It’s not hard to believe that reincarnation could be possible. At least one other group, the kodan, believe in it. I have wondered for a while whether, thanks to the possible connection to the mists, the dream is a way for reincarnation to occur. We have little to prove it, but just as little to disprove it. All we know for certain is that we have yet to see the spirit of a Sylvari.
while not necessarily impossible, there’s nothing that can lead someone to believe that. when people die in tyria, they go to the mists, and while i imagine the dream is part of the mists, i don’t think people reincarnate as you’re suggesting.
however, i do believe that sylvaris might just be sent back to the dream once they die, and start anew.
Would it really be considered Reincarnation being the soul entering a new body or Just being alive again in the embodiment of the forest? (terestialcarnation to which I have no idea of such a term exists but spell check believes it so)
Reincarnation can take many forms. I know the hindu religion believes one’s soul can be reincarnated into all kinds of animals or humans. Taking it into the world of Tyria and making it part of the Sylvari making process wouldn’t be a very far from the original use of the term. The question is whether it has any backing, and at this point in time it does not.
Ya I agree with you, Both parts, but in general the Thought got super glued in my mind when my Human theif was talking to the Grave digger Sylvari in the Human capital to wich to the extent she said “What is it like? feels like I am planting a seed for a tree, But with no expectation of growth.”
Now I may of remembered that wrong. But it just popped the question in my mind. are Sylvari trancendent Tyrian Adventures?
Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were, though they would also probably be past tyrian villians as well (if they took this route of explanation) because of the existence of the Nightmare Court.
I don’t know id it’s in lore or not, but I made a Sylvari necro as close as possible to my necro main from GW1 under this premise.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
It would be cool, but sadly it could just as easily be untrue. Plus there’s no way to RP it because no Sylvari seems to remember past life or anything of that sort.
It would be cool, but sadly it could just as easily be untrue. Plus there’s no way to RP it because no Sylvari seems to remember past life or anything of that sort.
well it’s not like reincarnation is respawning on a new body. even on tyrian culture (or rather, kodan culture), when you reincarnate, you’re a blank slate. no memories of past lives can surge or anything like that.
there are these two kodan on that camp south of honor of the waves that do some small talk, on one of the conversations, one of them says something along the lines of “the only bad part about dying is having to work to learn everything again”.
No, I understand that. I’m just saying that the idea that your new sylvari character is the soul of your old GW1 character is a cool idea, but there’s no way that you can RP like that. I mean there’s no way the character would know.