Recent developments in the Kessex Hills have highlighted the intensity with which races are fighting for the surface world of Tyria. Despite the best efforts of the Dwarves it seems that the subterranean world has been lost to us: Primordus’ army has claimed not only their civilization, but has also displaced the Asura and the Dredge; even those races dwelling within the murky depths, such as the Krait and Quaggan have been displaced by an Elder Dragon. The Elder Draconic corruption appears to be spreading upward and outward, from the very depths of Tyria to her highest heights.
What exactly the ascension of Krait prophets means for their race is not clear. The process seems as much an allegory about the frustrations of an aquatic species seeking to dominate soil as it does anything else. What the Nightmare Court gain from the alliance is also perplexing. We note that we encounter a Krait Oratuss in the Tower Of Nightmares initial instance, this creature being a leader within Krait society, but we do not appear to meet representatives of the leadership of the Nightmare Court at all. Sure, we have Champion and Elite members of the Nightmare Court, but never a true boss – an individual with a unique name. Given the lack of NC leadership representation, it does not seem unreasonable to question whether the Nightmare Court even have a say in the unfolding drama. One thing’s for certain, they make good soldiers.
Is it possible that the Tower Of Nightmares is not only a beacon for the Krait prophets but also the means by which the Krait are able to dominate land-dwelling races? To me, the Krait seem to be terraforming the Krytan landscape, changing the nature of the environment to suit their current presence on land. Sure, we do note them making land-based raids (it appears thatthey can sustain themselves above water for a time – the Krait Witch of Caledon Forest being an example of sustained existence out of water) but they don’t seem to like occupying the land. The Tower Of Nightmares involves the wind-based dissemination of a spore that affects one’s physiology and is designed to be administered through inhalation. For us, it induces hallucination. It may also do so for the Krait. (Intriguingly, in the initial instance, when the Seraph turn against the player, if your character is downed the Krait will attempt to heal you in the same way that they try to heal downed members of the Nightmare Court.) By inducing this state in their soldiers, the Krait may be empowering them to survive for longer periods out of the water. You could liken this to the kittens’ use of amphetamine during WWII to enhance the combat abilities of their troops.
What do you think?
The Tyrian Land War
Intriguing, but I would like to point out that the krait have no difficulties surviving and fighting on land, via both Shadows in the Water and our own experiences in GW1. I agree that they appear to be empowering themselves for their war against the surface races, but it is not necessary to their survival on land.
Other than that, I rather agree with all your points. The terraforming in particular seems a potent weapon to strip the land of the resources the terrestrial races need to survive.
In the past Krait have only really taken slaves, so this would b their first grand offensive.
However, I don’t know whether that will actually go anywhere. Remember, Scarlet is supposed to be the main villain, not the Krait (even though they’re now allies). So we’ll probably just tear down the tower and be done with it.
But I’d be happy if anet surpised us by making this Krait/Scarlet bigger!
Yes, I’m hoping the Krait turn out to be more important than the members of the previous alliances, who were ultimately there just to make Scarlet look good. We only know them as slavers, but there’s potentially a ton about them that we don’t know. Like if the Krait manage to actually get ahold of the obelisk fragments Scarlet claims she has (debatable whether or not anyone’s ever actually getting what Scarlet promises them – none of these jerks talk to each other, so it’s not like they’d know if she’d been shortchanging everyone) and then they say “for the return of our prophets from the world of death we sacrifice this rebuilt relic to the ultimate one: The god of all seas, Abaddon”. And suddenly a portal opens up and the room is full of Margonite Krait (Abaddon was a human god, but also a bit of a loose cannon, you know?) and Scarlet is sort of “oh, dang, you guys were actually a big deal?”
That would be surprising. I’d be surprised.