The War with the Centaurs

The War with the Centaurs

in Lore

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


As the topic title suggest, I’m interested in some info regarding the war with the centaurs, do we have any info on when it started (the attack at the Saemoor Garrison is obviously not the first attack) and some more lore background on the war in general?

The War with the Centaurs

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086 pretty much tells us as much of the history of the war as we know. To summarize/elaborate on what’s not there:

The earliest mention we have of the war is 300 AE, when Kryta was being resettled (by Elonians instead of Orrians as it was the first time) and the Krytans pushed further north than before. The centaurs were pushed out of their home (northern Kryta) into the northern Maguuma (now Maguuma Wastes) and the Northern Shiverpeaks (now no longer distinguished from the rest of the Shiverpeaks as the Southern Shiverpeaks as become the Steamspur Mountains).

King Oswald Thorn brought up “negotiations” but knowing him the terms were probably as the centaurs claimed: unfavorable. The war seemed to have slowed down in 1072 AE, as we don’t see much of it in Guild Wars 1, except for the Shvierpeak tribes trying to form an alliance with the Maguuma tribes which – at least at first – failed. Though we do know that the war was ongoing as Ventari fought in it during his youth. In 1078 AE, during Eye of the North, the Modniir centaurs were mostly wiped out by the humans and norn which further broke the war down a bit until about 50 years prior to Guild Wars 2, where Ulgoth – the leader of the Modniir – reunited the Modniir and subjugated the Tamini and Harathi into working under the Modniir.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

The War with the Centaurs

in Lore

Posted by: jheryn.8390


I think it will be interesting what Anet will do with centaurs in Elona if we ever get back there. They are such villains in Tyra how will Tyrian characters react if they are forced to deal with the centaurs in Elona?

Of course, the shaky truce to defeat Abaddon may have fallen by the wayside after the attack. Also, it might have grown stronger too in fighting Palawa Joko. Further, Palawa may have wiped them all out.

I just think it would make for an interesting dynamic if Tyrian characters were forced to look at Elonian centaurs as ‘good guys.’ This is just all speculation, of course.

The War with the Centaurs

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


It irks me that ArenaNet seem to want the centaurs to be a “black” race even though they have all the makings of a “grey” race. The Modniir are the evil centaurs who have the strongest magic by the look of things, all the other centaurs appear to be merely forced into action. All it would take for the centaur to no longer be a “black” faction would be for either the Modniir to be wiped or for the Tamini and Harathi to have something greater to fear than the Modniir. IMO the Veldrunners (elonian) would be more likely to ally with humans than to fall away. They had a definite hatred for Joko, and I would believe that they would rather ally with any rebel humans rather than just die off.

The War with the Centaurs

in Lore

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I wish there is some development with the centaur in LA being held at gunpoint

Oceanic [LOD]

The War with the Centaurs

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Well, ArenaNet loves to leave those things hanging so that someday they can pick back up on it. And until then the players can continue to gossip about the stuff and what all might occur with it.

The War with the Centaurs

in Lore

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Thank you for all the answers