First, let’s start with this image:
Yup, Tyria is actually next to Valyria ( Particular notes of interest about Valyria:
-“A common racial characteristic among Valyrians appears to have been purple eyes and hair of silver-gold or platinum white.”
-“Valyria is said to still hold many treasures from before the Doom, such as Valyrian steel blades and items of magical power.”
-“Valyria was ruled by its dragonlords”
-“They were called dragonlords because they could ride and control dragons”
-“Dragons were discovered some five thousand years ago by the Valyrians in the Fourteen Flames, a ring of volcanoes on the Valyrian peninsula. The Valyrians mastered the art of raising dragons and used them as weapons of war to carve out a massive empire”
-“It was destroyed by a cataclysmic event known as the Doom of Valyria”
So, Valyrians have purple eyes. Arenanet added lots of knew purple eyes after gw2 released. Valyria contained items of magical power and general sorcery. This is also true of Tyria. Tyria was ruled by dragon lords who could ride and control dragons. Where were those dragons discovered? Valyria. Valyria was destroyed by “The Doom”.
What is the Doom of Valyria?
-“The Doom of Valyria is the name for the cataclysm of an unspecified nature that caused the collapse of the Valyrian Freehold which had, prior to the Doom, been prospering for 5,000 years.”
-“The cataclysm hit the Valyrian capital city Valyria, fragmenting the land surrounding the city into numerous smaller islands, creating the Smoking Sea between them. the Freehold was annihilated in a single night of fire and storm, with great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions laying waste to the empire.”
What could have caused the Doom?
Primordus – “Primordus was the first of the Elder Dragons to awaken in Tyria. Primordus’ original resting place was in a cavern deep underground, where it was assumed by the asura to simply be a statue emitting a high amount of magical energy.” ( Primordus’ characteristics are similar to fire, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
Primordus must have awakened, in turn destroying Valyria.
Did the Doom take place prior to the events of gw2? Or is that in the future?
I think the Doom took place way before the events of gw2. From the wiki on Primordus, “It is claimed in the book titled The Elder Dragons that Primordus’ previous awakening is the only one still known to history.” So, Primordus awoke, destroyed Valyria (including the humans), were defeated or put to sleep by something else, and were forgotten. Next, the human gods brought humans to Tyria (back? or new?). “the Six Gods arrived on the world and brought the humans with them, but from where is not known.” ( Also, about the human gods: “Their age is also unknown, but it is known that the current pantheon as a whole is not the first, and that they have not been on Tyria as long as the Elder Dragons.” (