Skritt society and culture.

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Mahou Juko.8231

Mahou Juko.8231

“Preliminary Interpretations of Audio-Visual Observation Data Collected for the Purpose of Understanding the Apparent Counter-Intuitive Behavior of Skritt (Notes on Skritt)”: Written by Chief Mediator Koikko. Translated into a more palatable form by Havlok Tycho (Human).

Forward from translator: Naturally, we encourage the benevolent relations between all capable species for the betterment of Tyria, and the best way to do this is to fully understand each one. While many of us have encountered members of the rodent-like race, these are usually not in the best terms for full discussion. Thus, to prepare ambassadors on their missions of peace to ensure either fair trade or political alliance, some background before engagement is necessary. For this purpose, an Asuran representative has amassed several short notes on the biology and society of the Skritt.

Unfortunately, since written by an Asuran, these “short notes”- how they were described originally when put on my desk- contained enough written text that, if put on parchment, would require the systematic slaughter of four entire stockyards. To make this information more digestible towards other races who would need this information, it was up to me to sift through technomancicle ramblings.

I hope the reader enjoys my endeavors and understands why I would deserve a promotion so great, it would require a status higher than that of King.
Sincerely, and with a need of willow bark, Lord Havlok Tycho.

Collective Skritt Intelligence theorem: C=S*R^(n-1)
S= Approximate Quantified Intelligence of a single Skritt, capable of single survival.
R=1.968737463=Rate of increase in intelligence.
n= number of Skritt within a given range currently communicating.

Because of how this works, two skritt will have the intelligence of two individual skritt, making no apparent difference when compared to other species. Three will have the intelligence of approximately four individuals, making only a slightly noticeable difference.

The mechanism for this increase is a high speed communication known as Chit-din. Chit-din is described as a chittering with basic signals at pitches relative to an individual skritt which is varied by a trinary sequence of short, long and silent squeaks in frequencies above even Asuran detection. Chit-din is a secondary communication above normal, detectable speech, and is characterized by its incessantness and flatness: it never stops and only translates into observations with no emotional perspective. Chit-din is comparable to cloud-based information storage in which specific data is spread out but can easily be recalled and assembled by an individual.

Because the mechanism is sound based, it has limiting factors. Movement can alter the sound and speed due to a Doppler effect. Also, there is a slight dampening effect thanks to the cancellation of exactly identical pitched individuals. This, like the vocal patterns of other species, is uncommon, but it should still be noted when dealing with the numbers of a high-density population.

Skritt are an r-breeding mammalian species, meaning they have litters of 10-14 pups, which have a rather quick auxology. This can account for the higher frequency in risk-behavior of skritt, while still being to the benefit of the Chit-din based intelligence.

Mating is not based on individual intelligence or, for those interested ear-length. It seems to be based on phenotypes that are closely linked to health/fitness and, importantly, mannerisms. The quickness of the twitching of sensory organs possibly indicate how easily individuals can tune into the Chit-din. There is a high-selection limit on how well one can socialize and keep within the community, exclusion from which results in being locked out on vital information.

Skritt culture is based on foraging. They are attracted most to objects fashioned by other species, often with the intention of learning about them in order to incorporate the knowledge into their own community. These objects are usually cast off by the original creators, as they are most easily obtained without effort into the procurement. Still, they realize that cast off materials are often beyond the original intended use, thrown away for a reason. They must often collect freshly made objects, capable of their full potential, in order to fully analyze them. This often brings great risk and thus the disregard for the safety of individuals for the benefit of a society at large.

(Umm… here there is some discussion on how infuriating this is… a large portion of this seems to diverge into a long rant, I am afraid.
I will distribute the rest if asked to do so.)

(edited by Mahou Juko.8231)

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Eivene.9127


This is simply fascinating research! I would most certainly love to read more, if you are willing to share it.


Perfectionists’ Cult [NICE] - Family Friendly PvE/WvW community
Sanctum of Rall

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


I am an anthropology student and I approve of this document!

It makes me want to write an analysis of the asura from the perspective of a skritt community, haha.

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Broran.6318


um ykes thats some crazy intelegence based on you equation assuming 20 skritt is enough to preform a jail break and take over of a lab (as seem in metrica provence skritt intelegance testing facility(the 10 captured+ those already present)) then if 200 skritt worked together they could over through all civilation (being that 10 skritt in a group have aproximitly 444 times the intelgence of a single skritt) if only they wern’t distracted by all the shiny things out there

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

During the betas, I hated the Skritt. But as I got to higher levels and learned more about them, I grew quite fond of them, and once I saw the Skritt colonies, they become REALLY cool!

I think ANET really did an awesome job, and I would love to see more of their colonies in the Primordus expansion.

Skritt and Quaggan seem to be the best tribal races they could be proud of.

(edited by Kain Francois.4328)

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


1. Quaggan
2. Skritt


Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Mahou Juko.8231

Mahou Juko.8231

Comparison and negotiation:

The main distaste for Skritt from Asura is from a singular perspective. Asura first judge others on an individual level and then create a general set of descriptions which can fit the individuals observed. This can lead to the conducting of experiments meant to yield results which encourage the original generalizations. (Apparently, this section segues to ripping apart the hypotheses of someone named Cepha. From what I’ve read, Cepha’s calculations are essentially garbage. Total length of this derail: Three encyclopedias.)

Skritt have an interest in “shinies.” This term is used to describe a multitude of things from either semiprecious stones to buttons. The common factor may seem to be a general luster, but it has been used to describe things that are important for a given task. The objectives at hand will depend, again, on the size of the group. Small groups are able to fend for themselves at a basic level and thus would want only baubles for personal enjoyment.

With a higher density population, however, requires more stability and thus the goals are much loftier. Designs for equipment, gem-matrices, golems for patrol. Because of this, many have run into the problem of negotiation. A few skritt will become more than happy with the promise of a few buttons or some such. This results in the possibility of the employer thinking that it will be the same for more, or the skritt will invite others in order to share the wealth. As time goes on, the formal agreement is strained, and a problem arises.

As stated in the original equation for collective intelligence, it is easy to see that at a certain point, an individual Asura can no longer be seen as a superior. This point, using observations from the Brill Alliance Krewe, seems to be around 20. The original number postulated was 10, as that was the amount isolated originally for a portion of the research. Yet it was clear that the isolation was not complete, and 20 seems to be the most reasonable minimum.

This minimum is coupled with a danger, as at this point the needs of the group verses the collection of individuals is in question. Within 20-50, the group is most unpredictable when concerning outsiders. Past this number, and there is clear identification of threats verses possible allies. It is this that I (Cheif Mediator Koikko) deduce that the discrepency between the behavior of known areas with Skritt are in fact based on the population of the area and, importantly, the communication lines between other areas. Where Skritt are hostile, I expect to see numbers smaller than the main centers. Those small populations that remain friendly, however, are so because of a communication line between other areas where they can keep connected to the numbers large enough to function on a diplomatic level. This would explain the recent animosity of skritt in Caledon Forest. They are currently the only population within that area, with no larger communities to keep in contact with.
(It is here that I became curious as what a Chief Mediator actually did. I could not find any sort of title like it in most Asura books. When I asked around, I came to the conclusion that it must be nice way to describe someone who just wanders around doing things for people. Fetching things, killing monsters. Etc.)

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


Still not fond of the Quaggan, even less fond of the Tengu. No idea why people are seemingl so interested in the birds.

To me, the birds are bland. They’re a typical stoic “warrior” race. The fact that they’ve pointed made clear that they really don’t care to talk to me makes me want to just avoid them for being so uptight.

Now the Skritt. The skritt are as diverse and arguably one of the most characterful ‘lesser’ races I’ve encountered. I think the key feature is I’m capable of empathizing with them. They’re very much an underdog, kicked to the curb time and time again but they not only come bounding back with this limitless enthusiasm but they keep at it despite all odds getting stacked against them. Yet despite Asuran, Charr, and even Human efforts to cull the rats, they continue to create settlements and they continue to flourish.

To a large degree, I also do enjoy both the Hylek and the Dredge, however the Dredge quickly turning into mirrors of their former xenophobic masters turns me off of them in similar ways that I find the Tengu to be utterly annoying.

So yeah. Skritt for next playable race!

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Blah, please no!

I don’t think tengu will be a playable race until we go to Cantha, which may be a long ways away. And I never stated that I believed that the quaggan would be a playable race, I just don’t see it, but I still love them. They were definitely my race to study back in the racial sympathy quest. I just can’t get my head around liking the skritt, they’ve just annoyed me so much in the past.

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: zippo burntfur.9307

zippo burntfur.9307

Skritt my brain’s been hit! ;P

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


I can’t help but love the quaggan. Once I was exploring around a bugged event which couldn’t be finished, and quaggan kept coming up to me and begging me to help because their friends were dying. And I couldn’t! It broke my heart

As for the tengu, I like the suggestions of a bushido-like code of honour underlying their ‘warrior race’ attitude – it’s quite different to either the norn or the charr. I look forward to seeing what kind of political structure these mixed-tribe tengu have. And personally I don’t have a problem with them brushing me off – they’re not rude, they just don’t want to mix with other races. It’s a valid attitude. I do love the complex species relations ArenaNet creates

So I don’t think any races need to be likeable to be done well, but each to their own!

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


No, honestly the fact that people hate certain races means that ArenaNet is doing things right. Because not everyone is going to like everyone, so it becomes more realistic when certain races are just unbearable.

Skritt society and culture.

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


The detail that Arenanet went into in the creation of the ‘minor’ races is amazing.

We take the Quaggen for example.

The quaggen fit the role of a cute, clumsy race in the game but there is more to them than that. Their society and culture has been strongly shaped by an evolutionary defense to danger in that they beserk. This loss of control is considered both shameful and a great taboo. Quaggen favor peace, polite and freindly society cause it limits the risk of this ‘hulking’.

This has lead to two notable features of the Quaggen apart from their peace loving and polite cultural norms.

Firstly, they have developed wards and techniques of avoiding danger and conflict rather than confronting it. They have adapted to danger by finding ways to hide, ward off or run away.

Secondly, they have developed such a stigma to conflict that they become prone to victimisation. They are so afraid of the shame of losing control that they avoid fighting back then targeted. Its curious to see in the quaggen villages and in the PS the arguments between quaggen on fighting back and hearing some quaggen arguing that they need to start.

And of course they are kind of cute. Except when they are angry. Then they are like swiming with a swarm of giant pirannas.

The skritt I didnt care for much till I saw skrittsburg. Walking around it and talking to the skritt shows exactly how amazing and somewhat terrifying the skritt can be in numbers. They are a race that thrives when working together. They stop acting as individuals and become part of one giant system with each skritt becoming a cog in that machine.

Still havent gotten around to doing the Gwarl or Ogres. They are on my to do list.