Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: ScarecrowHD.4120


’’And asketh she, “Where is the god to whom I may give my undying devotion? Where is the god to whom I may beg revenge against those who scorn me?”

And rumbled then the earth from far below, and with a terrible groan, split open. The ground grew white with frost and ice, and from forth the frozen earth spilled the rotted, skeletal minions of Grenth.

Appeared then the god, and with bony hands outstretched, welcomed the girl into His fold. Saith he, “I am your god. Follow where I lead, come whence I call, and the rotted corpses of the dead will be yours to control.” And swearing allegiance in life and beyond,’’

Okay this can be ended very quickly by the comment ‘’The name dosent matter’’

But i took it into tought and it keeps me up at night. so from what i can gather Necromancy isnt a magic practised its an ability given to people by grenth. okay thats cool

Now in the ps we meet the 7th reaper of grenth and before that we see the past of the Mouth of grenth??? i think or mabye he was just a preist i cant exactly remmber but he says that there were humans who fought beside grenth and grenth took them on as his enforcers or right hand or whatever you wanna call them these cool dudes gets the name of the seven reapers of grenth and since it hasent been explained how you get your New spec it has drawn on me you wouldnt be able to go from what the necromancers were first to becoming one of the reapers since grenth left with the others and wouldnt be able to give you the ability to become one of his reapers. so anyone have any toughts on this? please share this is buggin me plenty but as i said it could all just be ended by its just a name.

Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Necromancy isnt a magic practised its an ability given to people by grenth. okay thats cool

All magic is practiced. Otherwise there’d be no charr necromancers.

Humans attribute some professions to certain gods – which are the professions’ patron god, but the connection is not absolute.

Necromancy existed before Grenth was a god, he just gave his own take on it to Desmina.

Now in the ps we meet the 7th reaper of grenth and before that we see the past of the Mouth of grenth???

There’s no Mouth of Grenth. You might be thinking of the Mouth of Zhaitan and the Keeper of the Shrine (a priest for Grenth’s cathedral in Orr) and mixing them up.

since it hasent been explained how you get your New spec it has drawn on me you wouldnt be able to go from what the necromancers were first to becoming one of the reapers since grenth left with the others and wouldnt be able to give you the ability to become one of his reapers. so anyone have any toughts on this? please share this is buggin me plenty but as i said it could all just be ended by its just a name.

It’s just the same word to name different things. Like the druids – they were a group of humans who sacrificed their flesh to become one with nature, but it’s the name of an elite specialization.

Being a Reaper elite specialization is not becoming one of the Seven Reapers. The Seven Reapers are powerful souls tasked with overseeing the Underworld. The Reaper elite specialization is just a more physical-based take on the necromancer profession.

Unfortunately, there’s not much lore on any of the elite specializations. The one with the most lore is Scrapper – the rest are pretty much loreless, except for some name ties. And Scrapper is the only elite specialization who’s name actually holds a connection with another thing of the same name (Scrappers are a low, often punishment duty, position in charr society – the elite specialization began when said charr society scrappers decided to become useful in fighting).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: ScarecrowHD.4120


Necromancy isnt a magic practised its an ability given to people by grenth. okay thats cool

All magic is practiced. Otherwise there’d be no charr necromancers.

Humans attribute some professions to certain gods – which are the professions’ patron god, but the connection is not absolute.

Necromancy existed before Grenth was a god, he just gave his own take on it to Desmina.

Now in the ps we meet the 7th reaper of grenth and before that we see the past of the Mouth of grenth???

There’s no Mouth of Grenth. You might be thinking of the Mouth of Zhaitan and the Keeper of the Shrine (a priest for Grenth’s cathedral in Orr) and mixing them up.

since it hasent been explained how you get your New spec it has drawn on me you wouldnt be able to go from what the necromancers were first to becoming one of the reapers since grenth left with the others and wouldnt be able to give you the ability to become one of his reapers. so anyone have any toughts on this? please share this is buggin me plenty but as i said it could all just be ended by its just a name.

It’s just the same word to name different things. Like the druids – they were a group of humans who sacrificed their flesh to become one with nature, but it’s the name of an elite specialization.

Being a Reaper elite specialization is not becoming one of the Seven Reapers. The Seven Reapers are powerful souls tasked with overseeing the Underworld. The Reaper elite specialization is just a more physical-based take on the necromancer profession.

Unfortunately, there’s not much lore on any of the elite specializations. The one with the most lore is Scrapper – the rest are pretty much loreless, except for some name ties. And Scrapper is the only elite specialization who’s name actually holds a connection with another thing of the same name (Scrappers are a low, often punishment duty, position in charr society – the elite specialization began when said charr society scrappers decided to become useful in fighting).

Yea i did mix em up thank you :P and i dindt know that i just tought evry god was the same one for the diffrent species like chars grenth is still grenth just pictured as a charr?

and yea i really hope the expand on the elite lore i would love to see just some effort being put in to that your toon gets all these new powers and abilities

Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Charr don’t worship gods anymore – and when they did, they worshiped beings called titans. Only humans, Forgotten, and certain dwarves worshiped the Six Gods (and for dwarves, they only worshiped Grenth and Dwayna – but most worshiped their own god: the Great Dwarf). Most species have their own religions.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


Unfortunately, there’s not much lore on any of the elite specializations. The one with the most lore is Scrapper – the rest are pretty much loreless, except for some name ties. And Scrapper is the only elite specialization who’s name actually holds a connection with another thing of the same name (Scrappers are a low, often punishment duty, position in charr society – the elite specialization began when said charr society scrappers decided to become useful in fighting).

Even that example is a very loose association. A “scrapper” in Charr society has nothing really to do with the Engineer class, other than the simple fact that the Engineer class originated from the Charr, and that some Charr are Engineers. Presumably there is no more connection between scrappers and Engineers as there are between scrappers and Warriors/Necromancers/Rangers or any other class.

In fact one might be able to argue that the human “druids” that gave away their flesh have more to do with the “Druid” specialization than the Charr societal term of “scrapper” has to do with the “Scrapper” specialization, as at least the old “druids” had similar nature/Melandru themes as Rangers… and the “Reaper” specialization also has the connection of “cold” as do Grenth’s Reapers.

Anet just likes reusing certain words, which can cause confusion (another example would be Berserker specialization and the berserker stat distribution). I’d argue that these specialization names should just be regarded as arbitrary names that don’t necessarily have any lore implications.

Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Actually, we were told directly that the Scrapper specialisation basically came from scrappers that took pride in their work, came up with a few new inventions from putting together junk that regular engineers had missed, and started using that as evidence that they shouldn’t be considered the lowest of the low. It’s probably true that not every scrapper is a Scrapper and that not every Scrapper is a scrapper, but it is true that the very first Scrappers were scrappers (try saying that three times fast). Which means that the Scrapper is arguably the only elite specialisation we currently have an origin story for.

Admittedly, I don’t really see myself the connection between junk salvage on the one hand and electrified hammers and drones on the other, but the connection is canon.

Charr don’t worship gods anymore – and when they did, they worshiped beings called titans. Only humans, Forgotten, and certain dwarves worshiped the Six Gods (and for dwarves, they only worshiped Grenth and Dwayna – but most worshiped their own god: the Great Dwarf). Most species have their own religions.

The naga also had bosses with names suggesting they were connected to one of the gods – however, they were another race that was largely friendly with humans until the Jade Wind.

Another complication is that there are indications that some of the other gods of the lesser races (Mellagan in particular) are essentially worshiping one or more of the Five under a different name and with a different focus. Of course, they claim otherwise and that their deities are entirely separate, so it remains up in the air which is the truth.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

(edited by draxynnic.3719)

Reapers dosen't make sence to me. [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

There’s also a few centaurs that at least worked for Balthazar post-mortem, though the major of their modern faith is based on the earth (or battle) itself now.

I avoided mentioning them because it’s literally a handful (one naga, one centaur + a later-added series of generic centaurs the number of which is unquantifiable).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.