Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Wexis.6431


Whats happened to them? Maybe I have missed Largos lore in HoT but they have been incredibly silent during all that has been happening recently in Tyria? Have they been overcome by the water dragon or something?

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Squee.7829


We were pretty far from the ocean for the most part in HoT. And the Largos seem to be pretty uninterested in issues that don’t directly concern them. They’d have been pretty out of place in the jungle fighting a dragon they might not have even heard about.
Even in the original campaign when we went into the ocean Largos sightings were rare and they didn’t really seem to help us for any altruistic reason or common goal. If I remember correctly, the Largos we did meet were there for more personal reasons (owing a favor to Trehearne or basically being bored and looking for a challenging thing to kill) I suspect it will still be a while before we see Largos in any great numbers.

Leader and sole member of the “Bring Penguins to Tyria” movement.

(edited by Squee.7829)

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Squee is correct.

The largos mainly live way out in the deep ocean, it’s unusual for them to even come near land, never mind actually come up onto the land and interact with land dwellers. If we assume all the ones simply called ‘Veteran Largos Hunter’ are different there are only 15 largos in the entire game.

They are not members of the Pact (even Sayeh was only there briefly to help Trahearne) and have no formal relationship with any of our races and little interest in what happens on land beyond a general concern with the Elder Dragons.

So they have absolutely no reason to go into the jungle and it’s not surprising we didn’t see them there.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Tangled Depths has that massive system of underwater depths beneath it. Seems like that might have been a cool place for the Largos to set up shop. See also: quaggans.

The table is a fable.

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Tangled Depths has that massive system of underwater depths beneath it. Seems like that might have been a cool place for the Largos to set up shop. See also: quaggans.

Quaggans are there because some of them joined the Pact. They’re one of the races we can choose to bring in during the Order storylines (same with ogres, skritt, grawl and hylek).

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Yeah, pretty much every largos we’ve met has basically said “You know, if we meet again, I might kill you”. I don’t think they’re particularly keen on forging alliances with outsiders, except in extremely rare cases. Sayeh owed Trahearne a debt because he once helped her out, and so she helped us out for a short period of time before going back to what she (and the rest of the Largos) usually does.

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


i don’t think we’ll see the largos (on a city wide scale) until the undersea dragon decides to wake up, or if he/she/it/attackhelicopter is already awakened and the largos get pushed away from their homes just as zhaitan pushed out the quaggan.

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As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellatrixa.3546


Largos we did meet were there for more personal reasons (owing a favor to Trehearne or basically being bored and looking for a challenging thing to kill) I suspect it will still be a while before we see Largos in any great numbers.

I don’t think we ever found out what the favour Trahearne did was outside of some vague details, did we? Unless there was stuff that I’m not seeing on Sayeh’s wiki page. Given that the Largos seem to value honouring their debts, I was curious from the first time I played the PS about what had transpired for a Largos to be indebted to a Sylvari.

Leading on from that… I think my only gripe about LS3’s story so far is that we've not really had much happen surrounding what happened with Trahearne at the end of HoT, outside of Almorra's dialogue in Research in Rata Novus, which simply states that the Marshal spot's vacant. I was totally expecting to be off to The Grove as well as Hoelbrek but it would have been repetitive to have two such similar scenarios so close together. I understand he wasn't a fan favourite but there's been pretty much zero reaction which seems incredibly... strange and disproportionate given what happened during the PS. Then again, I have to keep reminding myself that this is still just the first part of LS3 and that there's a lot of information we could still get from Caithe now our characters aren't as angry at her. I'm discounting Canach as he seems more focused on what's happening with the Shining Blade. Given their history with the Mantle, I can see this resulting in him getting even greater redemption arc and the SB becoming more prominent in the story. I'm waiting on this with baited breath given there's a lot of lore tied to them which was integral to GW1 such as the Scepter of Orr's whereabouts and Livia's aiding of Gadd in Sparkfly Swamp (now Fen ofc) with bloodstone research there. I'm honestly surprised we've not seen any White Mantle in Sparkfly up to this point but again, there's plenty yet to happen.
(Chucked in a spoiler as it’s not the Lore subforum)

Sorry, this became much more generally lore speculative than I intended as I’ve spent quite a bit of time lately chatting about lore with my guild who mostly haven’t played GW1 that much… Back on topic!

Part of me’s hoping for a chance to see the Largos to tell them about Trahearne’s fate in the Ring of Fire or on our journey there. They like challenging enemies and the White Mantle are certainly a cut above the mobs in the areas we’ve seen them thus far. However the realistic part of me says that it’ll be the Deep Sea Dragon before they’re really remembered or interacted with again :/

I do agree with Tachenon that there was a bit of a lost opportunity with that underwater area in TD though I wonder how much of that was due to lack of time over lack of thought. Although those saying we weren’t near the water or in too inhabited areas forget that we’ve encountered them in Brisban Wildlands which is landlocked unless there’s a small underwater tunnel leading from Kessex Hills that we don’t have access to which is entirely possible I guess given the location of that particular event. However, it does show that they’re willing to come that far into the societies of the rest of Tyria if a hunt leads them there so their turning up in HoT would only have lacked motivation for me, seeing as Sayeh paid her debt to Trahearne.

“Even if we find a way to save the world from the
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


well i think when it comes down to it they just didnt have time to include such things in the scope of HoT.
when there was supposedly an entire lane cut from dragons stand map (nightmare court lane maybe) its easy to see why even if it were possible a largos could have been done in a HoT map that they weren’t

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


I imagine that with her having fulfilled her debt to him during the personal story, she left and went back to her people. I don’t think it’s any more complex than that.

The largos are pretty solitary people, and don’t really interact with others. I would love to know how Trahearne even encountered one in the first place, much less got one to owe him a debt.

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Largos on a whole had nothing to do with the Pact, and Sayeh had fulfilled her debt to Trahearne thus had no reason to remain other than to stalk the Pact Commander.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Sayeh al'Rajihd and the Largos during HoT?

in Lore

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Largos tend to stay close to the ocean and other large bodies of water. This is probably why we didn’t see them in the maguuma jungle. I suspect they will play a much bigger role when we go to face Bubbles.

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