Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

in Lore

Posted by: Psynch.4087


Hi all, I’ve posted my videos here a few times before. I strive to always bring new information to light and to present unique perspectives on Guild Wars lore and the living story. This time is no different. You will be blown away by this convergence of evidence regarding Scarlet’s own version of the Thaumanova reactor and the link to the titan invasions of Guild Wars: Prophecies. Stick with me through this, it’s quite a bit of information. But if you’ve seen my videos, then you know it’s worth it.

Summary: In comparing the world maps of GW1 and GW2, along with important events in the lore, I found that the three primary locations of titan attacks (in GW1) happened in the exact locations of two known Inquest reactors. But there is no third reactor to account for the third titan attack. Or is there? It turns out that the third location where a reactor would go happens to be the EXACT location of one of Scarlet’s facilities. Can you guess which one? I elaborate on the implications to the living story, and GW lore in general.

[The video turned out to be quite long, so I added an annotation that lets you skip ahead to the reveal]
Check it out:

Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

in Lore

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I barely realized that they were in those locations until you showed that. Droknar was the most obvious, and Anet at one time did say Abbadon would not be totally forgotten in GW 2, as certain aspects (titans/lich/etc.) are still mentioned vaguely or things are related to them and Abbadon in a way.

To answer your questions, The Lich’s own plans was three pronged.

1. The Mursaat feared the titans as they were the only creatures (besides the seers), also created by a dark fallen god (Abbadon) that could kill/destroy them.

2. Denravi was the main Shining Blade base of operations. To destroy them and the White Mantle was a dual goal as the Mursaat were the "gods"of the WM cult. Killing the Shining Blade would also prevent anyone able to stand a chance Aginst the Lich and Abbadon in Tyria (later when he starts to begin Nightfall in Nightfall campaign).

3. North Kryta provenmce was the ascalonian settlement as is now in GW 2. Ascalon has power with King of Ascalon and Sohothim and Magdear blades. Possibly enough to stand a formidable chance against even Abbadon’s minions.

4. You forgot a 4th location that is in GW 1. Its in Ascalon itself (see The Last Day Dawns quest in GW1 and the original game wiki). The titans also were the first “gods” the Charr chose for themselves causing the Searing of Ascalon and the Crystals to fall across Ascalon and the use of the Cauldron of Cataclysm. The Lich was going to try to use the titans to fulfill the Charr’s goal of annihilating all humans in Tyria and maybe even kill some Charr as well in the process. This takes place in upper Eastern Frontier in GW 1 which is modern day Shatterer fight area ( will need that nifty gw 1/gw 2 overlay to confirm this.)

5. there is a 5th location: The Titan’s Source (quest of the same name) where you must end it once and for all and kill the remaining titans and finish the portals off for good. This is in Fireheart Rise. Do note we have an Asuran mini dungeon/ JP in this region Vexa’s Lab, but the fight was more near Pig Iron region/forge planes. I also need an overlay to really determine this actual battle location.

Extra info/sources:

Titan post game quests:
About titans:
Where the Charr first found the titans and the cauldron:

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)

Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

in Lore

Posted by: Psynch.4087


I have to step in really quick — it was shown to me that even though the targeted sites are relevant to the facilities/reactors; at least one of the actual battles took place too far out to be relevant. That’s really unfortunate! Because it seemed so cool when I first saw it. My lack of GW1 knowledge really got me here.

Can’t really push the theory too much at this point. But at the very least, the map cross-referencing has a ton of merit, and I think I’ll be using a GW1 map a lot more when I theorycraft the lore from now on.

Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

in Lore

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

The theory is very good and valid , but due to the state of how things things are now, the Inquest/Scarlet can’t even dare to get even near the deep Charr/Ascalon ghost territory without causing more trouble than they did in molten alliance living story arc. It may have been her/their goal to go that far north and make more facilities to seek this dormant power out. Yet with the efforts we done in CoF dungeon, (killing Gaelheron their “supposed new god” which was using something Similar to both Primordius’ magic and Abbadon’s “Molten Titans” [lot of evidence points to both] to make him invincible less so a god.) and Molten Alliance prevented this.

You weren’t wrong as_ so much it was a matter of timing for all parties involved.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

in Lore

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

Interesting Ideas, but there are a few problems

1) there were actually 5 titan battle quests in Gw1 all five are listed HERE it seems the one you failed to mention was the quest that would’ve been very close to the great northern wall (probably in southern Iron Marches, or southern Diessa Plateau) [could be wrong on the location cant check atm]

2) While the titans did come from the Realm of Torment, its only partially true that the were servants of abbadon, as I believe The Fury a general of Dhuum that was also imprisoned in the realm of torment created the titans within the foundry of failed creations by twisting tormented souls.

3) I never noticed the titans to have 6 eyes, and the six eyes I always just attributed to being demonic, from abbadon’s servants in the margonites and himself, to the oni being servants of kanaxi, and finally I believe the greater darknesses also had 6 eyes and they were servants of Dhuum.

edit: as a side note lions arch was not destroyed when orr was sunk by vizier khilbron (undead lich), but later when Zhaitan rose orr it flooded lions arch and was rebuilt later by cobiah mariner.

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)

Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

in Lore

Posted by: Psynch.4087


The theory is very good and valid , but due to the state of how things things are now, the Inquest/Scarlet can’t even dare to get even near the deep Charr/Ascalon ghost territory without causing more trouble than they did in molten alliance living story arc. It may have been her/their goal to go that far north and make more facilities to seek this dormant power out. Yet with the efforts we done in CoF dungeon, (killing Gaelheron their “supposed new god” which was using something Similar to both Primordius’ magic and Abbadon’s “Molten Titans” [lot of evidence points to both] to make him invincible less so a god.) and Molten Alliance prevented this.

You weren’t wrong as_ so much it was a matter of timing for all parties involved.

Thanks for the support

Great points in your earlier post. I appreciate that clarification. Also, I mention the fourth titan attack, but I save it for the end of the video. However, I didn’t know about the fifth attack.

I’m pretty relieved that the connection is quite weak between the titans and the reactors. It really was a struggle to connect anything between those ideas.

Scarlet's Reactor and the Titan Graveyards

in Lore

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

There is the Chaos Crystal Cavern in one of the Ascalon locations. Its where the inquest get the shards of chaos magic they use to build more reactor cores. I think Wooden Potatoes touched on this? So instead of a reactor we get a chaos-infused ore source at a possible near battle site. Might be the same map as where Eastern Frontier was.

As for your Shatterer thing, it may be even champions and lieutenants, are drawn as much to magic as their Elder dragon leaders as evidenced even in personal story (Mouth of Zhaitan).

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)