This is what I'd do with Scarlet

This is what I'd do with Scarlet

in Lore

Posted by: downwithdragons.8291


I would make Scarlet into a heroic, yet mad figure. When she traveled into the great beyond and expanded her insight, she became aware of a single fact. That as things are progressing now, that the dragons would win by using the civlizations of Tyria against themselves. Scarlet realizes the only way to save Tyria is to destroy all civlization, basically starving the dragons of any resources and allowing them to go back to sleep. Then life can start anew. In Scarlet’s glimpses of the future, she say only defeat by the dragons and total destruction of Tyria. This is the only way she can see to win.

This is what I'd do with Scarlet

in Lore

Posted by: Encoded.7460


I would be perfectly fine if the story went this way, except that this scenario has already been done in another game and to me it would be blatantly obvious.

This is what I'd do with Scarlet

in Lore

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I would be perfectly fine if the story went this way, except that this scenario has already been done in another game and to me it would be blatantly obvious.

Agreed, problem is we can’t get a decent personal nemesis from her because we can’t use characters from the personal story. That was the story that shaped us in the beginning.

So ANet has to make do with new characters they form from the LS like Rox, Braham, Kiel, etc.

There’s some chance for salvage if she directs her attention on the player specifically.
Around the time of the LS it is Post Pact.
So big Z dragon is down and our characters should be the Commander of the Pact.

She could start claiming in a megalomaniacal fashion that she’s just trying to form another Destiny’s Edge. Who better to take down Dragons than another band of gifted warriors?

These people that survived her earlier experiments (Rox, Braham, and such) now are stronger because of her actions as is the Player character.

They are banding together, much like the Edge did. They just need to be tested a bit more, the player needs to be tested a bit more.
She sees that Player character is the lynch pin to the group, she puts pressure on us to see if we rise to the occasion or die like Snaff and this guild shatters much like the Edge of old.

Which then presents a problem, when we defeat her and we defeat the next Dragon with our newly found friends we honor her actions in a sense. That would be a fun twist, but I can’t see anything like that happening now.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!