Scarlet's ultimate goal still unrevealed(?)

Scarlet's ultimate goal still unrevealed(?)

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I’m assuming that the Breachmaker had (or would have, had it lived) sent a large amount of magical energy directly to one or more Elder Dragons. You’re absolutely right that they wouldn’t go to sleep to just a good meal, but what if Scarlet’s intent hadn’t been to awaken an Elder Dragon, but to force-feed them until they had no food left to eat?

As said, they eat magic. Magic exists even in every living being. So that would be impossible without either hiding or killing all life.

In the cinematic, after Scarlet’s death, you see the path of the leyline she hit with the drill. Following that leyline, we reach the dragon underground and see him awaken. I noticed that the map showing the various probes in Tyria after you killed her seems to follow the path shown in the video. It goes from Lion’s Arch through the gendarran fields, then there is a series of dot (probes) going south through the metrica province (possibly near the Thermanauvo reactor which we see in the cinematic) and the last dot/probe you could see following that “path” of probes was directly on the grove. Just saying. I’ve always said that the Pale Tree and Mordremoth are link and he could still be sleeping underneath it. Of course, he didnt rise from the ground yet, but it could still take some time before he can.

The leg line goes far beyond the Pale Tree. We see it passing through the Thaumanova Reactor and through an arid land then again into vegetated lands. It doesn’t even come close to the Grove – not by a long shot. And it doesn’t shoot backwards after going past Thaumanova – which would be required for it to end at the Grove.

Also, the probes on the maps are all over the place and going into the Far Shiverpeaks even.

By the cinematic, Mordremith us either in the Magus Falls or (less likely, IMO), off of the map to the west.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.