[Suggestion] Top Theories Sticky
I like this idea. It would cut back majorly on the plethora of duplicate threads the broken search feature has spawned.
Did a post like this ages ago. It was ignored of course. I don’t think we have any active dev here that’d take the time to do it, like John Smith over the BLTC forum, for example.
Did a post like this ages ago. It was ignored of course. I don’t think we have any active dev here that’d take the time to do it, like John Smith over the BLTC forum, for example.
Is Jon Smith a real person? That is the most generic name I ever read. it would confirm my theories about Colin Johansson being a robot from the future and the only employee of Arena-Net
We have at least two “regular” dev readers – Matthew Medina and Angel McCoy. Dunno if others read, but those two are known to post every full moon (not literally of course…).
While I like such a suggestion, being the one who put together said lists on Guru (and updated said lists on GWO after Gmr Leon had made the initial ones), it is a lot of work – more so for this forum due to its aggravating search functions. The list on GW1/2Gurus was a list of links to threads which were had well developed OPs, or later discussions being well developed, rather than being a list of “popular” theories.
Either case would be nice to have since everyone and their grandmother’s brother seems to need a thread on the sylvari-Mordremoth relation interpretation, but I doubt it’d change things given how many shared-topic threads there are on the very front page of this forum.
Would require someone to put in a lot of time out of their days to create such a list, let alone keep it up to date, and a dev to sticky it.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Maybe a self policing approach would work better? For example, two topics that pop up frequently are the “Sylvari are linked to an Elder Dragon” and the general discussions around Malyck. When those topics pop up, posters who commented on the original discussion regurgitate the other thread. Would it be a workable solution to instead link them to the original thread and if they want, they can continue the discussion there?
Maybe a self policing approach would work better? For example, two topics that pop up frequently are the “Sylvari are linked to an Elder Dragon” and the general discussions around Malyck. When those topics pop up, posters who commented on the original discussion regurgitate the other thread. Would it be a workable solution to instead link them to the original thread and if they want, they can continue the discussion there?
We tend to do that anyway, but the problem is that if we don’t see it soon enough (and sometimes even if we do) it’ll develop enough momentum to keep going on account of the people who only read the OP and maybe the first half-dozen responses.
I think what it requires is someone to have a thorough knowledge of the lore and make the thread. After that, a dev simple stickies it.
I don’t want to call out Konig, but he was in charge of the sticky on GWInc. Perhaps someone who knows this stuff far better than I would be willing to get it started?
Bringsthisback- I mean I think we’re in dire need of stickies. Mess doesn’t even start to describe the situation.
It’s the only sub-forum beside the forum-website one that has no sticky whatsoever.
I really don’t know where to post anymore because of the sheer number of duplicates. I might not be the only one so (cough) Anet might miss out on some delicious speculation (cough) which they love reading so much (cough cough).
I’d suggest stickies for
- List to major threads about the most common theories (Malyck, Sylvari-Dragon minions, general LS discussion-threads, is abaddon REALLY dead, 6 dragons = 6 Gods or whatever shows up regularly), basically what was said
- A thread with the story and Lore related dolyak-expresses. Also if possible, lore questions answered by devs in interviews (now THAT’s hard to compile but kitten the scattered lore-situation is really getting out of hand ) These should also cover some commonly asked questions. But that’s tons of work so for a start the Dolyak Expresses should suffice.
- …a netiquette? I know not too many people read them but it’s kind of a formality.
Can we at least have a heads-up by devs about making such threads sticky? Or in case the devs who lurk here don’t have any experience with forum tools, inform one of the forum mods to check? Prettypleasewithacherryontop?
(edited by ElysianEternity.6215)
Personally, I think a sticky of top theories is going to lead to a lot of overheated arguments and hurt feelings. After all, we all know that my theories are the most valid.
This thread has been closed due to the excessive amount of lies spread
I’d suggest a stickied post which includes known facts to easily refer to. This would get many theories having incorrect assumptions out of the way (or at least, that would be the goal of said post).
I’d suggest a stickied post which includes known facts to easily refer to. This would get many theories having incorrect assumptions out of the way (or at least, that would be the goal of said post).
You mean like… the wiki?
I am trying to compile a list with dev responses in the lore forum so they can be refered to as facts as they are valuable additions to the lore and get missed by the not so frequent visitors of the forum. So far I have watched the first 50 pages of thr lore forum and I have like 5 meaningful responses
I will probably add some good discussion threads worth mentioning in the post as well. This will take some time so I do not have a time when I am done. This will just be a prototype and if it doesnt fail I might continue working on it but I would like to see first how it turns out before putting so much time in it.
Well, yes, the wiki should be the standard for people to look to if they want information on lore, instead they look on the lore forums and ask their questions here. That’s fine, I mean they either get their answer or are redirected to the wiki by us, but we might as well have a stickied topic then. Like a lore FAQ.
Yeah I get where you wanna go. The problem is that only a list of theories is kind of a lot of work to keep up to date and this lore FAQ seems therefore impossible to me. However, as a whole community, we might be able to help eacother out on this. If someone comes up with a question and posts it, I or another one who makes such posts will add it to the list. But we must take it easy at the beginning :P
Yeah and another problem is that some answers require a (detailed) lengthy post, this however can be solved with spoiler /spoiler I’d say.
Hmh, let’s first try and get mod-approval for stickies, then we can really work on lore FAQ, etiquette topic and a theory compilation
Or just a link to a post from someone who explained it. Like a link to a post where Konig sums up why the Sylvary are not neccesarily dragon minions, since that theory is what this forum has been filled by. It seems to me this would be the way to go, although this will take a lot of effort so it can only be done if we have a few people working on it or contrubuting to it.
I also will make a list of posts with great discussion in them. Like if somewhere in 2012 there was a Tengu discussion, that you can look it up if you are interested.
Out best bet is flooding the first dev that ventures here next time asking for him/her/it to request a moderator or another dev that could work with us on these ideas. Having topics already written down could help, so we can hand them to them and they can make a thread with that. For example, make a FAQ on Word and then, when we have the chance, hand it to the person responsible.
(edited by Eluveitie.1290)