25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
I came to this post in the ‘living story’ section of the forum, after completion and consideration I think it might interest people here a lot too. Basically to prove that the Dragons can NOT be linked to the Gods !! … the other way around however ?
f.e. Not truly intended as being the right breakdown from the get go, but still ‘my thought’. Hopefully people can expand on it.
Left side of the ‘whatyamacallit’ ‘all dragons seem to create their minions’
Bubbles: Dragon of Water, and ??? ‘creates’
-> Lyssa / Abaddon: God of Water
Mordremoth: Dragon of Plants (‘nature’), and ??? ‘creates’
-> Melandru: God of Nature
Primordus: Dragon of Fire and Earth ‘creates’
-> Baltazar: God of Fire
-> Melandru: God of Earth.
Right side of the ‘whatyamacallit’ ‘all dragons seem to corrupt already living things’
Kralkatorrik: Dragon of Crystal (I find this one the hardest to describe). ‘corrupts’
-> Lyssa: God of Illusions or that of Beauty? -> ‘energy storage’
-> Dwayna: God of Air.
Zhaitan: Dragon of Un-dead (and possibly of dead-dead) ‘corrupts’
-> Grenth: God of the not so dead, aka. Un-dead
-> Dhuum: God of the Dead (void)
Jormag: Dragon of Ice (and ???) ‘corrupts’
-> Grenth: God of Ice
add! I have tried to backfill this by looking at the Gods and their profession patronages to see if they make sense for certain dragons. Well that only made sense to add ‘Energy storage’ to Lyssa where it concerns kralkatorrik, seeing that crystals are renounced for their storage…
What do I ‘sort off’ mis?
– ‘Shadows’ – God Menzies -> Dragon ?
– Illusions – God Lyssa -> Dragon ???
– Protection & Smiting – God Baltazar -> Dragon ?!?
– Divine Favor & Healing – God Dwayna -> Dragon ?
What might be a more general ‘quality’:
- God of Life – Dwayna -> Creating Dragons
- God of Undead – Grenth/Dhuum(?) -> Corrupting Dragons
What of the white orb ??
Seeing I miss some things, what if the white orb represents this:
White orb (Tyria?): Protection, Healing, Devine Favor.
-> Dwayna: Patron of Healing & Devine Favor.
-> Balthazar: Patron of Protection monks
add I have not played and extensively viewed all the GW2 professions, and their ‘power descriptions’ so I leave them out for someone else… I will post a next post to give some of my backing thoughts on how I got to this…
(edited by Arghore.8340)
Some of this may not make sense, as it is a reaction, but as you read through it the mechanics of how I came to the above breakdown should make sense. If you have questions or want clarification plz do ask
So I’m going to have to agree largely with CaptainVanguard here, in regards to the amount of Gods. And yes, Menzies belongs there too, be it that he is a lesser (known) god, but he still manages to live on as long as the others, and is able to amass an army (of shadows) to fight Baltazar. What other being than a god would be capable of that…
I do not agree with CptVanguard, where it concerns the amount of Gods. If one god replaces another, than by all means it represents the same ‘God power’. So in that sense I agree with PopeUrban, YET, I am going to have to disagree with the amount of ‘god powers’ there are, as can be seen throughout the history of the gods, these powers can split up. I think this may be what happened in the case of Menzies and Baltazar, they both went in for the grab, and they both got a piece of ‘the Action’.
Same goes with Kormir, she only usurps the ‘Secret part of Abaddon’, the Water part, well that is somewhat shoved under the carpet, and eventually ended up with Lyss and Ilsa mainly due to their importance to Vabbi. When this happened though is entirely unclear, but seeing Kormir didn’t get it, where it went was then ‘corrected’ after the fact…
So why do we only see 6 orbs, because that is the current natural order of magic on Tyria, as you look at that vision you can clearly see that there are ‘breakdown – levels’ signified in the whole mechanism. Which clarifies why (in the natural order after the dragons, or at least when ‘the Human Gods’ existed), there were other possible breakdowns of these ‘plains/domains of magic’. And thus, ‘no’ PopeUrban, you can pray to the Human gods all you want, they are gone-gone, and no longer answer any human prayers.
And it’s mostly this ‘breakdown’ during God-times, and the Natural order of Magic on Tyria during the times that the Dragons roam, that makes it impossible to link all the Dragons directly to the Gods. The other way around though?
I think then it is in EotN that the Facets of the Gods appear as Dragons, which makes this even more complicated. Because yes, it still implies that the ‘God powers’ are still related to the ‘Dragon Powers’. But we can not see if f/e if when you slay the Aspect of Grenth, you slay a ‘facet’ that is related to the God of Ice (being a Jormag power) or the God of ‘The underworld’ (death/undeath , being more of a Zhaitan power). If you catch my gist here…
What the facets of the Gods, appearing as Dragons, seems to indicate more, is that the gods are no longer present, instead of appealing to the friendly gods, you are confronted with hostile dragons. In the end the riddle then basically tells us: be wary, in a not to far in the future time you will confront these!
(edited by Arghore.8340)
Can someone link that dead horse gif please?
No. Just no. There are millions of threads that will tell you why. Go look for them. You’ll find 100 of them in the first 10 pages
The colours mean nothing. The colours associated with the gods were decided by their human worshipers.
The facets appearing as dragons are a result of re-used skins something that was very common in EotN. Heck, we saw mursaat architecture in the Cathedral of Flames. Re-used skins. Learn about them. Anet is lazy. You should know this by now.
You already stated that your ideas were not correct. No one wants to hear about things that are wrong or illogical.
Gods are not related to Dragons. Why?
Dragons have been here for thousands of years (if not longer) before the gods even stepped foot on Tyria.
Balthazar has a half brother Menzies. So does mean dragons have half brothers too? You say they both got a piece of the action. Does that mean if one got all of it, the other ain’t a god anymore? Does that mean Balthazar is only half god right now? Will that mean Primordus is only half dragon? Maybe that explains why he’s so small compared to the rest.
Dwayna procreated with a human to make another god. Does that mean dragons can do it too?
Dragons can do things the gods can’t and vice versa.
Everything you are saying is just stuff coming out of no where with no proof or any logical explanation behind them. “There are 6 orbs because that is the current natural order of magic in Tyria”….. yea….. source plz………..
If you went to highschool/college (heck, elementary school teaches you this) you’ll know that if a=b then b=a because………… do I really have to explain this?
If a=/=b then b=/=a as they are just the reverse of the exact same thing
By your logic. a=/=b but b=a (where a=dragons and b=gods). Such mathematical conundrums! Now go solve the p=np problem for us!
So when things (read again: things with an s) don’t fit our theory, our best course of action is to make kitten up? “Oh I thought I should make Lyssa the god of energy storage because everyone needs storage!”
Last I heard, crystals are a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.
Coal is an example of something that stores energy. Does that mean Kralkatorrik is also the Elder Coal Dragon?
Should I end my nonsensical ramble now?
Should I end my nonsensical ramble now?
Yes plz, maybe you want to read the 1st post again, then most of what you started to ramble (while possibly foaming at the mouth a bit as you saw: dragon & gods, together in one title) makes no sense in relation to what this thread is about…
Like, I already said in Bold, that this doesn’t link the Dragons to the Gods (aka. they are not the same thing), then in the text below I explained how the God powers are divided up as history goes, this I then may be relayed to the breakdown levels that can be see in the ‘whatyamacallit’. I said that a one on one power of the Dragons to one of the Gods doesn’t make sense…
But! while the powers in the time of the Gods were scattered in different entities. It’s fairly clear that there are (atleast) 6 dragons. This ‘suggestion’ then assumes that the aspects of the Gods are transferred (combined or split up) into the various Dragons.
It’s NOT saying that the dragons or the gods are the exact same thing. And while not mentioned specifically (as I assumed people would be able to understand this by reading between the lines) it basically says: The Gods are made up of blocks (like lego) of various aspects of various forms of magic -> The Dragons are made up of these same blocks, BUT! the configuration of the blocks is entirely different.
So I was trying (by using the break down of the Gods from GW1) to then analyse the (for as far as) known powers of the Dragons, to find out which ‘blocks’ went where…
(edited by Arghore.8340)
Can someone link that dead horse gif please?
this one?
Linking this thread as further hints to the breakdown of magic during the time of dragons. Mainly where the ‘Shadow Magic’ part, which seemingly didn’t have a spot in the breakdown in the OP, might have gone to:
The following thread is linked here so I don’t have to go and ‘refind’ it the next time I want to dive into a further analysis of the dragons: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/livingworld/lwd/The-Eternal-Alchemy-The-Orbs-Theory/first#content
(edited by Arghore.8340)
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