Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

in Lore

Posted by: zamalek.2154


Achievement get: started a thread about SB.

One of the questions during the TA dev livestream was “would we get to see where SB is?” The dev replied with something along the lines of “the path will always make sense no matter when you run it.”

The new path is also permanent content. This means that SB can’t fall to our swords at a later time unless there is some logical explanation for her presence:

By all means

We cannot kill her. The will be dealt with in the books between GW2 and GW3. It doesn’t hurt to make pointless theories about other possible outcomes though…

Thaumanova Reactor

At the moment we are only aware of spatial displacements caused by the reactor, we have no direct evidence for time displacements (at the same time no way to logically deduce that small time displacements are not in play). At least as far as I am aware.

Somehow TA could be tied up in a time-loop by the Thaumanova reactor, possibly by an undiscovered crystal deposit below it caused by the “pairing effect” (was it?). SB would be a mere phantom lost in time if we were to eventually kill her.

Merely a Hologram

It doesn’t matter if we kill her. She is only a hologram in the dungeon (pending people completing the dungeon confirming that theory). Her minions are unaware of her demise, her presence continues in that place forever as nothing more than an illusion and the steam machines, aetherblade and molten alliance are locked in a pointless battle for a very long time.


Drop an Asura gate into the dungeon and make it part of the mists. An outright cop out in my opinion.

Why is She Doing All of This?

At the end of the day, “being driven mad by the eternal alchemy” simply doesn’t result in her actions – at least from my perspective. Besides what drove her mad, is there some other net result of seeing the eternal alchemy? Why do we always see illusions of her? ANet really haven’t provided us with a motive (I’m not saying it’s weak story-telling, I am saying that “I am nuts” is possibly purposefully not providing a motive).

She is manic. I could quite easily imagine being trapped in the eternal alchemy would affect me in the same way as her, that giggling arising from pure frustration and boredom. So my evidence for this is psychological, not logical. Maybe she can only interact with our reality in a “illusionary manner” (except her illusions are incredibly powerful, as we have seen). Is she trying to get back (likely not a good thing)? The molten alliance and LA fiasco being desperate attempts to alter anything that is real (that us players ultimately foiled). The steam portals being failed attempts to create a portal for whatever part of her is trapped there. Is this why she wants to “play with us”?

What happens if she gets close to getting back? Do we embark on a mission to the level of the bloodstone? Something that changes Tyria and the nature of magic? For example, altering the way that the eternal alchemy reacts with Tyrian reality to ensure she stays trapped there forever.

It’s just me spouting out random thoughts and projections from the current storyline – I would love to hear your guys’ thoughts.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

(edited by zamalek.2154)

Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

in Lore

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Merely a Hologram

It doesn’t matter if we kill her. She is only a hologram in the dungeon (pending people completing the dungeon confirming that theory). Her minions are unaware of her demise, her presence continues in that place forever as nothing more than an illusion and the steam machines, aetherblade and molten alliance are locked in a pointless battle for a very long time.

If that’s so, then we can kill her and it will still make sense. It doesn’t matter if we can do it over and over. It is like complaining about the Destiny’s Edge still not liking each other when you run the first couple of dungeons because you already finished the PS.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

(edited by Gabby.3205)

Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

in Lore

Posted by: zamalek.2154


If that’s so, then we can kill her and it will still make sense.

I might have worded poorly, but that was the idea behind that theory. It’s also in the realm of a cop-out though.

The one I forgot was “players being idiots and not doing content in the right order” (like I originally did). Logically it doesn’t matter when you do the dungeon because you should know where it falls in the story – but the developer inclined the opposite (it should always be relevant).

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

in Lore

Posted by: Sindex.9520


I think what Arena Net is aiming to do is make Scarlet rotate into the other dungeons as well. So we might see her in SE, CoF, and CoE. Picking those dungeons out because the connections she has with those particular racial factions. She will then probably feel closer to the way Kudu was (appearing in SE & CoE), but she will be more fleshed out as time goes on. Explaining her relationship with the her allies. Especially how she can convince some radical xenophobic racial factions to band together for her personal goals.

(edited by Sindex.9520)

Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

in Lore

Posted by: zamalek.2154


Explaining her relationship with the her allies. Especially how she can convince some radical xenophobic racial factions to band together for her personal goals.

I really like this idea. It would put her into the same realm of Hitler: someone who could have done a great deal of good if they had used their talents for the good of mankind.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

in Lore

Posted by: THE DOCTOR.3510


Achievement get: started a thread about SB.

Somehow TA could be tied up in a time-loop by the Thaumanova reactor, possibly by an undiscovered crystal deposit below it caused by the “pairing effect” (was it?). SB would be a mere phantom lost in time if we were to eventually kill her.

I think it’s called a twinning effect.

Scarlet Briar in TA And Her Fate

in Lore

Posted by: Irikol.3495


I really loved the effort you put into this post, and that you attempted and tried to make an intelligent argument about both SB and her fate..but honestly… I just feel as though speculating is just so outlandishly wild and no longer fun, because the story never ACTUALLY delivers any compelling evidence on ANYTHING, that it isn’t even worth speculating about anymore.

I ask, what was more fun..speculating about the whole Ellen Kiel vs Gnash thing, or it actually happening? What was more fun, Speculating about SB Or her actually doing her thing? Speculating is always more fun… and because of this, its no longer.. fun to speculate. Shame really.