Statics, Dynamics, Synergetics!

Statics, Dynamics, Synergetics!

in Lore

Posted by: Sovereign.4953


This is my first time posting a theory on the lore of Guild Wars 2, and what you read below is based on my interpretation of a major event in the current season (season two) of the Living Story. Obviously there are some big spoilers here for anyone who hasn’t played the story yet, so consider that before reading further.

Part 1

The Asura have three colleges for developing magical knowledge and prowess: Statics, Dynamics, and Synergetics. While the Asura use these terms to describe differing philosophies for understanding magic, it seems that Scarlet understood these principles on much deeper level. Furthermore, as a result of Omadd’s device, as well as her own genius/insanity, her comprehension of the Eternal Alchemy likely surpassed that of any Asura. We see the principles of Statics, Dynamics and Synergetics represented in the giant watchknights and holograms that we fought during the final confrontation with Scarlet on the Breachmaker. Maybe these principles play an important role in the Eternal Alchemy—and by extension with the Elder Dragons themselves.

Consider the vision we experience inside Omadd’s device during the second episode of the current Living Story. The final part of the vision involves one large sphere, with a core of light, surrounded by six other spheres. A popular theory is that the sphere in the center represents Tyria, and the six surrounding spheres represent the dragons. I think this theory makes a lot of sense, and based on the colors of the spheres, the dragons represented on the left side (from top to bottom) are likely Bubbles, Mordremoth, and Primordus; the dragons represented on the right side (from top to bottom) are presumably Kralkatorrik, Zhaitan, and Jormag.

During the vision, each of these spheres lights up and begins moving. The color of each sphere seems to correspond to the nature/element represented by each dragon. Red for Primordus, green for Mordremoth, blue for Bubbles, light blue for Jormag, and reddish-purple for Kralkatorrik. Interestingly, Zhaitan’s sphere glows a yellowish-green as opposed to black, thought the latter would seem to be more appropriate to the theme of death/undeath. Some have suggested that this sphere’s color is a representation of sickness and decay, but I find it interesting that you can broadly separate all six spheres (two each) between the colors red, blue and green. These three colors are also associated with the principles of Statics (red), Dynamics (blue) and Synergetics (green)!

Statics, Dynamics, Synergetics!

in Lore

Posted by: Sovereign.4953


Part 2

All of this may seem like a bit of a leap, but stay with me. What really got me thinking along these lines was a post in another thread where players were discussing the idea that each dragon appears to have an opposite. The common explanation goes like this:

Primordus (fire) is opposite Jormag (ice)
Bubbles (water) is opposite Kralkatorrik (desert)
Mordremoth (life) is opposite Zhaitan (death/undeath)

However, one player suggested a different arrangement. If we redefine Primordus as the embodiment of molten rock, rather than simply fire, and Kralkatorrik as the embodiment of hardened rock/crystal, we can adjust the arrangement as such:

Primordus opposite Kralkatorrik
Bubbles opposite Jormag
Mordremoth opposite Zhaitan

Each pair seems to share a common theme, with one side representing the more dynamic aspect to the theme, and the other side representing the static aspect (e.g. water vs. ice). Interestingly, all of the spheres (dragons) on the left side could be broadly defined as “dynamic” and the spheres on the right as “static.”

Further support for this idea can be found in the vision. Although we have to be careful not to go looking for symbols where they don’t exist (i.e. the devs were simply adding artistic flourish) it does appear that there are lines that crisscross between the dragon spheres behind the large central sphere. Following these lines from one side the other we seem to connect Primordus (bottom left) with Kralkatorrik (top right), Mordremoth (middle left) with Zhaitan (middle right) and Bubbles (top left) with Jormag (bottom right).

Finally, we can consider the idea of Statics, Dynamics and Synergetics as they apply to each pair. I’ll admit I’m stretching a bit, but here are my thoughts. Primordus and Kralkatorrik are both “red,” putting them in the general category of “Statics.” While the word “static” refers to a system that is unchanging, if we fudge the definition a little to embrace systems that change very slowly over time, then the cycles of rock and lava (plate tectonics) do indeed appear “static.” The ability of water to cycle through various states (e.g. liquid and ice) is much more rapid and dynamic. The “blue” dragons of Bubbles and Jormag could thus be considered the “Dynamics.” Finally, life and death share a very important synergy with one and other, and perhaps the “green” dragons of Mordremoth and Zhaitan are the “Synergetics.”

What impact does this actually have on the universe, and what does it tell us about the nature of the dragons? I honestly don’t know. I’m already out on limb with this theory, but here’s a final thought I’ll offer. Many have suggested that the reason that Mordremoth’s power is growing so rapidly could be due to the fact that the opposing force of Zhaitan (death vs. life) is now gone. Perhaps this is further exasperated by relationship that these two shared as the “Synergetics” and the Eternal Alchemy is now out of balance. Clearly whatever Scarlet did with the ley lines is playing a big part as well.

So, what do you think of my ideas here? And if you agree that the principles of Statics, Dynamics, and Synergetics might play a big role in the Eternal Alchemy and the nature of the Elder Dragons, what are the implications for the Guild Wars universe? I’m very interested in your thoughts!

(edited by Sovereign.4953)