So what about the poison...
Why would it work?
It was an antitoxin specifically created to counter the toxin of the Tower of Nightmares. There’s nothing to suggest any similarity between Mordremoth and the Tower of Nightmares, other than that they are both plants and that the Nightmare Court are a possible link.
Why would it work?
It was an antitoxin specifically created to counter the toxin of the Tower of Nightmares. There’s nothing to suggest any similarity between Mordremoth and the Tower of Nightmares, other than that they are both plants and that the Nightmare Court are a possible link.
Ahyeah I forgot that it wasn’t poison, but an antidote. But of course antidotes are often poisons if taken alone.
In any case, biological warfare could work, although anything designed to poison plants might have an undesirable effect on the Sylvari. Collateral damage…
Sounds good, at first glance! But Mordremoth has his twisted nature on his side, while Scarlet “merely” had technology! Maybe it’s not a good idea to give him a hard-earned antidote?
Only issue I have with biological warfare is even if we find something that works originally it might not work after a few uses. Mordremoth could simply mass produce his minions until he found a way to make htem resistant (similar in the fashion of evolution in insects to resist pesticides only forced)
What would we target? Do we use something to try to prevent there breathing? Do mordrem have lungs?
Do we use a nerve agent? Do they even have something that humans would recognize as a nervous system?
Theres alot of unknowns about dragon minions. If we use a generic poison (Insert weedkiller x thousand here) they may just find a way to turn it back around at us. I dont wanna use something on them only to find out they can now produce it in there bodies and spit it at us.
Only issue I have with biological warfare is even if we find something that works originally it might not work after a few uses. Mordremoth could simply mass produce his minions until he found a way to make htem resistant (similar in the fashion of evolution in insects to resist pesticides only forced)
What would we target? Do we use something to try to prevent there breathing? Do mordrem have lungs?
Do we use a nerve agent? Do they even have something that humans would recognize as a nervous system?
Theres alot of unknowns about dragon minions. If we use a generic poison (Insert weedkiller x thousand here) they may just find a way to turn it back around at us. I dont wanna use something on them only to find out they can now produce it in there bodies and spit it at us.
Well if Mordy could evolve his minions so easily, why are husks still vulnerable against conditions and the other minions are still not resistant to direct damage?
I was also thinking about trying to poison the root of the problem – pun definitely intended – and not the minions.
What I am effectively saying is that if you’re fighting something that is widely biologically different from yourself, you would definitely want to use biological or chemical weapons that are at the same time harmless to your own troops (sorry Sylvari) and lethal to the opposition.
The Mordrem are definitely alive, judging by the numerous internal organs we are getting from them. Poisoning the Risen, Branded or Destroyers might not work as well.
(edited by Tom Gore.4035)
There alive yes but there chemical composition is DEFFINETLY different from more fleshy life.
As for evolving his minions we have seen different variations of mordrem. Each one engineered to a specific role. Even in the same “species”. I imagine it wouldnt create a specific unit capable of immunity to toxin…or alter his minions as a whole to a s pecific toxin…until his instincts told him that a specific situation was a threat.
Weve already seen he can make creatures resistant to physical damage. As you said hte husks are only vulnerable to conditions. However tehy aren’t any more vulnerable than any other creature. As far as I know they take more condition than physical But they dont take extra.
As for poisoning the heart of the poblem. I have to assume you mean getting to mordremoth and somehow injecting a toxin in a vital organ (we still dont have ANY examples of Elder Dragon organic structure yet only guesses). Which sounds fine in theory but lets keep in mind out effing MASSIVE these things are.
Someone posted a video of zhaitan recently (who as far as I know was a rather small elder dragon) and at the end it shows his size in comparison to the human average.
As of yet thought we don’t know how big the core body is. what we DO know is that he has tentacles stretching across the entirety of kryta. That means the core body must be massive in order to sustain that.
So wed either need a MASSIIIIIIVE amount of poison. Or find a smaller amount of a super poison (still a large amount simply to make sure theres enough to cause widespread damage) and somehow get through the most likely very kittened off dragon to somehow reach into a hole and inject it.
To be honest, I’m not sure what got injected into the plant was even an antidote. Marjory seems to have concocted a chemical which, in sufficient quantities, reacted explosively with the Tower’s toxins.
Either way, for the same chemical to be useful against Mordremoth would require Mordremoth to be using basically the same toxins as were in the Tower of Nightmares, and I don’t think that’s the case: there are no hallucinations connected to Mordrem that I can recall.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I’d be leery of injecting poison into a plant being that has stuck little tendrils into plants all over the world. We might find ourselves with massive crop failures …
Then again, ingesting Mordrem-infested produce might not be the best call in any case… especially considering there seems to be a precedent for parasitic plants/fungi taking over animal hosts.
There’s nothing to suggest any similarity between Mordremoth and the Tower of Nightmares, other than that they are both plants and that the Nightmare Court are a possible link.
- Mordrem Lurchers and Vine Chambers use the same glow as Toxic <insert animal here> from the ToN.
- Corruption in Iron Marches uses same pollen and floor designs as ToN.
- Vine Crawler creates similar situation as Toxin Offshoots; both come (potentially) from roots.
- Krait in the TA had their minds altered, and the toxins messed with others’ minds (hallucinations); Mordremoth is the Elder Dragon of plants and mind.
There’s plenty of potential links between the ToN and Mordremoth, tbh.
Then again, ingesting Mordrem-infested produce might not be the best call in any case… especially considering there seems to be a precedent for parasitic plants/fungi taking over animal hosts.
Or coating yourself in Mordrem blood (effectively).
Didn’t stop us though.
Didn’t stop us from eating rotten meat, hard flower petals, spider sacs, soup made out of shadow imps by old crazy ladies, or a bunch of other crazy stuff.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
Does the connection sound absurd? Yes. Is it impossible? Nope.
As reminder, we still don’t know where Scarlet got the seeds she offered the toxic alliance from.
Kind of a crack-theory I had for a long time now is that the seed of the ToN was Mordremorth’s spawn and the krait and NC were merely tricked into cultivating and spreading it all while enhancing its potency with their own magic.
1) If my memory isn’t failing me, it was said that the mind-altering part was by the NC and the krait’s magic was responsible for the toxin. So if Mord’s speciality is plants/minds and poison, this alliance’s combination and involvement could have ‘helped’ the seed. A lot.
2) Reminder, the plant of the tower was sentient.
3) The Toxic Hybrid could have been a proto-type to speak for Mordremoth’s physical corruption, which was facilitated by the krait’s natural metamorphosis ability.
4) The writers were unnecessarily cryptic about the Toxic Hybrid when confirming it was a transformed krait who believed he was turned into a prophet.
My bet? We got a ‘prophet’. Mordremoth’s Prophet.
Look at all of the lines, of course some of them refer to the hybrid itself.
But some of the more creepy and cryptic ones like ‘I am aware’ and ‘I see you’? They could totally be from the perspective of the tower or mordremoth himself.