Sea of sorrows lions arch

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Encoded.7460


After reading the new book some of the descriptions seem off from what’s currently in game.

-The original pavilion for the captain council meetings is missing, it’s very likely it could just be removed

-Yomms shop is way too small compared to how the book portrays it

-The book describes lions arch as having many large defense cannons on the cliffs surrounding la yet the only cannons you can find in la are the small ones like in wvw and they are few and far between, claw island is well equipped with cannons but the city has little to none.

-There are currently only three docks in la and in the book there’s five, I would think there would be even more by now.

-where is cobiahs house in the game? It’s possible I’ve just missed this

- not from this book but where are the arenas and bear pit from edge of destiny

- where are all those other docks? Port noble ,port stalwart, ect.

-why are there no ship wrecks in la bay

- not exactly related but how do those huge asuran barges fit into the bay

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

It was said that the pavilion was rebuilt between Act Three and Act Four.

Regarding places, keep in mind that many shops were torn down to make makeshift boats in act four.

The docks being referred to, I believe, are the individual planks out. Macha’s Landing is 3 docks alone.

Cobiah’s House, as I understand it, is the building we enter in Red Alert (Priory storyline, just before Claw Island). It matches description and location at least.

The beat pit was burnt down five years prior to the game. It exists no more. The arena was similarly torn down – in its place stands the five asura gates leading to the Mists (there’s a norn NPC in Fort Marriner that explains this).

Port Noble was where Taidha Covington’s base is – before the risen wtfransacked it. Port Stalwart’s location is still unknown.

Likely removed over the years.

And also keep in mind, regarding location size, that the books make the places seem much large – this is likely due to the game downscaling to make distance traveling seem more reasonable to players. I mean, you wouldn’t want to have to play the game for three weeks+ just to go from Divinity’s Reach to Black Citadel would you? The same likely goes for city sizes and even building sizes.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Encoded.7460


After looking around the map I found Commondores Manor POI which answers that question

Its a bit weird that they would tear down the old asura gates, tear down the arenas then put the asura gates in its place. Edit: Oops Didnt realize you said the gates to the mists

What is Tananeras Pit POI, next to fort marriner?

At claw island portage waypoint the plague states “Here lies the wreckage of the pride once captained by cobiah marriner and the maw, an undead leviathan” The death of the maw and the pride happened no where near there, this plague should be on claw island or be re worded to state where it happened

If taidha covingtons base is on laughing gull island where I think it is, its a bit wierd that they would have allowed them to build claw island just off the coast close enough that you would be able to see it.

The harbringer Seems like it shoulve been sunk off of the isles of fire, unless the undead dragged it back to orr

Also the harbringer looks exactly like the ships in port at rata sum, shouldnt it look orrian?

(edited by Encoded.7460)

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

That plaque’s placement is quite odd. There is a PoI called Maw and Pride in Claw Island, all the way to the east. You cannot see it on the world map sadly, but if you go there you can see machine and wood wreckage and a giant leviathan skeleton. The plaque was likely placed where it was just so that folks can get to it. Though I would have preferred Claw Island turned into an instance after Retribution and the plaque placed there.

Claw Island always existed, they just built atop of that. Like I said before, do remember that the game’s distances are scaled down quite a bit for playability reasons – otherwise, the entire Tyrian continent would only be about 11 by 20 miles (according to GW1 measurements at least).

The Harbinger is likely where it is for the same reason that the Maw and Pride wreckage plaque is where it’s at – so players can get to it. Do take note of the small distance between Orr and the Ring of Fire islands. The fight was off of the RoF coast, and iirc, was sunk while fleeing. Though it’d have made more sense to be in Cursed Shore, it’s location is not all too unreasonable.

As for the Harbinger’s appearance – blame limitation on model options. There are no Orrian ship models in GW2. They wouldn’t have made a brand new ship model for a single ship either.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Encoded.7460


I keep remembering more things from the book, there dont appear to be any temples to the gods in lions arch although they are mentioned in the book

Hopefully My last question – Where is Livia now and what is she doing? I assume the sceptor of orr is what has made her immortal. Has she possibly tuned into a (Friendly) Undead Lich similar to vizier Kilbron? This might be somthing that deserves an entirly new thread.

(edited by Encoded.7460)

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

The temple mentioned in the book was in the pre-Flooded Lion’s Arch, and by description sounded to be in an area we could not reach.

Given Livia’s depiction, she is not a lich. Lichs are undead; rotten and decayed. Livia is not. How she gained longevity is unknown, obviously since Sea of Sorrows is the only source of her having such. Whether it deals with her study in the scepter is similarly unknown. No point in making a thread because all we can really do is baseless conjecture.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: WarriorOfAsgard.3705


Based on Karryn Deverol’s dialogue and the Marriner Plaque present on Deverol Island, that’s the location of Cobiah and Isaye’s house.

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Though the book says the house Cobiah built was on the northern shore. And the structure on Deverol Island was a cathedral to the Six Gods (which must have changed in the 100-some years).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Lonami.2987


As for the Harbinger’s appearance – blame limitation on model options. There are no Orrian ship models in GW2. They wouldn’t have made a brand new ship model for a single ship either.

That’s pretty sad, considering we do have risen ship models, like the one you fight at northern Sparkfly Fen (and appears sank at the seafloor after you destroy it).

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Caerus Sparks.6905

Caerus Sparks.6905

Though the book says the house Cobiah built was on the northern shore.

It says he built it on the northern shore of the Inner Harbour actually (the one to the east, as opposed to the Sanctum Harbour to the west), which fits with the Commodore’s Manor POI rather than the Red Alert storyline manor.

P313: “The Gangplank Bridge was very near the manor house Cobiah had built on the northern edge of the inner harbor”.

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

That’s pretty sad, considering we do have risen ship models, like the one you fight at northern Sparkfly Fen (and appears sank at the seafloor after you destroy it).

Those are ships that are made from bone and flesh, not actual Orrian ships – of which there’s only one known such ship.

Though the book says the house Cobiah built was on the northern shore.

It says he built it on the northern shore of the Inner Harbour actually (the one to the east, as opposed to the Sanctum Harbour to the west), which fits with the Commodore’s Manor POI rather than the Red Alert storyline manor.

True, but still wouldn’t fit the Derevol Island house.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Lonami.2987


That’s pretty sad, considering we do have risen ship models, like the one you fight at northern Sparkfly Fen (and appears sank at the seafloor after you destroy it).

Those are ships that are made from bone and flesh, not actual Orrian ships – of which there’s only one known such ship.

Well, it’s still better, isn’t it? :P.

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Althere.2637


KonigkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittkittennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDes Todes.2086:

Though the book says the house Cobiah built was on the northern shore.

It says he built it on the northern shore of the Inner Harbour actually (the one to the east, as opposed to the Sanctum Harbour to the west), which fits with the Commodore’s Manor POI rather than the Red Alert storyline manor.

True, but still wouldn’t fit the Derevol Island house.

Just saw the house on Derevol Island, I can say that it certanly doesn’t look like the manor in the book (or atleast what i thought it looked like).

Hope you have a good day! :D

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Althere.2637


And there is one thing that I thought about. There is no information on Sykox Steamshroud at the wiki. He is just mentioned in the plaque, but else then that there is nothing, which kind of saddens me

Hope you have a good day! :D

Sea of sorrows lions arch

in Lore

Posted by: Encoded.7460


Never noticed this before but multiple books talk about charr being able to retract their claws. If you look at their hand and feet in game it looks like human hands with claws added. There’s no way those could retract unless they somehow slide back into the skin, which is not how a cats claws work. I suppose they had to design the charr this way or else it might have made them look a bit weird.