Nemesis in Living Story

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: histerico.6153


Forgive me if there is a thread on this already I didn’t find it. So I was thinking what if Lady Kasmeer is going to be the nemesis of the living story? So we know from the molten prisoners in the Black Citadel, that they were set up by a fast talking city woman. Since Kasmeer is a noble from Divinity’s Reach she should be plenty capable of convincing different groups to work together for their supposed benefit. Her appearance at Southsun could be to keep an eye on her next phase of her plan, or to throw us of her trail by looking like an innocent victim caught up in the vicious wildlife. Well that was my theory; sorry if it’s hard to follow. I’m not great at writing out my thoughts.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


It’s a possibility. What we do know of her strikes me as making her more likely to be on the side of good, though – I’m inclined to think she’s more likely to be the human equivalent of Rox and Braham. It is plausible that that’s just a very deep cover, though.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Kasmeer is my current bet, truth be told, though I’m hoping that it’s someone like Lazarus or the like. Someone more iconic than some persuasive noble from Divinity’s Reach that, despite being a noble, knows how to do physical work.

Besides, there’s one thing going against her being the nemesis: Flame Legion DESPISES both humans and female. Yet the nemesis convinced the Flame Legion to go to the dredge and then convinced the dredge to work with the Flame Legion’s proposal. She’d have to be one hell of a sweet talker to convince the Flame Legion to work with her ideas.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Erukk.1408


On the Lazarus front, she could possibly be a White Mantle member, and Lazarus’ puppet, if they go that route on her anyway…

Scott McGough did say we will be seeing more of her in future releases, on the SoS forums, so it could be possible. Though on the other hand, she has a bikini mini. That is a weird thing for the players to have of a highly manipulative, behind the curtain, nemesis.

Or an absolutely brilliant way to throw us off her trail….

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


I dont expect Kasmeer to end up the Nemesis. I think it is likely that her plot thread will tie into something in Kryta though.

She states that she works for a private investigator in DR and came here to meet clients. She also seems to want to hide that meeting, particularly from her established social circle. She finally doesnt see Faren as a threat.

This makes me believe she is involved in investigating something occuring in Kryta that either the ministry or a group tied to the nobility are potentially involved in. Faren, for anyone who has done the noble personal story is, at heart, a good guy. She did have the option to have him dragged off after all.

Alternatively, its possible that her investigations are tied to the Great Collapse and the mysterious murders going on in DR. We still have no idea of the cause behind either events. The Great Collapse used to be the Canthan District so it could tie into the Dragon Bash Festival. Patch wise this would also fit the introduction of the Pub Brawl.

On a side note, I’ll be curious if they explore Faren more or introduce any of the other PS characters such as Riot Alice. If it is related to the Great Collapse it would make alot of sense for Riot Alice to be involved since she is convinced there is a cover up related to it (her father died in the Collapse). Faren also is at one time in the noble personal story mentioned as having been part of the Ministry for a short time. Odd his best friend didnt know about this. We also dont know why he left.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


I’m with Lutinz, for a number of reasons:

First, Kasmeer vouches for Faren, approvingly, as someone who, unlike other nobles, “doesn’t judge people for circumstances beyond their control” – such as being not born a noble or being poor. It’s possible that it’s Kasmeer herself that is forced to work due to circumstances beyond her control, but it seems to be a reflection of both Faren and Kasmeer having more sympathy for common folk than most.

Second, if you listen to Kasmeer and Faren at the beach, they seem fairly friendly towards one another for all that Kasmeer puts on a front to others that she’d rather be rid of him. I suspect that the relationship between them is similar to the human noble PC and Faren – he’s a pest, but still a friend. It’s even possible that Kasmeer is tsundere for Faren.

Third, her occupation is one of private investigator. While there’s nothing saying such investigations can’t be villains, usually they’re the good guys in such things, at least when they’re presented as an actual character rather than a shadowy stalker.

There was a fourth, but I can’t recall it right now.

As I acknowledged previously, it’s certainly possible that all this is a veneer to throw us off the trail – but my gut feeling is that she’s unlikely to be the nemesis.

Incidentally, on the Flame Legion – we’ve seen before that there’s a distinct difference between the beliefs the Flame Legion publicly show, and those their leaders actually follow. We’ve seen Flame Legion come to an agreement with a human female before, and generally the Flame Legion have a history of doing whatever they think will give them an edge – so supposed ideology aside, it may actually be no harder for a human female to persuade the Flame Legion to do something than anyone else.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Thalador.4218


I must admit, at first I found Kasmeer highly suspicious of being the Personal Nemesis, but thinking things through and reading these well-grounded posts that confirmed my own thoughts, I’m pretty sure she is just being so mysterious because her investigation is a perillious one that may put her and people she knows to grave danger – maybe she acts so cold with Faren because she is afraid he would be harmed if they learn of their relationship.

One thing to consider: her status is champion, and if I recall it correctly, Rox and Braham have no golden ring around their avatars. However, it is also worth mentioning that it is an insufficient condition to prove that we will fight her, instead of fighting with her. After all, Destiny’s Edge and our dear Trahearne are legendaries – lol at the latter with his strikes that remove 1% of the foe’s health – while other human NPCs of great importance such as Countess Anise and Queen Jennah are also champions, yet it is unlikely we will ever battle them.

I’m really hoping the June/July/August content will take us back to Divinity’s Reach and Kryta. Lutinz idea of investigating the fiasco around the Great Collapse (maybe it was a White Mantle act of terrorism akin to Guy kitten-e-s’ (stupid filter >.<) plot to blow up the Parliament, but before they could get under the Ministry and the Palace they were foiled and most of the people were evacuated) started off my own brainstorm: delving into the depths of the crypts beneath Divinity’s Reach through Skull Plaza with Kasmeer to uncover the truth. The more I talk about her, the more I like her. Here’s hoping she will be the human to Rox’s and Braham’s forming “junior Destiny’s Edge.”

the mysterious murders going on in DR.


What did I miss out on? Or are you talking about that minister’s murder in the short story written by Ree? The one that introduces Commander Serentine, Chancellor… ahem, Legate Minister Caudecus, Countess Anise and the military organizations of the Krytan nation.

Scarlet’s Alliance Wars (a.k.a. “Guild Wars 2”)
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


There’s a location, in the Ossa District IIRC, where you come across a crime scene being investigated by the Seraph.

EDIT: It’s in the Ossa District below the Plaza of Grenth.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

(edited by draxynnic.3719)

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

That’s a bandit murder (that is, a bandit murdered someone), it seems, at the Spokes of Grenth (it’s technically still part of the Plaza of Grenth), which is Divinity’s Reach’s waterworks. I always suspected it had to do with the street rat storyline which has Two-Blade Pete poisoning the water supply there.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: histerico.6153


Wow, these are some great responses. I read a lot of mystery novels, so I’m suspicious of shady characters like Kasmeer. Although, if she isn’t likely to be the nemesis, as these posts have convinced me, are there any other people who seem likely to become the nemesis?

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Thalador.4218


Another thing: I think it was said that the Personal Nemesis is someone who is recognizable by the vast majority of the player base. A noble human girl who has just taken her first steps in the world – so to speak – is not such a person in my opinion.

Unless she has attained the required fame to be the PN by being Tyria’s very first bikini model. :P

Scarlet’s Alliance Wars (a.k.a. “Guild Wars 2”)
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


That’s a bandit murder (that is, a bandit murdered someone), it seems, at the Spokes of Grenth (it’s technically still part of the Plaza of Grenth), which is Divinity’s Reach’s waterworks. I always suspected it had to do with the street rat storyline which has Two-Blade Pete poisoning the water supply there.

It doesn’t. I’d always assumed it was just ambience – there is still crime happening in the city that the players aren’t involved in.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Mike Winters.6871

Mike Winters.6871

Just making a point about mesmers, Who says Kasmeer is even a female or a human? There are at least 2 times our characters have tricked by as Mesmer once to make us nearly wipeout a whole convoy on our own troops and another to sneek into fort trinity and steal the anti risen orb. Also Tybalt became a human female once for infiltrating and info gathering.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Thalador.4218


Really now, It would be really boring if they introduced another creature hiding behind a mesmer illusion…

Edit: Also, Faren has known Kasmeer forever (they kissed when they were eight). I doubt even the best mesmers could masquerade as her without Faren noticing (even the Orrian mesmer couldn’t act like Syska without her former squad noticing it).

Scarlet’s Alliance Wars (a.k.a. “Guild Wars 2”)
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.

(edited by Thalador.4218)

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Thalador.4218


Other interesting things:

- Apparently, Faren’s parents paid an extra fee so their son could call himself “the prize studen of Master Bongo” the One-Eyed. He doesn’t know about this, though, and when he asks Kasmeer about it she says she misspoke and meant training. They paid for the extra training so he could become as “formidable” as he is now. (I wonder if she knows this from the parents or because she’s a Whispers agent herself.)

- When Faren explains why he had to go incognito and asks her not to tell anyone, she promises not to, adding that she wouldn’t have him all to herself if one of Faren’s friends came to visit them.

- Faren mentions someone called Jory, and implies that this Jory and Kasmeer did some bodyguarding at some point (he turns the latter term into a flirt). Maybe the hard work the short story spoke of?

- Kasmeer is still working for this Jory, and she’s fact-finding for him.

Conclusion: She definitely has feelings for Faren and is unlikely to be the Nemesis. Seems like my theory is getting more and more likely.

Scarlet’s Alliance Wars (a.k.a. “Guild Wars 2”)
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.

(edited by Thalador.4218)

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Rym.1469


My personal idea is that Isgarren, the wizard from Garrenhoff and owner of Wizard’s Tower could be our nemesis. As you may remember, there’s one dialog in F&F I believe with dredge mentioning a “fast-talking man”, not lady. Another thing, we know that nobody who has ever visited W. Tower come back. In my opinion, he may be gathering people of Garrenhoff and refugees from Southsun for some reason, he’s probably powerful enough to be a creator of Molten Alliance and Consortium. As a result, we could tell that it’s possible that he’s a member of White Mantle, maybe a hidden Mursaat even. Just guessing

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Thalador.4218


A dev has confirmed that the Nemesis is a she, and the dredge prisoner never gave a gender to the “snake-nosed trickster.”

Scarlet’s Alliance Wars (a.k.a. “Guild Wars 2”)
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Hmm, well that throws out quite a few of the thoughts people have when it comes to the nemesis. Unless Lazarus or Issengarren becomes females (idk if we have any proof of their gender as is, being as Mursaat may not even have genders) we’ve got someone else to deal with.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Alex the Precise.3654

Alex the Precise.3654

I personally believe the nemesis to be Canach. He’s been kicked out of the Consortium and is currently messing with things on Southsun. Also, he is wearing the molten alliance gauntlets in his new wallpaper and screenshot.
1. He sends an exploratory crew to Southsun which provoked the Karka into attacking Lion’s Arch and got the consortium to open a resort there.
2. (This is speculation) He convinces Flame Legion and Dredge to join forces.
3. He receives advanced alliance tech from them.
4. They start a war which creates a lot of refugees.
5. Refugees are routed to Southsun where Canach’s plans began.
6. Now he’s provoking wildlife into attacking refugees and tourists.
I believe that Canach has the highest potential to become our nemesis. A sylvari mastermind whose plans have stretched since November and has a menacing British accent. That and his “I’m better than you” attitude he had even after we caught him in the Lost Shores.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I’d just like to remind Rym that the nemesis did not create the Consortium.

Anyways, something interesting about the preview for the next set of content – Last Stand at Southsun – is that Canach has Molten Gauntlets. So it seems the nemesis is behind his actions too; and his goal was to help the refugees in their plight against the Consortium by giving the Consortium more problems (apparently – not very well thought out if you ask me).

But anyways, as to the nemesis herself – while a dev did call the nemesis a female, it could be a red herring or the dev’s personal preference of pronoun use for unknown gender (some folks use feminine, most use masculine, some like me use plural). But presuming that it was an honest slip-of-the-tongue and the nemesis is a female, here’s my thoughts on the nemesis’ candidacy criteria:

  1. Female
  2. Should be recognizable to all or at least most players upon meeting
  3. She’s from a city, and is very persuasive
  4. Unlikely to be human given she convinced the Flame Legion into approaching the dredge
  5. Knows what the dredge lacked (magic), implying she had looked into the matter.
  6. Knows of The Lost Shores’ events and Canach’s involvement, given she made contact with him and pushed him into action (or so it seems).

In short: a well-informed female non-human that most players would know. My first thought on this is Faolain, as those who read Edge of Destiny would know, she’s very well informed. And she did flee after Twilight Arbor story mode. Problem is, she doesn’t really fit the “from the city” credential.

My second thought turns to Vilnia Shadowsong – anyone who’s done map completion in Snowden Drifts probably knows this most annoying skill challenge defender. She and her sylvari companion Noxia are never killed (Noxia stealths away while Vilnia turns into an illusion upon death), and are known to have traveled at least a little. A mesmer would also be fairly persuasive, and Noxia would likely have knowledge or access to the pollen that Cadach is using. Only thing is, she’s quite insane and doesn’t come off as a very “master puppeteer” individual. And again – from the city bears an issue.

Beyond this, except for pulling out (former) allies, I got nothing in mind. Unless the individual is brand new or Lazarus turns out to be a female mursaat with a very masculine name (if mursaat have genders).

@Alex the Precise: Problem with Canach – and I did instantly suspect him after seeing the gloves – is a few fold in your theorycrafting:

  1. Provoking the karka was 100% accidental.
  2. According to the site, his goal is to get the refugees evacuated from Southsun Cove. In other words, he’s misguidingly (to use the site’s terminology) trying to help the refugees.
  3. It sounds like we’ll be defeating him in the next content update. The personal nemesis is likely someone to stay for a while.
  4. He’s a dude, which counters with the dev’s comment – unless the nemesis isn’t specifically female, Canach is cut out… unless he’s a very masculine lady.
Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Rym.1469


Nick Minaj maybe? She’s a scary monster, most of players know her, she’s from city of Angelz and she’s not a human also. Who fits better? Logan maybe? He, in fact, could be a lady! Ok, now serious : i don’t think these ideas may have something in common, but…. First of, we have Livia. Most players of GW1 know her and we don’t reaply know what happened with her and Scepter of Orr. But she doesn’t really fit. My second option…even more unbelieveable : Kormir or someone who acts by her will? We all know she’s a god of secrets now but idk… I can’t find anyone who would fit in here, be known, be interesting and be a female. I had hope that we’ll meet Mursaats maybe ;/ Stupid feminism ^^

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Kormir’s the goddess of knowledge not secrets. They decided to make that change specifically to show that she is different in personality from Abaddon. She promotes the search for more knowledge whereas Abaddon kept the knowledge for himself, and perhaps his few followers. As for Livia, it seems highly unlikely that she’s alive, even with the Scepter of Orr at her control. Plus she didn’t have anything against Norn or Charr, her hatred was definitely for the White Mantle.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Mike Winters.6871

Mike Winters.6871

The Pale tree? Canach could easily have been pushed into doing anything that his dreams tell him to do or think that they mean. This doesn’t mean that the pale tree is evil it just doing it for what it believes is for the greater good.

Like glint getting you to do missions that almost kill you because she believable she is right and that everything will be ok in the end.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Rym.1469


Three things real man should do in Guild Wars : Create a Warband, get gear and chop down big, irritating tree. I like it. Asuras could be next in the queue, I’d totally love to earn “E.T. Bane” title

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


  1. Unlikely to be human given she convinced the Flame Legion into approaching the dredge

While I think Kasmeer will turn up being a good girl (she has traits for both being the nemesis and being part of the “young DE” with Rox and Braham but I’m inclined for this later option), this particular argument has a precedent to invalid it: Ghosts of Ascalon book sets a precedent of a human female convincing a Flame Legion member to be part of her plot (particularly promising to give them the Claw of the Kahn-Ur so the Flame Legion leads the Charr, to achieve her plan of a civil war weakning them as a race).

(edited by Lokheit.7943)

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Kormir’s the goddess of knowledge not secrets. They decided to make that change specifically to show that she is different in personality from Abaddon. She promotes the search for more knowledge whereas Abaddon kept the knowledge for himself, and perhaps his few followers.

In GW1, Kormir is referred to as the “Goddess of Secrets, Truth, and Knowledge.” And where did it ever say Abaddon kept the knowledge for himself? Before his fall he was referred to as the god of wisdom. He was only called – openly – the god of secrets when he was a secret.

While I think Kasmeer will turn up being a good girl (she has traits for both being the nemesis and being part of the “young DE” with Rox and Braham but I’m inclined for this later option), this particular argument has a precedent to invalid it: Ghosts of Ascalon book sets a precedent of a human female convincing a Flame Legion member to be part of her plot (particularly promising to give them the Claw of the Kahn-Ur so the Flame Legion leads the Charr, to achieve her plan of a civil war weakning them as a race).

There’s a huge difference, however. Riona cornered a Flame Legion member and made a deal with a no-body – and that deal was really just “I’m going to give something you’d want and you don’t have to give me anything.” But you can bet, given Canach using those gauntlets, that the nemesis got something out of it.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Riptide.3012


Maybe I’m just crazy, but when I look at the concept art of Canach I see an shape of a person(sylvari I assume as it is green). It’s towards the right and seems a little out of place, especially near the bottom where it is very different from the plants. Something else that I noticed is that Canach seems to be looking right at it.

Nemesis in Living Story

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I think I see what you mean, but it looks more like it’s just an optical illusion, as it only seems to make sensible shape on the wallpaper and not the header at the top of the page.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.