[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I was reading over the fan theory thread about Rox’s potential relationship with Rytlock, and it got me thinking about how all of our krewe could be connected to DE 1.0 in some way.

Braham – Son of Eir
Rox – daughter (?) of Rytlock
Taimi – orphan child raised by Zojja, perhaps daughter of Snaff/Omadd
Scruffy – Mr. Sparkles 2.0?
Unknown sylvari – regular sylvari connection with Caithe, perhaps something closer through the dream.
Human – See Below

When looking at the viable humans to be linked to Logan in some way, we have Kasameer and Jory. We don’t know much about Jory, so I won’t speculate anything. What we DO know about Kasmeer:

- Her mother “died” when she was young
- She is a powerful Mesmer
- Her skin-tone is darker, just like Jennah’s (although not as dark)

Perhaps Kas is a daughter of Logan/Jenna that was pushed off on some other nobleman by a minister without Logan’s knowledge (baby delivered after mother “died” giving birth). This would give her the link to Logan necessary for the “Children of Destiny”. Perhaps the father is Logan’s brother Dylan. Perhaps there is no connection at all.

I am sure I am missing something but wanted to get some feedback.


[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: Elric.6971


If this is the case, I want Logan to get really angry at Jennah when he finds out and start screaming “GIMME BACK MY DAUGHTER!”

Also, Kas then needs to take the mesmer portal skills to a new level, perhaps due to losing her finger to one of Scarlet’s portals and begin opening… For lack of a better word… Tears into other worlds and possibilities.

Let’s not forget allowing Guardians, or at least Logan to start using guns and imbibing liquid spell tonics.

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

There’s no way. Jennah was, at the most, 31 when Kasmeer was introduced. We don’t know how old Kasmeer is, but even if she’s only in her teens that means Jennah would have had to have her in her own teens.

Besides, Logan and Jennah didn’t meet until 1319 or 1320. Any child of that union couldn’t be older than 7.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: Gwethelyn.6182


Hum, aren’t Jennah and Kasmeer too close age-wise? Jennah should be in her 30s, and Kasmeer in her 20s…

If you really had to find a blood link between them, they could be half-sisters but really, it seems very unlikely… The Shining would either had protected or killed such a child, as it could end up a threat to the Krytan monarchy.

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Kasmeer is from a low ranking nobility. Although we don’t know who her mother is, we know the rest of her family (indirectly) – her father and her brother. All of her family’s wealth was taken. Do you really think that Jennah – age issues aside – would let something slide to her “daughter”?

Keep in mind that Jennah’s likely in her mid or late 20s – early 30s at the oldest. And Kasmeer sounds to be late teens or early twenties. Jennah would have had to have had Kasmeer when she was very young.

Cue “Pregnant at 16, Tyria edition”…

Anyways, the connection is that Logan knows Kasmeer’s family – as shown indirectly when Marjory was introduced, in the cinematic for Dragon Bash. A later interview expanded on this since it was asked, explaining Logan’s shock at seeing Kasmeer – a noble – in the Dead End – which is poor and dangerous area (ironic that the heaviest they serve is… milk!).

And another reason the “Kasmeer is the love child of Logan and Jennah” fails – aside that such a situation would require Kasmeer to be no older than 8 at most (@Aaron, they actually met in 1319 (the year Destiny’s Edge was formed), not 1320 AE) which makes Marjory a pedophile – would be that it’s a stated fact that Logan and Jennah, though they love each other, are unable to be with each other due to the scrupilous eyes of the Ministry and how they’d use Jennah dating a “commoner” (even a hero and captain of the Seraph) against her. They cannot even hold hands in public.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

(@Aaron, they actually met in 1319 (the year Destiny’s Edge was formed), not 1320 AE)

I said 1319 or 1320- I didn’t have the book on me- but either way you’d still have to account for pregnancy taking most of a year.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


They may be related. But it is impossible for a mother-daughter relationship here.

Unless they are going to use the time-travel argument…

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

(@Aaron, they actually met in 1319 (the year Destiny’s Edge was formed), not 1320 AE)

I said 1319 or 1320- I didn’t have the book on me- but either way you’d still have to account for pregnancy taking most of a year.

Hah. Seems I overlooked the “1319 or” – happens to me… increasingly frequently I think…

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

[Theory] Kasmeer is Jennah's daughter

in Lore

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I didn’t think about Jennah’s age thing – thanks for pointing that out. I guess there is unlikely to be any connection between the two and the thought of having “Destiny’s Children” won’t come to fruition.

Thanks for the feedback all!