The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
Statue of a Charr in Nageling
The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
I’m not entirely sure, but it’s probably a statue of Kalla Scorchrazor, the Charr who led the female uprising against the Flame Legion shamans that broke their hold on power over the rest of the Charr High Legions.
Kalla has another statue in the Black Citadel itself, so an easy way to check would just be to head over there and compare the statues.
It’s definitely a female charr. You can tell by the face. Kalla would make sense, but I can’t confirm that at this point in time.
Comparing to the Black Citadel statues, it matches the Statue of Ofela Soulcleave. Except for the laturn.
But I don’t recall any actual lore on that statue, so the chances of it merely being re-used artwork to reflect two different female charr warriors is high.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Since Nageling is constantly under attack by Separatists, that’s something that might provide a clue. Odd that it doesn’t have a plaque, though. Dev oversight?
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
It is definitely NOT Kalla Scorchrazor. The statues of Kalla Scorchrazor in the Black Citadel look totally different from her—the face and the horns are not the same at all. She’s probably a minor hero significant to Nageling—one of the founders?