People always seem to worry about their poor English skills. So long as the meaning is clear, the rest really doesn’t matter. (But I should probably point out the apostrophe goes between the n and t [n’t], just so you know.)
As far as mounts go, I don’t think they’d ever be integrated in. For one thing, we don’t really need them with waypoints to teleport us all around the world. For another, the different races are built so differently that it’d be hard to make a standard mount for any one race, and making different mounts for each race seems against their principles.
Flying mounts, I think, are especially out due to all the jumping puzzles. If you can suddenly fly over the puzzle, it’s no longer makes a challenge. Also, the way the different map zones are laid out, they’d have to change how zone travel works. So really, there’s not much mounts can do that waypoints and running can’t already do.
This isn’t the right forum for this, but…
Between waypoints and zippy sigs and other speed boosts available to most classes, the only role for mounts would be vanity items, and given how much needs to go into building a mount system compared to other vanity objects (an armor set, for instance), I just can’t see it as being cost effective.
Plus, what would a charr even ride?
In Guild Wars 1, we also didn’t have any mounts except riding temporarily on creatures like the Siege Devourer. They’re not even focused in the lore and should stay that way in Guild Wars 2. Also they’re just not needed whatsoever.
Plus, what would a charr even ride?
The charr’s beast of burden seems to be the marmox, if I remember correctly. Norn, naturally, would right dolyaks. Humans would probably ride horses, not that I’ve seen many of those; maybe that’s part of why the centaurs are always warring with humans. Sylvari would probably just have a new plant creature grown, much like the fern hounds are. The asura, though… I can’t think of an appropriate creature for them. A skritt, maybe? (j/k don’t take my shinies, skritt!)
Charr don’t ride marmox’s. They’re like oxen for us – used to haul things.
A charr would only ride tanks.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
No one rides yaks either. Or moss hearts.
Most animals really hate being ridden. Even horses have to be trained specifically for it. And if they can be ridden without throwing the rider, many animals are very hard to direct, and will just run off in any direction they choose. And many animals are easily spooked and will just take off at full speed if they sense any danger. Not a good thing in a busy urban area.
On top of that, you need to find an animal that doesn’t need to spend all day grazing or hunting, preferably one that will tolerate dry food. Edit: it also helps if its diet doesn’t involve people.
(edited by Wanderer.3248)
Instead of individual mounts, why don’t we have group transport (i.e airships) which can alternate as Guild halls? The interior of group transport can be instance where fellow guild members can decorate the ride and have mini portals inside to access to guild storages.
…. of course, if there are to be mounts, I will want to have a chariot, pulled by quaggans * happily whippin’ away into sunset *
(edited by loneknight.8425)
Can I just say thank I’m all for mounts in any and all fantasy MMORPGs. But I doubt Arenanet/NC Soft would allow such change in gameplay.
My four human pc want Horses, my Norns would like Dolyaks, my Charrs say maybe Dolyaks -since horses are too skiny lmao……, my Asurans would like their Golems as mounts/companions and my Sylvari want horses too….
But as I and many have stated…. Mount? Not going to happen ppls……
Plus, what would a charr even ride?
Tanks. Tanks and Harleys.
I don’t see the benefit in having mounts ankitten ot really interested in having one.
GW2 Mounts don’t exist for copyright reasons. Moa mounts would be too simillar to FF14’s Chocobos. Dolyak mounts would be too simillar to the WoW’s Brewfest Ram mount.
It would be awesome to see mounts in GW2 (esp in WvW battles). Anet has to invent mounts that are unique to Tyria.