The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Lohre.9031


First, let’s start with this image:

Yup, Tyria is actually next to Valyria ( Particular notes of interest about Valyria:
-“A common racial characteristic among Valyrians appears to have been purple eyes and hair of silver-gold or platinum white.”
-“Valyria is said to still hold many treasures from before the Doom, such as Valyrian steel blades and items of magical power.”
-“Valyria was ruled by its dragonlords”
-“They were called dragonlords because they could ride and control dragons”
-“Dragons were discovered some five thousand years ago by the Valyrians in the Fourteen Flames, a ring of volcanoes on the Valyrian peninsula. The Valyrians mastered the art of raising dragons and used them as weapons of war to carve out a massive empire”
-“It was destroyed by a cataclysmic event known as the Doom of Valyria”

So, Valyrians have purple eyes. Arenanet added lots of knew purple eyes after gw2 released. Valyria contained items of magical power and general sorcery. This is also true of Tyria. Tyria was ruled by dragon lords who could ride and control dragons. Where were those dragons discovered? Valyria. Valyria was destroyed by “The Doom”.

What is the Doom of Valyria?
-“The Doom of Valyria is the name for the cataclysm of an unspecified nature that caused the collapse of the Valyrian Freehold which had, prior to the Doom, been prospering for 5,000 years.”
-“The cataclysm hit the Valyrian capital city Valyria, fragmenting the land surrounding the city into numerous smaller islands, creating the Smoking Sea between them. the Freehold was annihilated in a single night of fire and storm, with great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions laying waste to the empire.”

What could have caused the Doom?
Primordus – “Primordus was the first of the Elder Dragons to awaken in Tyria. Primordus’ original resting place was in a cavern deep underground, where it was assumed by the asura to simply be a statue emitting a high amount of magical energy.” ( Primordus’ characteristics are similar to fire, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
Primordus must have awakened, in turn destroying Valyria.

Did the Doom take place prior to the events of gw2? Or is that in the future?
I think the Doom took place way before the events of gw2. From the wiki on Primordus, “It is claimed in the book titled The Elder Dragons that Primordus’ previous awakening is the only one still known to history.” So, Primordus awoke, destroyed Valyria (including the humans), were defeated or put to sleep by something else, and were forgotten. Next, the human gods brought humans to Tyria (back? or new?). “the Six Gods arrived on the world and brought the humans with them, but from where is not known.” ( Also, about the human gods: “Their age is also unknown, but it is known that the current pantheon as a whole is not the first, and that they have not been on Tyria as long as the Elder Dragons.” (

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Lohre.9031


More info about the human gods of gw2 (
Dwayna – “goddess of healing, air, warmth, and life”
Balthazar – “god of war, fire, and courage”
Melandru – “goddess of nature, earth, and growth”
Lyssa – “twin goddesses of beauty, water and illusion”
Grenth – “god of darkness, death, and ice”
Kormir – “goddess of order, spirit, and truth”
Abaddon – “Depths, Knowledge and Magic” (

And what about the seven aspects of The Faith (asoiaf) (
Mother – “representing motherhood and nurturing”
Warrior – “representing strength in battle”
Smith – “representing crafts and labor”
Maiden – “representing innocence and chastity”
Stranger – “represents death and the unknown”
Father – “representing judgment”
Crone – “representing wisdom”

Similarly, they could be related like this:
Dwayna – Mother
Balthazar – Warrior
Melandru – Smith
Lyssa – Maiden
Grenth – Stranger
Kormir – Father
Abaddon – Crone

The human gods in gw2 and asoiaf (A Song of Ice and Fire) (Game of Thrones but more general) are so similar they could be one in the same!

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Lohre.9031


Back to the theory timeline:
Primordus awakens (the one before the one we are at now in gw2)
Destroys Valyria and everything else nearby (including the humans)
Primordus goes back to sleep
current time in asoiaf
Human gods bring back humans to Tyria
today in GW2

Why do I think that sequence of events is true?
If the Doom of Valyria is the “awakening of Primordus before the one we are at now in gw2”, that is also the time the last giganticus lupicus were around. Specifically, “The Great Giants, known to scholars as giganticus lupicus, were a group of gigantic ancient races that walked Tyria long before modern records began. Their disappearance from the northern continent in about 10,000 BE coincides with the last rise of the Elder Dragons,1 and it is believed by the Durmand Priory that not only are they extinct in the northern regions, but the dragons were responsible for their extinction.” ( The time for this based on the Mouvelian calendar is 10,000 BE (before the exodus of the human gods in gw2).

The War of the Five Kings in asoiaf takes place about 400 years after The Doom of Valyria. Specifically, “The Doom of Valyria was a volcanic cataclysm that took place approximately four hundred years before the War of the Five Kings” ( This puts current time in asoiaf at about 9,600 BE. (still no humans in Valyria or anywhere close)

Next, the human gods bring back humans to Tyria in about 205 BE. Specifically, “Humans appear on the Tyrian continent.” (

Next, the exodus happens in gw2 at 0 AE (

Finally, present time in gw2 is about 1327 AE (

Final Timeline
Slightly before 10,000 BE – Primordus Awakens
…a few years go by…
10,000 BE – Primordus destroys Valyria and everything around/near it resulting in “The Doom of Valyria”
…a few years go by…
Slightly after 10,000 BE – Primordus goes back to sleep
…400 years go by…
9,600 BE – Present day in asoiaf (game of thrones)
…9,395 years go by…
205 BE – Human gods bring humans back to Tyria
…205 years go by…
0 AE – Human gods leave Tyria
…1,327 years go by…
1327 AE – Present day in gw2

What does the return of dragons to Tyria mean?
A Targaryen is back with dragons to take vengeance. Specifically about the Targaryen’s, “House Targaryen was one of the forty ancient noble houses known as dragonlords who ruled the Valyrian Freehold, a great empire spanning most of the eastern continent. They were traditionally not one of the most important of these families, however. Daenys the Dreamer, the daughter of the head of House Targaryen, Aenar, had visions of a cataclysm that would come over Valyria. Aenar led House Targaryen and their five dragons, including Balerion, to the westernmost outpost of Valyrian influence, the island of Dragonstone, off the east coast of Westeros. Twelve years later the Doom descended on the city of Valyria, leading to the collapse of the Freehold. The Targaryens were one of the few families to survive the destruction of their home and were the only dragonriders of Valyria to survive” ( All of the dragons from Valyria were destroyed in the Doom of Valyria except dragons belonging to the Targaryens. Eventually, the Targaryen dragons died out until Daenerys hatches 3 more dragon eggs, “Daenerys then walks unflinchingly into the flames. The resulting magic restores life to the eggs, from which three dragons hatched, the first known for centuries. Daenerys emerges from the fire unharmed.” (

Basically, the Targareyans are furious that Primordus destroyed their old home (Valyria). Descendants of Daenerys and her 3 dragons who have survived the past 10,000 years (approximately) (after present day asoiaf) are coming back to Tyria to stop Primordus and take their vengeance.

The End… or is it?!?!?!

(edited by Lohre.9031)

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


I’m no lore expert but the glaring error I see is 0AE – Human gods bring humans back to Tyria.

AE = After Exodus, I thought? Isn’t that when the human gods left?

I have the GoT first 3 seasons on DVD.. really need to get round to watching them.

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Gobhoblin.7582


Interestingly enough – given how many players run toons named after characters from those sodding books, there could be something in this…

Seriously, I can’t move for Snows, Lannisters, Tyrions and Daenerys’…its a disease I tells ya!

Velcro – what a rip off…

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


The heroes of GW2 are the dragons. The only thing they’re trying to do is protect the world from the annoying pests like the humans asura and the other lot. They build stuff destroying forests and mountains and enslave plants. The human aliens multiplied like flies, the asura kept building stuff underground damaging the crust and the flows of magic with their stupid experiments. The charr keep polluting the air with thier stupid braziers 250 years ago and now even started building machines. As far as I see it, the human gods were jelly because the dragons were too powerful, that’s why they moved the humans on Tyria.

My bad, did I sound like a sect extremist?

Praise the Elder Dragons.

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Lohre.9031


I’m no lore expert but the glaring error I see is 0AE – Human gods bring humans back to Tyria.

AE = After Exodus, I thought? Isn’t that when the human gods left?

I have the GoT first 3 seasons on DVD.. really need to get round to watching them.

Whoops… Messed that one up. Let me change it. It should say 205BE is when they came back and 0 is when they left like you said.

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


lol, what has a thread like this to search here..

Its nothing than just fan made stuff. Alot of hot air for nothing that is official…

Valyria doesn’t exist, will never exist as like all this thought out lore stuff…

So what is the sense behind this thread???
If its some kind of serious lore discussion – this here is not serious lore. Fan made lore can never be considered serious lore.

There are 2 sections, where this thread belongs better to.

A) Fan Made Content or

B) The Lore Area of the Forum, but that one should be for serious lore discussions of you know, actually REAL existing lore and not somethign that just has been mostly thought out only by a player.

So this thread should get moved to fan made content in my opinion.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


lol, what has a thread like this to search here..

Its nothing than just fan made stuff. Alot of hot air for nothing that is official…

Valyria doesn’t exist, will never exist as like all this thought out lore stuff…

So what is the sense behind this thread???
If its some kind of serious lore discussion – this here is not serious lore. Fan made lore can never be considered serious lore.

There are 2 sections, where this thread belongs better to.

A) Fan Made Content or

B) The Lore Area of the Forum, but that one should be for serious lore discussions of you know, actually REAL existing lore and not somethign that just has been mostly thought out only by a player.

So this thread should get moved to fan made content in my opinion.

Orrrr, you could chill a bit and stay calm

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Lohre.9031


Interestingly enough – given how many players run toons named after characters from those sodding books, there could be something in this…

Seriously, I can’t move for Snows, Lannisters, Tyrions and Daenerys’…its a disease I tells ya!

They’re everywhere!!!!

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Lohre.9031


The heroes of GW2 are the dragons. The only thing they’re trying to do is protect the world from the annoying pests like the humans asura and the other lot. They build stuff destroying forests and mountains and enslave plants. The human aliens multiplied like flies, the asura kept building stuff underground damaging the crust and the flows of magic with their stupid experiments. The charr keep polluting the air with thier stupid braziers 250 years ago and now even started building machines. As far as I see it, the human gods were jelly because the dragons were too powerful, that’s why they moved the humans on Tyria.

My bad, did I sound like a sect extremist?

Praise the Elder Dragons.

Wow… I’ve never thought of it from their point of view before.

I wonder what exactly causes them to wake up. It had to have something to do with magic. Maybe when the other races acquire too much, they wake up.

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Funny theory but impossible even beyond the fact that they’re two different universes. They don’t work because jotun, mursaat, seer, dwarves, and Forgotten were around in 10,000 BE as well as ever since for those five sans mursaat. They were still top dogs for quite some time.

On top of that, the previous rise featured six Elder Dragons, with at minimum of four having influence in continental Tyria (Primordus, Jormag, Kralkatorrik, and Zhaitan – Kralkatorrik having the most influence known with Primordus having second most influence known).

Humanity arrived in continental Tyria in 205 BE by boat. They arrived to the world at Orr some centuries before (and not long after the Six Gods), and apparently taken elsewhere, and later arrived at Cantha by themselves as well.

And your alignment of the Six Gods and the seven aspects of the Faith? Yeah… Kormir didn’t even exist until 1,000 years after the Exodus. Grenth didn’t exist until presumably about a century or less before the Exodus.

Funny joke thread, but obviously impossible for more than one reason.

Wow… I’ve never thought of it from their point of view before.

I wonder what exactly causes them to wake up. It had to have something to do with magic. Maybe when the other races acquire too much, they wake up.

They wake up when there’s an abundance of magic in the world. And when they wake up, they consume it, destroy civilizations, seek out to rule the world (by all appearances), but starve into hibernation before they fulfill their goals.

They’re not good guys. They’re evil overlords, whom try to enslave or destroy the world. But the world just isn’t big enough for the six of them.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


aka, slightly different Skyrim?

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


Interestingly enough – given how many players run toons named after characters from those sodding books, there could be something in this…

Seriously, I can’t move for Snows, Lannisters, Tyrions and Daenerys’…its a disease I tells ya!

Well at least it’s the right genre. It’s worse when you see someone called Commander Shepard, or Bruce Wayne.

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


aka, slightly different Skyrim?

Dragon Riders of Pern. Melnibone. I’m not sure who “invented” the idea of humans riding dragons, but it goes back to the sixties, if not earlier.