Tyria lore?

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: katamuro.5067


Can someone point me towards a comprehensive collection of history and important lore up to this point? I want to start playing it more seriously so I want to know more.

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: Jelle.4623


Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Please not the whole wiki’s. There are a few places within them that are good.



Under the lore tab on the GW2 wiki there are links to articles about the races, cultures, in-game lore articles, and under the Six Human Gods tab there are links to all of the well known religions in the game. This will give you a lot of information, but obviously not everything. I highly recommend that however time consuming it may be, you take the opportunity to play through all 3 Guild Wars games and the expansion including all of the post-game content they added. You will gain a lot from learning first hand like we did, although this may not always be an option.

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: katamuro.5067


Wait there are three games? isnt this one Guild wars 2?

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Wait there are three games? isnt this one Guild wars 2?

3 Guild Wars games: Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall + 1 expansion Eye of the North.
He counts as separated games because you can play any of them without the other.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


Exactly. Each game had a different continent (Tyria, Cantha, Elona) and could be played as a stand alone game. Eye of the North is considered an expansion because it requires you to have completed one of those three games in order to play it.

The difference between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 is very similar to how Assassin’s Creed names it’s games. Basically games roped around the same character/time period are named similarly. This is why there was Assassin’s Creed, then 3 Assassin’s Creed 2 games, and so on. Guild Wars 1 games took place within a few years of each other, Guild Wars 2 is 250 years later (roughly).

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: Sera.6539


Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: Titus.4285


Just think it’s worth mentioning:

  • The 3 games will work just the way expansions do (you will have only one login screen, and can travel with your characters between each of the 3 continents)
  • Start of with the 1st game released; called “Prophecies” (Tyria, the same continent as you play on in Guild Wars 2). Cantha (“Factions”) and Elona (“Nightfall”) have little impact on the current story in GW2. If “Prophecies” peaks your interest you can pick up the other ones at your own pace.
  • You shouldn’t worry about running into hard group stuff. GW1 is much more singleplayer-ish, where only the cities follow the MMO concept. Each map is an instance for 8-player teams (max). You can easily go on your own with 7 NPC henchmen that will help you out and keep you company.
  • If you get lonely, or need help. I am sure you’ll be able to get some veteran players come join you. Just shout out here in the forums
  • Read what the quest givers tell you! There’s a lot of lore here, which can easily be missed!
Let the Kings and Queens of other lands and lesser creatures
witness our wonders and cry out in astonishment and humble themselves.
Beware our mighty works.

Tyria lore?

in Lore

Posted by: dcwow.1672


I know it’s been a few months, but if you’re still interested in the Lore of Tyria, I suggest watching these excellent videos that WoodenPotatoes put together. A lot of time and hard work went into these, and they’re very helpful in immersing yourself in the history and lore of Tyria.

This link is for the entire playlist for the full video series. The previous link is a synopsis.