(edited by Tachenon.5270)
Sylvari Ecology Questions
I do not know that we have answers for any of those questions. From a biological stand point, grafting a branch to a tree is possible, but the way that Sylvari are built is a heck of a lot different from a tree, and if anything, it would be vastly more complex.
- Dunno.
- There was an interview that said sylvari heal the same way most animals do, or rather at the same rate. They scab over wounds though with plant fibers and would regrow “some” of the limb slowly, like part of a finger growing back. Second part’s unknown due to first part.
- They can change their hair, yes. Their whole appearance, in fact, can be changed. Though this is more of a psychological defense mechanism than anything else.
- Unknown, but hasn’t thus far to our knowledge.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
To elaborate on some of the answers already given, hair cutting I imagine would be done since they can shed the clothing they make. But other areas of their body need time to heal when damaged. So there seems to be a ‘core’ area of their anatomy that is considered vital to their well being when damaged.
“Their bodies create petal-like coverings, vines, and leaves that they shape into pleasing garments. When they wish to remove the garments, they simply shed their petal clothing as a human might cut their hair.” – Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare
We have also know that limb regrowth is possible but as Konig said they heal at the same rate as humans. So grafting probably wouldn’t work since the limb would likely die before the graft could take root. Though if it could be kept alive and nourished it seems likely with the limb from the same sylvari. Another sylvari’s limb? Who knows. I would guess ‘probably not’. Simply because different sylvari seems to be composed of different types of plants. In the case of ‘twins’, I would guess ‘yes’.
“I think limb regeneration is possible, though in the game we don’t sever limbs. Sylvari tend to heal at the same general rate as humans, though the nature of that healing may be different (neat tendrils and bark forming as opposed to scar tissue).” -Jeff Grubb
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
Another sylvari’s limb? Who knows. I would guess ‘probably not’. Simply because different sylvari seems to be composed of different types of plants. In the case of ‘twins’, I would guess ‘yes’.
Seems like the differences in sylvari should be primarily cosmetic, since they all spring from the same source. Then again, maybe certain parts of the pale tree get more or less sunlight than others, or maybe different parts of the tree have different concentrations of nutrients (or other elements) drawn from the soil in which the tree stands/grows, and these and other factors account for the differences. I suppose mutation is possible as well. Or maybe the Pale Tree can chose what traits each sylvari ‘inherits’.
How many different types of sylvari (offspring of the Pale Tree, that is) would you (everybody) say there are?
A couple more questions:
If a sylvari soaked his or her feet (or perhaps even whole body) in colored water, would parts of the sylvari take on that color?
Sylvari seem to breathe much like everybody else. Anyway, their speech sounds just like the speech of the animal races, and gases seem to affect them, and they seem to need a breathing mask to function underwater. But do sylvari exhale carbon dioxide – or oxygen?
Remember, the Pale Tree is one source but it is a magical source connected to the Dream. We haven’t quantified her in any great extent beyond knowing that she came from some seed planted by Rowan. Also, the cosmetic aspecs of different sylvari aren’t the same. they aren’t all bundles of the same branches/leaves/petals/vines as we see in their faces. So one sylvari’s arm won’t have the vines/leaves/bark/etc in the same places as another.
We know they breathe air but oxygen and carbondioxide are never distinguished or mentioned in Tyria. But they do use the same breathihng masks underwater as everyone else. We also see their chests moving up and down.
Sylvari don’t take in water through their feet. That wouldn’t make sense for a mobile plant. Though if they drink colored water they may turn that color.
“They drink, as other races do, and they get tipsy on alcoholic beverages.” -Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare
Perhaps sylvari with flowers for hair might partake of colored water for the aesthetic effects that might be produced.
Sylvari 1: Look at those bright blue blossoms!
Sylvari 2: Dye job.
Sylvari 3: Her roots are showing.