Player related Lore

Player related Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Adornay.6591


It was 1089AE, Pet Ado Il had seen the signs, he knew there was going to be some action so he needed to get his hair straightened.
He’d heard of a budding new invention created by some Asuran named “Pleb” that lived deep in Alcazia Tangle, it was called the “hair blower”.
Pet Ado Il commissioned Pleb to build a walk in blower, the first model was hard work and needed to be wound up often.
The second model tapped directly into Ado’s vampiric powers and converted this energy into fuel for the “Body Blower”.
It worked well for awhile until a mug of dwarven ale fell over and leaked into the machine, it malfunctioned with drastic effects.
Ado was trapped inside it and he wasn’t feeling well, he’d caught the moa flu (bird strain of the canthan plague), the locals tried to help they even called for Pleb to come and fulfill his “War and Tea” policy, but even “Pleb” couldn’t disable the contraption.

In 1090AE the Charr took Ascalon and to their surprise found the indestructible “Body Blower” that was still feeding away on Pet Ado Il’s powers. Not quite knowing what to do with it, they decided to claim it as a Trophy of their victory over the Humans and placed it for all to see.
In the meantime Pet Ado Il was still sat inside watching the world around him, helplessly he hammered on the glass at all the blood wasted from humans dying defending Ascalon.
The years past, the young charr taunted and teased him, threw dung at his cage.
As the years past the “Body Blower” took it’s toll on Ado, sucking away at his vampiric force, the sound of the fans was slowly driving him insane.
Still ill from the moa flu which had also been trapped inside with him.

In 1113AE the Charr transported Pet Ado Il to their new capital, The Black Citadel, he was put on display until 1115AE when Pet Ado Il managed to offend the Charr by dancing naked and scrawling obscenities on the shielding.
The order was given to throw the “Cry Oh” machine (name given by the charr) into the Regent Valley lake, but the container floated so they paid for him to be disposed of at sea far far away. They placed the broken pieces of horn in his stead.

It was 1219 when the earthquakes came and Ado once again saw the sky above, later the same year he was found by a group of corsairs. A combination of the earthquake and Ado’s dwaining vampiric force allowed them to breach the chamber for a few seconds to release him, but it was too late, Ado was insane.
He ranted and raved about a Dragon but they did not listen, so he ate them, he’d lived so long with the Moa Flu that it had mutated and so had he, he’d replenished his vampiric strength and the plague had started spreading, the locals had no immunity against it. Settlements died and arose as undead, it spread through the villages.
He’d not seen this happen since the time he’d bitten that Joko fellow and boy did that turn out to be a mistake.
A young corsair eventually managed to trap Pet Ado Il back in the “AFK” machine (name given by corsairs) by telling him that his hair was out of place.
As soon as Pet entered the chamber his vampiric force re-strengthened the shield.

He watched as Zhaitan took control of all the people he’d infected with the plague, he could take it no more, he tried to cut out his own eyes.
Zhaitan saw the dangerous potential of both the chamber and its contents, he picked it up in his great talons and dropped it into the Straits of Malchor never to be seen again.

Twenty Five years ago I found a Journal deep in the chasms of Rata Sum belonging to a late “Pleb” describing his capture of one of the oldest Liches in the world. Not being one for history the journal was placed on a shelf and forgotten.

Five years ago Kralkatorrik awakened and the world now faces a new threat, a Krewe was put together to locate this liche called Pet Ado Il to see if we can find a cure for this plague he spread and interrogate him for further information.

In 1321 I found him, his skin decayed yet he still sat there playing with a ball of snot. Pleb had included a way to switch the machine off but it was estimated there was a 76% chance that Pet Ado Il would lose a lot of his liche powers, specifically his vampiric force.

I have spent the last four years putting him through rehab, we’ve been trying to bring his mind back into the present. His dialect is ancient and it is hard to decipher his gibberish. He hides in the dark and has taken a liking to a couple of my old daggers.
So far he hasn’t killed anybody which is a good sign and seemed to be taking to his rehab pretty well.

That was until this morning when I awoke to find he had gone, he’d left a message on the table.

“Off to kill some dragons”.

If you see him around please avoid him at all costs and inform the authorities.

(edited by Adornay.6591)