[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


Anyone else see a lore trend here that any one who wields Caladbolg is destined to die?




now the Pact Commander has Caladbolg.

Though it would be interesting if we have a Story mission in the mist that has our character’s past actions questioned before we obviously come back to life. Such as how the Pact commander just went on adventures while leaving the Pact to handle the Elder Dragon’s minions.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


It’s a good thing then that my Caladbolg is rotting in the bank. Maybe that’s a bad sign for the bankers? I think the sword is broken though so maybe its curse is broken until someone makes the mistake of fixing it. I’m already blaming the Bookahs in advance.

(edited by Boysenberry.1869)

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: BuddhaKeks.4857


It’s a good thing then that my Caladbolg is rotting in the bank. Maybe that’s a bad sign for Evon Gnashblade?

The bank has nothing to do with Evon Gnashblade’s Black Lion Trading Company, the company behind the banks is the Arch Exchange founded by a former member of GW1’s banking company, the Xunlai Guild.

Trivia of the week.

You don’t win friends with salad! Sorry I just got caught up in the rhythm.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Nahh, Caladbolg is broken, so thus is the curse. The problem is if we get it reforged, THEN we may be in trouble.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Though it would be interesting if we have a Story mission in the mist that has our character’s past actions questioned before we obviously come back to life. Such as how the Pact commander just went on adventures while leaving the Pact to handle the Elder Dragon’s minions.

You mean like when the Pact was actively rebuilding and in a planning phase, and thus the vanguard style hero wasn’t needed yet as there was NO ACTIVE campaigns against the dragons underway? Thus said hero was given a vacation of sorts, and once the Pact started working against Mordremoth, said hero reclaimed the title of “commander”?


[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Argon.1563


Considering we did all the fighting on behalf of Trehearne, while he was photosynthesising in the background, we didn’t realize Caladbolg was in fact made of cardboard. This was only discovered when the player character stabs Trehearne in the chest with it, somehow making his head explode, along with the blade.

The first time Caladbolg is ever used, and it breaks. Certainly not reforging that. Im safe from the curse.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Caladbolg was broken before the PC picks it up in Hearts and Minds. In fact, it’s object name in that instance is “Shattered Caladbolg”. Though why Shattered Caladbolg is a greatsword while Broken Caladbolg is a sword is questionable. They look the same… But the sword is just all around smaller.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Tebasil.4961


But, Waine didn’t die if you choosed the Order of Whispers plan.
I can see where you’re getting from, but if Waine’s death solely depends on the players decision, then I don’t think it’s that solid.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

But, Waine didn’t die if you choosed the Order of Whispers plan.
I can see where you’re getting from, but if Waine’s death solely depends on the players decision, then I don’t think it’s that solid.

You don’t kill Waine personally on that path, but he still dies. You can see his corpse next to the sword, and the Seraph you bribe is very distraught over it.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: paintpixie.7398


I’ve actually thought that would be a cool plot twist, having the PC die.
But I don’t think others would find it as interesting as me, and I don’t think it would work very well in the end. Although if they could make it work somehow, I think that would be great, personally.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Daharahj.1325


You forget that sylvari PCs already wielded Caladbolg before, it’s not given to you, but you do carry it around for a while.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


I’ve actually thought that would be a cool plot twist, having the PC die.
But I don’t think others would find it as interesting as me, and I don’t think it would work very well in the end. Although if they could make it work somehow, I think that would be great, personally.

depends on how long the PC is dead. If the commander does die next and comes back from the mist after that part of the story mission i would say 1 or 2 years would feel long enough for s*** to go down in tyria while not being long enough for the landscape to drastically change.

And when I mean s*** to go down I mean issues between the races to finally go full blown must resolve or else we will lose type of issue. As of now in the story the Race’s issues are on hold since season 2 focused on us giving the Races more time so they can put support into the Pact against Mordremoth but they are not resolved and the Pact has lost even more members due to the massive assault on Mordremoth since they put most of their best in assaulting Mordremoth as we see when exploring the Maguuma Jungle meeting a lot of the Pact’s skilled members that the Commander recuited back in Zhaitan Arc.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Issues between the races? What do you mean?

The ONLY two races with ‘issues’ (talking major races purely) are Charr and Humans, and they are well on their way to a peace treaty, if that’s not already been mostly formalized!

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Issues between the races? What do you mean?

The ONLY two races with ‘issues’ (talking major races purely) are Charr and Humans, and they are well on their way to a peace treaty, if that’s not already been mostly formalized!

There’s supposed to be minor hostility between asura and sylvari due to what was delved into in S2 (asura experimented on sylvari in pretty large numbers during the beginning of the sylvari’s time in Tyria), and not to mention any further anti-sylvari conflicts spurned by Scarlet (as we see all over LA) and the truth of their origins being revealed.

I’d be highly disappointed if S3 doesn’t go into the aftermath of the sylvari reveal in a political sense. At least as the opener of the season.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Eh, Sylvari – Asura isn’t as big as Charr -humans was.

Scarlet’s actions really only caused anti-Sylvari feelings within Lion’s Arch itself, and I’d be disappointed if Anet suddenly has everybody and their grandmother know about the true origins of Sylvari without any build up. The first REAL wave of news about that after all would include the Pact soldiers explicitly told by Laranthir/Commander to spread the word that “Not all Sylvari are evil/belong to the dragon!”

However, I’d imagine the military and government heads would learn the news (BOTH SIDES) first from said wounded being evacuated from the jungle. I’d agree to interest in that side of things as long as it’s not pure “SYLVARI ARE EVILS! HATE!”. If the commander is involved, the aspect of “Mordremoth is DEAD” should be brought up.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


Issues between the races? What do you mean?

The ONLY two races with ‘issues’ (talking major races purely) are Charr and Humans, and they are well on their way to a peace treaty, if that’s not already been mostly formalized!

The issues for each races have not been resolved and are just on hold. We have…

-Ministry vs the Throne (With the ministry still using the Bandits and sabotaging the Seraph)
-Struggle to keep the Human and Charr peace together
-Ascalonian ghost still plague the Charrs and certain amount of Charr still think it is pointless to put effort against the Elder Dragons becuase they don’t see them as a threat.
-Majority of the Asura Council still believe they are safe from the Elder Dragons and still attempt to hide any information from the Asuran Public.
-Sylvari are now revealed to be Elder Dragon minions which the public will most likely not take well to eventhough Mordy is dead because now this may lead to question all Sylvari’s actions.
-Norn are still suffering from Son of Svanir raids which all we did in Season 2 was slow them down so the Norn can provide some small Norn force into the Pact.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


The issues for each races have not been resolved and are just on hold. We have…
-Ministry vs the Throne (With the ministry still using the Bandits and sabotaging the Seraph)

You mean Caudecus, and how that has mostly been resolved or sidelined with him living with Jennah? That by itself isn’t nearly as major as it was. Early human storylines also deal with reducing that.

-Struggle to keep the Human and Charr peace together

What struggle? The peace treaty has been moving forward, the cease fire officially signed. That struggle is more of “Putting down the seperatists and the renegades.” Which, in the personal story vigil arc, you kill off the main leadership of the renegades.

-Ascalonian ghost still plague the Charrs and certain amount of Charr still think it is pointless to put effort against the Elder Dragons becuase they don’t see them as a threat.

A: The ghosts have plagued the charr for a long time. Infact, with Rytlock ending the ghost ‘spawns’ around Barriden’s estate, that actually reduces the threat to the black citadel.
B: Where does that second part come from? I know some humans in Shaemoor have dialogue like “I think that dragon stuff is a rumor”, but the charr have the brand going through Ascalon.

-Majority of the Asura Council still believe they are safe from the Elder Dragons and still attempt to hide any information from the Asuran Public.

The Arcane council has always been a collection of stubborn old kittens. I’ve not done the personal story for Asura yet, but Asura are being status quo, not really an issue with other races.

-Sylvari are now revealed to be Elder Dragon minions which the public will most likely not take well to eventhough Mordy is dead because now this may lead to question all Sylvari’s actions.

And the general public won’t know that kitten until later. Spread of information takes times, and the first waves of wounded from the jungle with ACTUAL news are ALSO the waves that know and were told to spread the information that some Sylvari are fine. Given length of HoT campaign (short), the death of the dragon may have happened before the news truly spread.

-Norn are still suffering from Son of Svanir raids which all we did in Season 2 was slow them down so the Norn can provide some small Norn force into the Pact.

That’s been happened for a long, long time. That threat varies in how dire it is, and Norn don’t really have armies, they just convinced some to head over since the one Svanir stronghold was cleared.

All of these are issues within a specific race, and some are dealt with. Only one you said actually involves issues “between races”.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

Eh, Sylvari – Asura isn’t as big as Charr -humans was.

Scarlet’s actions really only caused anti-Sylvari feelings within Lion’s Arch itself, and I’d be disappointed if Anet suddenly has everybody and their grandmother know about the true origins of Sylvari without any build up. The first REAL wave of news about that after all would include the Pact soldiers explicitly told by Laranthir/Commander to spread the word that “Not all Sylvari are evil/belong to the dragon!”

I think they’ve already jumped to the everyone knows aspect. When we first reach the scene, in that Silverwastes intro instance, before you’ve even left that first fort, random Pact members are shooting out “You’re also a dragon minion. Reports say all sylvari are.” If they’re holding that it’d already gotten that far and that accepted in less time than it took the commander to trek out to the cave and back, at that rate it’ll easily be all over Tyria by the time Mordremoth falls. I don’t like it, but I also don’t think ANet’s displayed any interest in disputed information as a story device.

The issues for each races have not been resolved and are just on hold. We have…

-Ministry vs the Throne (With the ministry still using the Bandits and sabotaging the Seraph)
-Struggle to keep the Human and Charr peace together
-Ascalonian ghost still plague the Charrs and certain amount of Charr still think it is pointless to put effort against the Elder Dragons becuase they don’t see them as a threat.
-Majority of the Asura Council still believe they are safe from the Elder Dragons and still attempt to hide any information from the Asuran Public.
-Sylvari are now revealed to be Elder Dragon minions which the public will most likely not take well to eventhough Mordy is dead because now this may lead to question all Sylvari’s actions.
-Norn are still suffering from Son of Svanir raids which all we did in Season 2 was slow them down so the Norn can provide some small Norn force into the Pact.

Running down this list one by one, with an eye to whether the Commander’s absence would make any difference:
-Still a conflict here, but two major factors are in the way. First, it’s largely been dampened down. What we’re seeing here in terms of actual threat is the Ministry enabling two proxies, with a single mastermind seeming to orchestrate much of the exchange. That mastermind is now under surveillance, and one of the proxies is pretty well contained. The bandits are still a force to be reckoned with, but if anything major happened at this point, it’d almost have to be them acting on their own. The second is that this is already a conflict we haven’t touched in three years. Why would another couple make a difference?
- This I think we can fully discount. There is no struggle there. All involved authorities are entirely on board, and the player has had practically no involvement with the peace talks. There’s room for the Blood Legion leadership to throw a pretty major spanner in the works, but it’d be hard to accommodate that outside an expansion, and our presence wouldn’t be able to prevent it.
-This is still legitimate. What we saw of the ritual only worked on a localized scale, and there’s no reason to believe Rytlock improved on it while he was gone. Add in the disaster over the jungle and Smodur might withdraw his support from the anti-dragon effort. Our absence, in this case, would deprive the Pact of the only major advocate they have outside the orders, so we might have to court him back around. I’m just not sure a time skip would make any difference to that story.
-Still legitimate, but our character has already proved unable to make a dent in that particular mess.
-This’d probably be the best pick. As the one who defeated Mordremoth, the highest-ranked survivor of the world’s largest multi-race force, and possibly a sylvari ourselves, our word will stand to hold a huge amount of sway on this issue. Without us tamping down public outcry and suspicion, we may yet get what we saw in that first teaser trailer.
-It’s hard to say how much that matters. Season 2 referred to something along the line of increased activity, but only routed us through a pre-existing meta. In any event, though, the Sons don’t seem to have leaders any more than the regular norn (that is to say, no one enemy would lead more than a small party), so our ability to defang them is going to be very limited until we take out Jormag. Our presence or absence won’t matter beyond the outcome of individual confrontations.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I think they’ve already jumped to the everyone knows aspect. When we first reach the scene, in that Silverwastes intro instance, before you’ve even left that first fort, random Pact members are shooting out “You’re also a dragon minion. Reports say all sylvari are.” If they’re holding that it’d already gotten that far and that accepted in less time than it took the commander to trek out to the cave and back, at that rate it’ll easily be all over Tyria by the time Mordremoth falls. I don’t like it, but I also don’t think ANet’s displayed any interest in disputed information as a story device.

Last time I went through that spot in silverwastes, the only thing said was “There must be some new type of Mordrem, that’s the only thing that could’ve caused this.” Not a single pact member ever said anything about Sylvari being dragon minions to MY sylvari character, or anything about it to my human character.

Nothing really confirmed it ingame (for my two playthroughs of the prologue and torn from sky) until AFTER they got into the brink, at least as far as everybody else goes.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


You mean Caudecus, and how that has mostly been resolved or sidelined with him living with Jennah? That by itself isn’t nearly as major as it was. Early human storylines also deal with reducing that.

B: Where does that second part come from? I know some humans in Shaemoor have dialogue like “I think that dragon stuff is a rumor”, but the charr have the brand going through Ascalon.

The Arcane council has always been a collection of stubborn old kittens. I’ve not done the personal story for Asura yet, but Asura are being status quo, not really an issue with other races.

And the general public won’t know that kitten until later. Spread of information takes times, and the first waves of wounded from the jungle with ACTUAL news are ALSO the waves that know and were told to spread the information that some Sylvari are fine. Given length of HoT campaign (short), the death of the dragon may have happened before the news truly spread.

All of these are issues within a specific race, and some are dealt with. Only one you said actually involves issues “between races”.

When I said “between races” I mean the issues within the races themselves not political issues between the race’s relationships but that is my mistake for wording it that way.

As for the main questions on the issues each Race is facing….

Caudecus is still quite active despite being on watch now as we learned in Season 2. He still has nobles supporting his cause and eventhough we took care of one of them there are most likely others who support him.

You learn that the majority of the charr do not see the Elder Dragons as a threat in the Pact story Vigil path when Almorra explained about her son and how her son followed similar belief with how many members of the Legion never looked beyond the Charr.

You should do the asura story because it shows a much serious issue with the Asuran Council because they are going to extreme lengths to prevent the knowledge of Elder Dragons being a threat from spreading in Rata Sum to the point they would use their own special police to make people “disappear” or “assumed dead” if they tried to spread information about Elder Dragon’s being a threat. They’re also blocking news reports and any form of communication that is being used to spread the information along with bribing and blackmailing those people as well.

Last time I went through that spot in silverwastes, the only thing said was “There must be some new type of Mordrem, that’s the only thing that could’ve caused this.” Not a single pact member ever said anything about Sylvari being dragon minions to MY sylvari character, or anything about it to my human character.

Nothing really confirmed it ingame (for my two playthroughs of the prologue and torn from sky) until AFTER they got into the brink, at least as far as everybody else goes.

That mostly because Silverwaste is set to Pre-HoT time zone with the story of Silverwaste map meta as something happened before we went into the Maguuma Jungle.

(edited by EdwinLi.1284)

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


As for the main questions on the issues each Race is facing….

Caudecus is still quite active despite being on watch now as we learned in Season 2. He still has nobles supporting his cause and eventhough we took care of one of them there are most likely others who support him.

I don’t recall him or his actions really being mentioned in season 2. Bandits can be doing their stuff without his direct involvement.

You learn that the majority of the charr do not see the Elder Dragons as a threat in the Pact story Vigil path when Almorra explained about her son and how her son followed similar belief with how many members of the Legion never looked beyond the Charr.

And yet there is a dedicated anti-dragon unit in the Charr that is cross-legion… Also, Almorra’s son was also somebody rebelling against orders and in general not being a good person. Either way, it’s not really a thing to be concerned over. The Legion’s obay orders. The leadership knows about the dragons, so the bulk of the charr would fall in line.

I plan to do the asura one at some point, just have not had a chance yet.

Last time I went through that spot in silverwastes, the only thing said was “There must be some new type of Mordrem, that’s the only thing that could’ve caused this.” Not a single pact member ever said anything about Sylvari being dragon minions to MY sylvari character, or anything about it to my human character.

Nothing really confirmed it ingame (for my two playthroughs of the prologue and torn from sky) until AFTER they got into the brink, at least as far as everybody else goes.

That mostly because Silverwaste is set to Pre-HoT time zone with the story of Silverwaste map meta as something happened before we went into the Maguuma Jungle.

Not in the prologue instance. Which has them mentioning the fleet and all, alongside a lack of any real information.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


Not in the prologue instance. Which has them mentioning the fleet and all, alongside a lack of any real information.

That because the prologue is set after the Meta and Season 2.

The time frame isn’t what I call consistant in this game since the story often makes either small or large time skips of a unknown amount.

For Mordy Arc time frame the time skips are very small to the point each happen right after certain story event being form what I can put together…

Season 2 first halkittenilverwaste Meta Event -> Season 2 second half -> HoT Prologue
-> HoT -> Season 3.

We will most likely see how far the news about Sylvari being Dragon minions spread in Season 3 since the world beyond the Magumma Jungle is still set as Season 2 world. No doubt if Anet covers the Sylvari revealed to be Elder Dragon minions in Season 3 we may start seeing new NPC dialogues in Season 3 in certain areas similar to how Season 2 changed the world in certain areas as Season 2 progressed.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


My point was, he said in the prologue the npcs and such were noting or calling out Sylvari as dragon minions.

My sylvari character not ONCE saw anything like that, at all.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Eh, Sylvari – Asura isn’t as big as Charr -humans was.

Scarlet’s actions really only caused anti-Sylvari feelings within Lion’s Arch itself, and I’d be disappointed if Anet suddenly has everybody and their grandmother know about the true origins of Sylvari without any build up. The first REAL wave of news about that after all would include the Pact soldiers explicitly told by Laranthir/Commander to spread the word that “Not all Sylvari are evil/belong to the dragon!”

However, I’d imagine the military and government heads would learn the news (BOTH SIDES) first from said wounded being evacuated from the jungle. I’d agree to interest in that side of things as long as it’s not pure “SYLVARI ARE EVILS! HATE!”. If the commander is involved, the aspect of “Mordremoth is DEAD” should be brought up.

The first wave of news predates the Commander even going into Magus Falls.

The prologue for HoT confirmed that the mordrem invasion weekend is canon lore, and during which one of the priory researchers denote watching the sylvari for changes.

Even before that, when LA was undergoing its final rendition before its fully rebuilt new self, you could talk to an OoW agent who said that a handful of survivors had returned and now the OoW is recalling many of their members far and wide.

Which of course makes no sense how the Pact fleet can be destroy, LA can be rebuilt, mordremoth invades as far as Diessa Plataeu, the Pact Commander present for it all, and the Pact Commander not even making it to Camp Resolve (where we’re sent to at the end of S2) as said by the PC by the time of the HoT prologue, when said HoT prologue takes place less than 24 hours after the end of S2 (aka the fleet being destroyed).

You mean Caudecus, and how that has mostly been resolved or sidelined with him living with Jennah? That by itself isn’t nearly as major as it was. Early human storylines also deal with reducing that.

You say that as if Season 2 didn’t specifically have a mention of Caudecus outside of the palace manipulating ministers into spreading lies about Jennah.

You say that as if the White Mantle and their frontline bandit persona weren’t highlighted in Silverwastes, Dry Top, and the still-not-completed raid.

While the threat was dealt with for a time, it wasn’t fully dealt with.

What struggle? The peace treaty has been moving forward, the cease fire officially signed. That struggle is more of “Putting down the seperatists and the renegades.” Which, in the personal story vigil arc, you kill off the main leadership of the renegades.

The newest leadership of the renegades, but they remain active after that (even having an event that pops up if you do that storyline).

Furthermore, the trouble is less of the separatists and renegades and more of negotiating what each side will give up. It’s part of the lore that it’s still ongoing with little to no progress by the time of the World Summit.

Where does that second part come from? I know some humans in Shaemoor have dialogue like “I think that dragon stuff is a rumor”, but the charr have the brand going through Ascalon.

I think he’s misinterpreting the dialogue of “we can handle them ourselves” as “they’re not a threat”.

And the general public won’t know that kitten until later. Spread of information takes times, and the first waves of wounded from the jungle with ACTUAL news are ALSO the waves that know and were told to spread the information that some Sylvari are fine. Given length of HoT campaign (short), the death of the dragon may have happened before the news truly spread.

Per above, the news had already spread as far as the three Orders (or at least Whispers and Priory) before HoT.

We also see during HoT a bunch of mordrem guards migrating west from Tangled Depths, long before we show up. No doubt mordrem guard had reached civilized Tyria before we get there, given how much time we spent in Verdant Brink (at least a week) and Auric Basin (probably just as long).

If news of the crash can hit LA’s area in the Whispers’ method of communication within 24 hours, then within 2 weeks surely the civilians have heard.

Especially if Mordremoth’s call was further than just the fleet. If it was as far as the Grove alone, that’d result in folks knowing.

That’s been happened for a long, long time. That threat varies in how dire it is, and Norn don’t really have armies, they just convinced some to head over since the one Svanir stronghold was cleared.

It’s actually said that the Sons of Svanir attacks have only become a problem in recent years. Even in Season 2, it’s stated to have only gotten worse than how it was during the PS. It’s why we have to go take out that stronghold in Frostgorge as part of getting Knut to show up.

My point was, he said in the prologue the npcs and such were noting or calling out Sylvari as dragon minions.

My sylvari character not ONCE saw anything like that, at all.

Start the instance. In the Red fort, look at the northeast corner.

They have sylvari lined at gun point. If you walk up to them after talking to the initial NPC, there will be a dialogue that says exactly what Aaron said.

It’s right there in plain view, but you have to walk up to the groups to trigger the dialogue. It’s even on the wiki if you’re feeling lazy:

Priory Explorer: I don’t understand. You know us. We’ve fought and bled alongside you for the Pact.
Whispers Keeper: So did the sylvari aboard the fleet, and most turned without warning. We’re not taking any more chances with you.
Priory Explorer: But I don’t feel any different. I’m still me, still a loyal member of the Pact.
Whispers Keeper: You’re also a dragon minion. Reports say all sylvari are. You could be an enemy and not know it.
Priory Explorer: This is preposterous. We’re not a threat!
Whispers Keeper: Maybe not, but we can’t take that risk. You’re all confined to quarters until this is over.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I never noticed that, but at the same time they have sylvari npcs fighting alongside them in the other fort and in the wounded area IIRC… Still, then you have within the first day after the crash news being sent out that not all Sylvari are bad.

I didn’t do much of anything with the invasion, but that falls into “Anet’s timeline handling is goofed up majorly regarding some of this stuff.”

edit: I know at some point Eir mentions exactly how long she had been captured, but I forget what that is. As for the others, I highly doubt we spent a week in Auric Basin, and I feel overall the HoT campaign is very, very short, but also brutal.

It also falls into the trailer events not really appearing at all. Rytlocks line about Sylvari never comes to pass, and we never see or hear about anti-sylvari riots in Divinity’s Reach (Like we saw in trailer with Canach).

I just don’t see them able to do things too heavily in either direction about the Sylvari reveal. In LA they suggested violence toward sylvari, and had the one murder scene (as well as another Sylvari having to move out of LA due to loss of business), but they can’t send the world into an Anti-sylvari mindset effectively (with time-lock), and because it’s a player race.

Likewise, they can’t exactly ignore it.

edit2: Actually, that dialogue is rather cautious, but not outright violent. I think I’m just seeing too many players SCREAMING UTTER RAGE and hate toward Sylvari, that it’s coloring how I read things/see things suggested that Anet might do. It’s nice if it’s done right, but too many are just overdoing the entire thing and making it old and frustrating.

(edited by Kalavier.1097)

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


The anti-Sylvari events may not happen in HoT outside of the Maguuma Jungle due to how the entire story we are in Maguuma Jungle lore wise and never have left the place until we finally killed Mordremoth at the end of HoT. Due to this no effort has currently be made to change the world into HoT timezone but currently remains Season 2 Timezone.

I’m going to guess we won’t be seeing the anti-sylvari events until Season 3 when Anet begins to alter the world once again.

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Mystic Angelique.4021

Mystic Angelique.4021

There will come a time when our character dies .I guess whats left is just old picture when it first started out. Can’t help feeling sad, as at some point of time we are fated to expire just like everything else in the world.

Vanessa Carlton – A Thousand Miles
Hoobastank – The Reason
Very old photo


(edited by Mystic Angelique.4021)

[SPOILER] Our character's death next?

in Lore

Posted by: Mystic Angelique.4021

Mystic Angelique.4021

The Night Before Catmas

Happy holidays


Told you we need a bigger christmas tree


? Lord of the Rings – The Grace of Undómiel (with lyric)https://youtu.be/616YMt6T5mA

The Story Foreseen (Do not click if you are not ready to leave)

(edited by Mystic Angelique.4021)