So do we have a chance?
So you seeing a scenario where the players actually would lose the war eventually and what… the game would close forever?
So you seeing a scenario where the players actually would lose the war eventually and what… the game would close forever?
At the speed we kill them yeah we get burned out especially if another elder dragon appears besides then one we know.
Could this be the edge that would give us a chance to beat the dragon races?
I think the answer is a definite yes. We killed 2 Elder Dragons, where the ancient races killed 0. The better question is: Do we actually want to kill all Elder Dragons and what happens when we do? The understanding we currently have is that without the Elder Dragons magic runs wild which could, at least in the long run, actually be a bigger problem than the Elder Dragons themselves. And if this is what happens without the Elder Dragons, how do we prevent that or limit the effects of that, while also preventing the Elder Dragons from whiping out all (non-corrupted) life.
So you seeing a scenario where the players actually would lose the war eventually and what… the game would close forever?
At the speed we kill them yeah we get burned out especially if another elder dragon appears besides then one we know.
So 3 years since launch we killed the second dragon. With that timing, it would take 12 more years to kill the remaining 4.
I’m more worried the game will be dead before we even get to the last dragon.
I hope they will not do a expansion for every elder dragon in the game. That is gonna take so long.
About what happens if the magic runs wild well obvious answer we are gonna use it or better said drain it ourselves by making magic a common place and be used by every being on Tyria.
I hope they will not do a expansion for every elder dragon in the game. That is gonna take so long.
About what happens if the magic runs wild well obvious answer we are gonna use it or better said drain it ourselves by making magic a common place and be used by every being on Tyria.
Like they did on Orr? That ended up so well…
I hope they will not do a expansion for every elder dragon in the game. That is gonna take so long.
About what happens if the magic runs wild well obvious answer we are gonna use it or better said drain it ourselves by making magic a common place and be used by every being on Tyria.Like they did on Orr? That ended up so well…
I think the better comparison is the period after the gods released the magic from the bloodstones. After which the increase in power drove people to war. See:
The solution we are presented with in-game it seems is to make the egg a benevolent Elder Dragon, who can absorb excess magic to make sure magic levels never rise too high. Too what extent that plan will work or not remains to be seen of course.
(edited by Diovid.9506)
So 3 years since launch we killed the second dragon. With that timing, it would take 12 more years to kill the remaining 4.
I’m more worried the game will be dead before we even get to the last dragon.
I HIGHLY doubt the next expansion will take 3 years.
Keep in mind that the whole of Season 1 – a year and a half, give or take, after release – ArenaNet was continuously experimenting with how to do things. They wanted to avoid expansions and every four months – if not less – they changed how the releases and the story with the releases worked. Furthermore, Season 1 told two stories: the story of Scarlet Briar (aka Mordremoth’s rising) and the story of Ellen Kiel (aka the LA council).
Season 2 was the beginning of ArenaNet’s ’we’ve found where we want to be’ state, and it was not even half the length or Season 1.
At best guess, we can presume two seasons between expansions, but these seasons would take the length of Season 2 each, not Season 1 and Season 2 combined like many who cry the “three years per expansion” wail. Which means that – if each expansion has an 7 month post-Second Season development period, and each Season is the length of Season 2 minus the holiday break between E7 and E8 – we’re looking at ~6 months per season, with a 2 month mid-season break, and a 7 month development period. In other words: 21 months per expansion release. Add in however much time there is between HoT and S3 – I’m going to guess S3 begins in January or February until further notice, due primarily to upcoming holiday break in December. So functionally it would be 2-3 break, just like the mid-season break.
In other words: an expansion every 2 years, not 3, with 2 permanent lead-up arcs (LW seasons) prior to it.
But personally, I would have rather had Season 2 be a part of the expansion, to make it feel fuller, even if it meant an extra half-year without content. If S3 is a non-dragon arc that ends with us going into a dragon arc, I wouldn’t mind the would-be S4 being part of the next expansion. But that’s personal opinion.
As for “12 years to take on all dragons” (becoming 8 years with above): you presume it’s one dragon per expansion – which would get mighty boring in all honesty, given that they just did the most interesting dragon plotwise (Mordremoth being the only dragon to sensibly communicate with us lesser beings, given that one of the lesser beings are his should-be minions). You also presume that we would go after all six dragons – I think it might be served best if we never go after Primordus.
I am expecting that the following plots to be:
S3: Semi-related filler (with raid being told to be ‘leads into next plot’ iirc, then it’ll be White Mantle) → S4: Leads into DSD (given ending of HoT + the dragons-from-tidal wave concept art coming with HoT) → Exp2: DSD → S5:Semi-related filler → S6: Leads into Jormag+Kralkatorrik → Exp3: Jormag+Kralkatorrik → S6: To new lands.
Which would place us finishing dragons in 2019, with Primordus ever lurking in the background, giving the devs reasons to have random dragon minions across the entire world.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I really hope you’re right with the gap between expansions. Even 2 years is risky when it comes to MMOs and their lasting appeal.
I still think if the game survives, we should get to fight and kill all the Elder Dragons. It’s only fair, given how much the world has suffered in the hands of their minions and lieutenants. It also gives the development team and the players the chance to explore four more unique and diverse blighted ecosystems (underwater, arctic, underground and desert).
And given that Anet has no trouble having the world still filled with risen even if Zhaitan is canonically dead, I see no problem having all EDs dead and the world still filled with their minions. Would obviously be cool if they would employ their megaserver technology to give us several versions of the maps, depending on where our character is currently story-wise, but I don’t see them putting resources in completely rebuilding the old maps. At least not at this point.
Actually, they might of course do a “revamp” style expansion some few years from now where they redo a lot of the old areas, especially those strongly connected to Zhaitan and the risen. A bit like WoW did with Cataclysm.
And yes, going after DSD next seems pretty certain with the hints we’ve been given. The expansion would also be a good opportunity to revamp underwater combat.
(edited by Tom Gore.4035)
Why we are dealing with elder dragon one at a time? What if two elder dragons fight each other and all races caught between them meanwhile hidden forces taking advantage of this?
I hope they will not do a expansion for every elder dragon in the game. That is gonna take so long.
About what happens if the magic runs wild well obvious answer we are gonna use it or better said drain it ourselves by making magic a common place and be used by every being on Tyria.Like they did on Orr? That ended up so well…
I think the better comparison is the period after the gods released the magic from the bloodstones. After which the increase in power drove people to war. See:
The solution we are presented with in-game it seems is to make the egg a benevolent Elder Dragon, who can absorb excess magic to make sure magic levels never rise too high. Too what extent that plan will work or not remains to be seen of course.
Basically I agree. We figure this out (hopefully soon) and the egg hatches. As commanders we get to ride the dragon around (finally mounts) wherever we like. We are the first dragon rider. Then it evolves into Eragon from there.
Yea I imagine any future expansions might involve fighting more than 1 dragon at a time. Plus I feel like all the surviving dragons are stronger now with mordy’s death, where at the end it seems the energy he had been collecting spread across tyria.
Yea I imagine any future expansions might involve fighting more than 1 dragon at a time. Plus I feel like all the surviving dragons are stronger now with mordy’s death, where at the end it seems the energy he had been collecting spread across tyria.
Its theory of mine but I think that there is a reason there are so many elder dragons. Each of them can only drain so much magic if they take more they might die from oveeating to put it like that. So the fact that we killed Zaitan and Mordy means that they have to eat more then they can and I have a feeling that they will be very angry that they can not succeed in their task.
Maybe we don’t even fight all the dragons.
With the Oblivion story and the world descending into chaos with all the loose magic a-net might tie up the ED story line way sooner then expected. I for one do not believe we need to kill all ED’s to make Tyria implode.
Anyways I am sick and tired of the ED’s, there are way more interesting stories than evil bad dragons that want to destroy everything.
Maybe we don’t even fight all the dragons.
With the Oblivion story and the world descending into chaos with all the loose magic a-net might tie up the ED story line way sooner then expected. I for one do not believe we need to kill all ED’s to make Tyria implode.
Anyways I am sick and tired of the ED’s, there are way more interesting stories than evil bad dragons that want to destroy everything.
Like evil Gods that want to be reborn and destroy the world, cept that was done, and dragons are suppose to be stronger than gods.
Actually, the gods are said to be on par to the gods.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Like evil Gods that want to be reborn and destroy the world, cept that was done, and dragons are suppose to be stronger than gods.
Yeah that means that being a god is no big deal then. Granted one of them was killed by 2 mortal with one doing most of the work and the other one taking most of the spoil kitten kitten.
We killed 2 elder dragons and mostly thanks to 1 single very very very powerful mortal. He did in 4 years what the other races did not in 200 years kill a elder dragon.
But he is still a mortal there is no hint not talking about proof but hint that he is anything more then a mortal. What is the point of being gods if a mortal is stronger then beings stronger then you.
No god was killed by ‘two mortals’.
Dhuum was defeated – not killed – by a half-god and 7 mortals.
Abaddon was killed by 9 mortals (arguably 24 – the 10 henchmen, 12 heroes, Kormir, and PC) who were also blessed by the five other gods.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Yeah 9 but only 1 actually did the work of killing him. But think like that if the dragons are stronger then the gods then after they one killed by being bombed and the other killed in his own mind while he was the dragon of mind really talking about being defeated at your own game how do they dare to call themselves gods if they are so weak?
because it wouldn’t be an effective selling point if at the end, we lost
Yeah 9 but only 1 actually did the work of killing him.
Unlike in GW2, in GW1 the NPCs and party members were just as effective as the party leader.
But think like that if the dragons are stronger then the gods then after they one killed by being bombed and the other killed in his own mind while he was the dragon of mind really talking about being defeated at your own game how do they dare to call themselves gods if they are so weak?
No one ever said the dragons are stronger than the gods.
It’s said the dragons rival the gods.
And you really need to pay attention to how Mordremoth and Zhaitan are killed. Zhaitan was starved for weeks and then bombarded with weapons specifically made to harm him. Mordremoth was fought both internally (in his mind) and externally (Dragon’s Stand meta) and killed nigh-simultaneously there. He was distracted the entire time we fought him in his mind, by an entire army fighting him and depriving him of his food source.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Yea I imagine any future expansions might involve fighting more than 1 dragon at a time.
Primo vs Jorry! Fire and Ice!
And you really need to pay attention to how Mordremoth and Zhaitan are killed. Zhaitan was starved for weeks and then bombarded with weapons specifically made to harm him.
And we poked his eye out, destroyed his minion production, recaptured the temples to stop the spread of his corruption and magic-nuked a number of his forces.