I’ve answered in a couple of different threads about the current speculation going on about sylvari and possible corruption. This is why I decided to dedicate a small thread to it for future reference and clarification.
Note, none of this is actually confirmed, it’s still theorycrafting/speculation, nothing more and nothing less.
A current theory is that sylvari born from the Pale Tree (there is at least one more tree where sylvari are born from out there, this is why I specifically say born from the Pale Tree) are ‘blessed’ with an immunity to dragon corruption. Said immunity being that they before getting corrupted.
Now, the theory about sylvari is based on that single line, I’ll repeat it one more time:
Sylari born from the Pale Tree.
Why is the Pale Tree so important? The Pale Tree has the Dream of Dreams in contrast to the other tree we know of. This makes it likely that said immunity origins from the Dream. It’s plausible that sylvari who are under the influence of the dream can not be corrupted.
We know that after Scarlet entered Omadd’s machine her connection to the Dream got severed. In other words: she is not under the influence of the dream anymore. This is different from the Soundless. The Soundless sylvari use continuous meditation to block themselves from the Dream but they still have a connection to it.
This makes Scarlet different. When Scarlet entered Omadd’s machine and her connection got, well, disconnected, she was vulnerable to Elder Dragon corruption. And I’ll say that again, Elder Dragon corruption. This means; every Elder Dragon, not specifically or exclusive to Mordremoths corruption.
This also makes it quite plausible that every sylvari spawned from Malyck’s tree is vulnerable to Elder Dragon corruption.
I hope I’ve been able to clarify a few things. However, I want to add a few more thing:
1: Sylvari, being from the Pale Tree or Malyck’s tree, are not born as dragon minions.
Sylvari who don’t have a connection the Dream of Dreams are vulnerable to corruption just like every other race is
2: Sylvari are not specifically tied to Mordremoth (until stated otherwise by devs)
3: Scarlet is not confirmed to be corrupted. It’s plausible, yes, but nothing more then that. To me, her ego indicates that she still had a free will. And a free will implies to non-corruption.
4: To continue on the above: the difference between corruption and influenced is that;
Corruption equals being brainwashed. A corrupted dragon minion is unconditionally devoted to his or her Elder Dragon. They lack free will.
Influenced is still being a devoted minion to his or her Elder Dragon but with free will. A good example are the Sons of Svanir and Icebrood.
Icebrood are corrupted beings by Jormag, Sons of Svanir are a cult. They are Norns influenced by Jormag, lured with promises of power.