Okay so im new to posting so dont yell at me if im stupid heh
I was reading other forum posts and some one head a pretty good idea that i will link in with my own
It is my understanding that the Elder Dragons are not mere inhabitants of the world of Tyria but are integral parts of the world itself. They have existed for possibly longer than the known history of Tyria and predate the existence of the current races as well as the Human Gods.
Whether the Dragons are related to the Gods or are a whole separate group of deity-like creatures is not known, but it is known that they have a great effect on the world itself.
This raises two questions for me. One, are the Dragons “alive” in the sense that we understand it. Can they be killed or destroyed, or are they – much like the Human Gods – entities that exist eternally, inhabiting different forms of existance (when we killed Abbadon, the god died, but his energy, powers and “being” was passed on to Kormyr)? And two, what are the consequences of destroying or “killing” an Elder Dragon.
I believe that the answer to the first question is “no.” The Dragons are not living creatures, if they even can be called creatures. They are like a physical manifestation of an element such as air or earth. They take on a physical form to better interact with the physical world, but they cannot be eradicated from it, only laid to rest for a time, much like physically killing a ghost merely dissipates it for a time.
As to the second, I want to know more about this. It has been a year since we defeated Zhaitan. While I do not believe that we have killed him, it is possible that his physical form was defeated. However, there have been no consequences; no fallout. One would think that by removing such a great force from the world would cause some noticeable changes, but the only problems we have had since his removal was the arrival of Scarlet and her minions. The rest o the world just keeps on turning. If such a massive, powerful presence is gone, shouldn’t there be a noticeable difference in the world?
These Dragons exuded huge amounts of energy in their dormant state, releasing power that was harnessed by others and had noticeable effects on the living world. When the Dragons woke up, they created armies and changes the very landscapes around them. Are there some changes yet to come?
I had thought that there would just be…more to defeating an Elder Dragon than removing the inconvenience of having its minions nipping at your heels.
this was a post i got from reddit from Knight_of_autumn
now what if the defeating zhaitan has the same sort of thing going on as abbadon did? what if his magic, energies, powers, life force, godlieness or what ever you want to call it is being moved from the previouse host to a new one? namely tequatil the sunless.
now i know with Kormyr it was instant but those are human gods so as far as we know they dont absorb magical energies . however a new elderdragon may need to start from scratch slowly absorbing the magic of the world. hence the new powers?
i dont know if you will really understand what im saying but
what if tequatil is becoming a new eldar dragon