Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


hey guys just want to hear other peoples opinions on something some people will call
not important.

I am talking about the Talus areas…
This areas have always been important to me because it is incredible bellyful there.
The Are around GW1 Talus chute and Marhan’s Groto. Actually Ice Floe
is between them.

Why the heck is this area now jungle and Marhans Grotto under water ?
BTW it’s now called Mallegan’s Groto
I understand that it’s 250 year between. But turning a frozen Mountain region into a Jungle is a little bit extreme.

Next thing is what are the Kraits doing there ??
Krait history is saying that the Krait were driven out of the deeps of the Ocean by sea Dragons. So how do they end up in a Mountain lake with fresh water and build a wooden construct there ?

And the last thing is that maybe someone has an explanation why A-Net shrinked the map so much. Talus chute and Marhans grotto was separated by a whole map between. At GW2 you wal from Talus to Mallegans Grotto in roughly 12 seconds.

Someone share same interests and has some information ?

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

The location where Marhan’s Grotto was (in GW1) is in a part of the map that isn’t even open in GW2. I think you are confused about where things are.

Here is a map overlay showing GW1 locations and GW2 locations. http://zoom.it/TWLx#full

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


Ok. let’s forget the Grotto.
My main porblem is the Talus shute and areas around.
It really turned from Frozen Mountains into flourishing jungles in just 250 years.
According to your map the Ice Caves and Iron mines would be tropic now ?

I really don’t get why.
The main poi nt is that they took my absolute favorite area away and
replaced it with mass produced jungle

(edited by Kurrilino.2706)

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


It probably has to do with the Dragons and the rising of Orr.

Level 80 Elementalist

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Something to do with that enormous tsunami that hit the continent, I suppose. Or maybe a meteorite landed there. No idea. Does it make that much difference? After your edit, I suppose it does..to you. Sorry for your loss.

Probably better served in the Lore sub-forum. =)

(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


It probably has to do with the Dragons and the rising of Orr.

That area is not even close to Orr.
I kinda see how a dragon is corrupting death people and raising zombies but turning
a Frozen Area into a jungle ????
If he is responsible for drastic climatic changes all maps should be jungle

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


Something to do with that enormous tsunami that hit the continent, I suppose. Or maybe a meteorite landed there. No idea. Does it make that much difference? After your edit, I suppose it does..to you. Sorry for your loss.

Probably better served in the Lore sub-forum. =)

yeah, i gues it’s the wrong section here.
it really belongs into the lore .
Hopefully an Admin is moving it.

And yes, i really miss it

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: RedStar.4218


There’s an active volcano right next to it, that’s part of the reason why the snow melted.

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


There’s an active volcano right next to it, that’s part of the reason why the snow melted.

Snow melting for a short time after eruption or tuening an area into a tropic jungle is different. We have lots of volcanoes at Antarctica and it’s still looking like an ice desert

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: RedStar.4218


“The area is temperate, parts even somewhat tropical down there now. There’s a volcano that has exploded over the 250 years, so that entire map is now warm and as water running through it. You can go up and down and scale the volcano. You can even go out to the Crucible of Eternity and find it.”


Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


“The area is temperate, parts even somewhat tropical down there now. There’s a volcano that has exploded over the 250 years, so that entire map is now warm and as water running through it. You can go up and down and scale the volcano. You can even go out to the Crucible of Eternity and find it.”


I read that before.
But Camp Rankor and Talus Chute are 1 complete map away.
Even if the volcanoe would heat up the surrounding area it is a little bit too much.
Go to iceland actually, They use geothermal heat from volcanoes underthe isalnd for their Energy. But is it a tropical island ???? No. You just have some how springs here and there but it still have snow and mountains

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Rym.1469


That’s probably Scarlet and her Global Warming.
I knew she was behind it.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
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Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

A volcano’s heat can reach a good distance. Remember when the Iceland volcano erupted and the huge ash cloud blocked plane flights for a couple weeks a few weeks back?

Plus, Mount Maelstrom seems to have been made by Primordus (destroyers are highly prevalent there at least), thus meaning that it would have been made by Primordial Fire (as Edge of Destiny novel calls it), which burns through anything.

Plus, it isn’t like the Shiverpeaks were snowed over year long – if it were cold enough for water to freeze like we see in GW1 year long, then plants wouldn’t be able to grow. There had to be a warming up period (read: summer) in which the area got warmer. Most of Prophecies seems to happen in the colder times, while most of GW2’s initial release plot seems to happen during the warmer times (hence why Wayfarer Foothills is warmed – ignoring the industrial city nearby). Based on dialogues, the game began at the end of winter, and the zones progress along with the personal story and dungeon story based on level – with the PS ending before Halloween (when the LW began). So the “stuck in time” period for Timberline Falls and Mount Maelstrom should be the end of summer, logically thinking.

Makes me wonder if they’ll ever create new versions of maps based on the seasons with the LW… that would be awesome.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


It would be amazing to have a game world that changed due to seasons and such, but it seems somewhat unlikely in Tyria. At least for a while.

But yeah, definitely remember the effects of a certain icelandic volcano. I had about 5 hours added to my flight out of Paris, France back to the states due to it’s ash cloud. You can imagine how short the next layover was….

Kurrilino, you wanted an explanation and they’ve given it to you. Although I’d agree it doesn’t exactly make perfect sense to me either, this is the explanation that we have been given in the game. That Mount Maelstrom was the cause of the warming of the Steamspur Mountains (aka Southern Shiverpeaks). I have to agree that it feels like a shame to lose it. The Shiverpeaks were some of my favorite as well, based on the zones and especially the music, but areas around where the “Deldrimor Front” title is on the map still have snow in them. I am holding out hope that perhaps some of Thunderhead Keep still has some of it’s old charm.

(edited by Narcemus.1348)

Talus Chute/ Talus Waterslide

in Lore

Posted by: wouw.5837


The CO2 that is being exhausted by the volcano in Mt. Maelstrom and the new Charr machines is making the ozone layer thicker and so the solar rays are being reflected back to Tyria and warming the planet,.

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