean on it’s way to New York, and the only two things in the compartment with him were a self-destruct button and a parachute, which would you want him to use?

If Jennah had died it would have been Caudicus who took control, he hates Charr and doesn’t care about the Dragons.