Unanswered questions we hopefully get...
All spoilers!!!
A:Scarlet got crazy because she saw the eternal alchemy and mordermoth trying to control here
A:yes she was trying to find him through ley lines and kill him
Guess: she saw mordermoth uprising in eternal alchemy
that is all what i have.
(edited by hunter steele.7836)
All spoilers!!!
A:Scarlet got crazy because she saw the eternal alchemy and mordermoth trying to control here
A:yes she was trying to find him through ley lines and kill him
Guess: she saw mordermoth uprising in eternal alchemythat is all what i have.
… no. Scarlet was definetly not trying to kill Mordremoth through the ley lines. She basically gave him breakfast on bed, she’s feeding him by redirecting the ley lines.
(edited by Jelle.4623)
It seems to me that by drilling into the ley line, she released a bunch of magic into the world (the big explosion of blue light).
Dragons wake when there’s too much magic in the world, to absorb it back again(?)
you can see magic coming out of his mouth at the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_JtJsu20I0&feature=player_detailpage#t=1891
Those these are just assumptions, since i don’t know exactly how the ley lines work.
this might make the dragons more active maybe?
She’s Modremoth’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion just like the Shatterer and Glint was Kralkatorrik’s Lieutenant Dragon Champions, like how the Great Destroyer was Primordus’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion and like how the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan was well…. Zhaitan’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion….
We still haven’t seen Jormag’s lieutenant at all so that Elder Dragon is the second most mysterious next to the the Deep Sea Elder Dragon.
Why did Tequatl get stronger? We were told it had to do with the LS.
Who is Mr.E?
Given that these are not of the Scarlet plot, they’re not of the main Season 1 storyline, thus won’t be answered (most likely) in Season 1’s epilogue.
Who made Scarlet crazy/was talking to her in her dreams?
Was that the person that wanted her to find the ley lines?
Mordremoth, it would seem, given her line about a new master for Tyria.
Yes, the entity was the one whom she succumbed to and thus who wanted her to find the ley lines.
The other (non-quoted) questions are good ones I hope we get answers to.
All spoilers!!!
A:Scarlet got crazy because she saw the eternal alchemy and mordermoth trying to control here
A:yes she was trying to find him through ley lines and kill him
Guess: she saw mordermoth uprising in eternal alchemythat is all what i have.
-insert sound of “WRONG” buzzard-
She thought she saw the Eternal Alchemy. But as we learn in Edge of the Mists, what she saw wasn’t so.
Vorpp: His notes say its purpose was to shut down the mind’s security system and open it—like opening a door—to welcome in the truths of the Eternal Alchemy. But our minds are protected for a reason.
What the machine did was shut down the mind’s “security system” – or so the intention was. It was thus a theory to lead to the Eternal Alchemy. To me, this sounds akin to the Voice of Koda’s mind being partially in the Mists.
Furthermore, she was feeding Mordremoth. That makes Mordremoth stronger.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
Maybe Mormedoth isn’t the “new” master, maybe. It’s somethign else. Like Abbadon even though he’s suppose to be dead.
Also who is the first “master” for there to be a new one? Lol
It seems to me that by drilling into the ley line, she released a bunch of magic into the world (the big explosion of blue light).
Dragons wake when there’s too much magic in the world, to absorb it back again(?)
you can see magic coming out of his mouth at the end.
Going into his mouth, actually.
The magic of the ley line, as you can see in the cinematic and if you go to the consoles as an engineer, is redirected towards the dragon.
She’s Modremoth’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion just like the Shatterer and Glint was Kralkatorrik’s Lieutenant Dragon Champions, like how the Great Destroyer was Primordus’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion and like how the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan was well…. Zhaitan’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion….
We still haven’t seen Jormag’s lieutenant at all so that Elder Dragon is the second most mysterious next to the the Deep Sea Elder Dragon.
Nothing says Scarlet’s corrupted. If she’s not corrupted, she can’t be a dragon champion.
And the Elder Dragons all have multiple of them. Jormag has had 4 known champions – Svanir, Drakkar, Dragonspawn, and Claw of Jormag. A full list of them can be found here.
ANd honestly? Jormag’s perhaps the least mysterious other than Kralkatorrik.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Maybe Mormedoth isn’t the “new” master, maybe. It’s somethign else. Like Abbadon even though he’s suppose to be dead.
Also who is the first “master” for there to be a new one? Lol
Where did you get ‘new master’ from?
Maybe Mormedoth isn’t the “new” master, maybe. It’s somethign else. Like Abbadon even though he’s suppose to be dead.
Also who is the first “master” for there to be a new one? Lol
Where did you get ‘new master’ from?
Scarlet says it. “Tyria will bow to a new master now.” Or something along those lines.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Maybe Mormedoth isn’t the “new” master, maybe. It’s somethign else. Like Abbadon even though he’s suppose to be dead.
Also who is the first “master” for there to be a new one? Lol
Where did you get ‘new master’ from?
Scarlet says it. “Tyria will bow to a new master now.” Or something along those lines.
Oh yeah, I know. I thought he meant that Scarlet had a new master. Whelp. kitten alert
After all the hard wor that Scarlet went through to wake up her master, I think it’s a safe position to say that she was corrupted.
After all the hard wor that Scarlet went through to wake up her master, I think it’s a safe position to say that she was corrupted.
It’s plausible, that’s all. Read my reply to you on the ‘The range of an EDs influence [Spoiler]’ thread.
Maybe Mormedoth isn’t the “new” master, maybe. It’s somethign else. Like Abbadon even though he’s suppose to be dead.
Also who is the first “master” for there to be a new one? Lol
I’m still not 100% willing to write it off. Many did all predict the obvious Mordremoth outcome but for the sake of speculation, Abbaddon (if still somehow around), isn’t that much of a stretch to believe.
This isn’t the first time he has influenced the actions of mortals. He did so with the original Cataclysm of Orr and again with the fortune teller and Shiro in Factions. It’s a possibility.
The reason I’m not entirely ok with letting it go is because this is exactly his MO and we could have potentially had an Abbaddon related fractal. If you recall, the Thaumanova fractal served as a means to tell the player that Scarlet dabbled in dragon magic and was aware of the ley lines. If Anet did indeed have a story planned out, and were not winging it, the Abbaddon one would have had to give a similar exposition (without Scarlet in it).
It is very much like Abbaddon to influence someone to do something chaotic and very much against their character. While she does wake Mordremoth, it is possible that it is at Abbaddon’s behest and not Mordremoth’s.
Plus the addition of the Tormented weapons also keep me from discarding this theory.
Yeah. The fact there was going to be a fractal with the living story in it about Abbadon makes me believe that something about him is involved.
I don’t know how he could be alive, but then again, he’s a god, he might not technically be dead.
… no. Scarlet was definetly not trying to kill Mordremoth through the ley lines. She basically gave him breakfast on bed, she’s feeding him by redirecting the ley lines.
The video clearly shows this, but it’s odd as I thought the dragon’s awoke because they were drained of magic and needed to eat, when they sleep they seep magic out into the world. Am I mistaken, or was Mordremonth awake this whole time and looking for a quick and very large meal?
The monitor on her drill states it “grabbed” his attention.
So it’s up in the air what exactly her actions actually did other than “wake” him.
The video clearly shows this, but it’s odd as I thought the dragon’s awoke because they were drained of magic and needed to eat, when they sleep they seep magic out into the world. Am I mistaken, or was Mordremonth awake this whole time and looking for a quick and very large meal?
They wake when the magic in the world is at a high amount, but they – or at least, some – are fed magic to hasten the awakening. This is talked about in Edge of Destiny in regards to Drakkar (though unnamed in the novel) siphoning magic from the Sons of Svanir to aid Jormag in rising.
Seems like they consume magic to awake as well, and champions are there to hasten the job. As proven by Kralkatorrik, they certainly don’t need champions to rise.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
My guesses -
What happened to Mai Trin? We know she escaped to EotM.
- There Aetherblades will probably not disappear entirely so there are some good story options left with her. The other alliances could completely dissolve.
Why did Tequatl get stronger? We were told it had to do with the LS.
- Unknown and probably nothing to do with Scarlet
Who is Mr.E?
- Unknown and we won’t see him again soon probably
Who made Scarlet crazy/was talking to her in her dreams?
- That dragon she woke up, almost certainly
Was that the person that wanted her to find the ley lines?
- Scarlet knew that putting a shockwave into the ley lines would wake up the dragon so she decided to do it, perhaps under the dragon’s instruction.
What did she really see when she “looked into the Eternal Alchemy”?
- She found some connection to the dragon and the dragon may have given her insight into everything else she talked about.
What does she know about Caithe?
- There are good future story options here as well. Although the dragon may have told Scarlet a bunch of lies, it is more likely that the dragon gave her knowledge about dream and nightmare and also the roles of people like Caithe and Faolin therein.
Most of the interesting stuff got mentioned already but I have two.
What happened to Malyck? His people just got a new neighbour. And presumably they won’t happen to be on friendly terms.
Where is Faolain? She dissappeared after Twilight Arbor. What was her opinion on Scarlet using the nightmare court? And more over what happened between her and Caithe? Is it something of interest that Ceara knew of?
What I hope is answered is why she did it all. I know, she was influenced by Mordremoth and did it to wake him up. But when talking to Braham there seems to be more to it, as he says “Don’t you want to know why I did it all? All the chaos and destruction?”
Then Braham’s like “Nah”. There has to be something more than just: “I did it for my master” because there is just so much more efficient ways that she could have done it. Idk, it just seems silly that she goes through all this trouble. There just had to have been more. Can’t really put my finger on what it is i’m trying to say.
She’s Modremoth’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion just like the Shatterer and Glint was Kralkatorrik’s Lieutenant Dragon Champions, like how the Great Destroyer was Primordus’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion and like how the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan was well…. Zhaitan’s Lieutenant Dragon Champion….
We still haven’t seen Jormag’s lieutenant at all so that Elder Dragon is the second most mysterious next to the the Deep Sea Elder Dragon.
Jormags was Svanir before he was killed by Jora. So it could be assumed that we wont see a champion from Jormag unless they make a new one.
What did she really see when she “looked into the Eternal Alchemy”?
- She found some connection to the dragon and the dragon may have given her insight into everything else she talked about.
I dont think she ever saw into the Eternal Alchemy, I think that Mordremoth had been trying to speak through Scarlet since she came from the Dream but she confused it with Mother Tree and blocked it off until Omadd’s machine broke down the walls of her mind and let the dragon just kind of walk in and out of her brain like a 24/7 gas station.
I actually got the impression that the energy release was not part of the plan. I think she meant to capture it for herself, but being dead and all, she couldn’t make the fine adjustments required.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Maybe Mormedoth isn’t the “new” master, maybe. It’s somethign else. Like Abbadon even though he’s suppose to be dead.
Also who is the first “master” for there to be a new one? Lol
I don’t think that’s really referring to a preceding leader for Scarlet or Tyria. I think that’s just a semantic sort of thing. To kind of give this feeling that “There’s a new threat”.
It’s sorta like if I buy a car, I would refer to it as a “New Car”. That doesn’t mean I had a car before. It just means the car is new within the context of how long I’ve interacted with it. Tyria in its current day and age has arguably not interacted with Mordremoth very much, if at all unless otherwise stated (And even then I don’t think it’d be on a mass sort of scale), so it is a new threat/master for the major part to Tyria, realistically.
I actually got the impression that the energy release was not part of the plan. I think she meant to capture it for herself, but being dead and all, she couldn’t make the fine adjustments required.
One of the dialogues when checking the panels clearly state that the drill is not built to absorb anything.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I actually got the impression that the energy release was not part of the plan. I think she meant to capture it for herself, but being dead and all, she couldn’t make the fine adjustments required.
When interacting with the control panels after defeating scarlet, you can read (iirc) that the drill wasn’t designed to store/channel the energy from the ley lines and is unable to do so.
On those still wondering about Abaddon, it is possible but highly unlikely. Arenanet said that they were done with him, he already played his big part in GW1.
So, about Mai Trin… I set back out to the Edge of the Mists today, with no real hope in my leafy little heart, but to my mild surprise the Aetherblades are still there, with Mai Trin still issuing commands in holographic form. Interestingly, those lines of hers directly mentioning Scarlet appear to have been removed, and there’s another that I think is new: “Dig in and get comfortable, Aetherblades. I plan for us to be here for a good long while.”
I’m honestly a bit torn over this. On the one hand, I’m glad she hasn’t fallen entirely off the radar- my disappointment knew no words when Scarlet’s Aetherblade general was a random charr rather than Mai. On the other hand, she’s still in a WvW map, which makes it likely that whenever they choose to continue her story it will require activity in WvW, which is the only thing that has managed to beat out my hatred for zerg content.
I’m sure part of the reason is because of the blade shards. Since the Aetherblades now have them a part of their loot table, there has to be a number of them somewhere to farm. I feel horrible about the people that will have to farm them in WvW and the Aetherpath for that backpiece.
On the other hand though, it would be interesting to see Mai return sometime in the future. Especially now that she isn’t under Scarlet’s thumb anymore.
Blech, I forgot about those. I’m sure the jump puzzle in Gendarran will be deemed preferable to either of the other options, though. Path of least resistance and whatnot.
Some questions from me.
1.) What happened to Canach and what’s he going to be involved in next.
2.) Her-O-Tron, make it happen. Thought’s on what he will do if he gets his freedom?
After all the hard wor that Scarlet went through to wake up her master, I think it’s a safe position to say that she was corrupted.
Mentally corrupted, yes. No signs of physical corruption, probably due to being a Sylvari.
My guesses -
What happened to Mai Trin? We know she escaped to EotM.
- There Aetherblades will probably not disappear entirely so there are some good story options left with her. The other alliances could completely dissolve.
Hey, they’re clearly a very effective pirate group (when compared to the usual pirates). I don’t see them simply fading away. The other alliances… they’ll probably be absorbed into their original factions, probably spreading some of their knowledge.
Attached, the new threat.
Did we ever find out why probes were in the Mists? Or why the Aetherblades are there? The probes in Tyria were said to be searching for ley lines (was that all they were doing?) but that explanation doesn’t work with the ones in the Mists (unless there is some cross over or mirroring I don’t understand).
Why was Scarlet interesting in Lion’s Arch before the probes found what they were looking for?
How did the Priory know about the ley lines under Lion’s Arch if Scarlet herself needed probes to find them? What technique is the Priory using to locate ley lines when Scarlet herself needed to form a alliances to acquire the technology to track them?
(edited by Shiren.9532)
Did we ever find out why probes were in the Mists? Or why the Aetherblades are there? The probes in Tyria were said to be searching for ley lines (was that all they were doing?) but that explanation doesn’t work with the ones in the Mists.
Why was Scarlet interesting in Lion’s Arch before the probes found what they were looking for?
How did the Priory know about the ley lines under Lion’s Arch if Scarlet herself needed probes to find them? What technique is the Priory using to locate ley lines when Scarlet herself needed to form a alliances to acquire the technology to track them?
The only one of those that I can even partially answer is that the Aetherblade invasion in EotM was said to be a major part of Scarlet’s plans.
That, I think, is what rubs me wrong the most- not only do we have hanging plot points every-which-way, but even the main point, Scarlet’s master plan, was left as a loose end. I came away with the feeling that Lion’s Arch wasn’t her endgame, and that she had other more important things as her goal that we’ll never learn about now. It makes the whole first season of the Living Story feel meaningless on top of poorly implemented.
Were the unstable Mists portals explained? Normally you need a fixed portal to enter the Mists or some kind of meditation. Why did portals start opening up around the world?
The patch notes say Whatever Scarlet did to rip open the Edge of the Mists portal in Lion’s Arch has caused unstable portals to open intermittently in some of the more dangerous areas of Tyria. but that doesn’t explain what she did or why its effect was so widespread.
What was the point of EotM?
What was the point of EotM?
So they could shoe horn it with some lore relevance for that moment, only to have no relevance ultimately like seemingly half the other stuff in the LS?
What was the point of EotM?
So they could shoe horn it with some lore relevance for that moment, only to have no relevance ultimately like seemingly half the other stuff in the LS?
That being the case it probably would have made the most lore sense to leave it for their quality of life update phase. However, WvW players were waiting a long time on it so it wouldn’t be fair to delay it until April 1 just so Arena Net could wrap up the Living Story Season One.
1 – Presuming March 18th is just the epilogue and not the first game update patch. Also presuming that they couldn’t have rolled that smattering of story delivered in EotM into another update.
1. Did that guy ever find the water closet?
2. Is the charr’s face still squishy and weird?
3. Is the asuran child’s face still look like a little raisin?
4. Does that skritt still like going down in the sewers?
5. Does Kasmeer still have the clothing illusion? (Could explain why she wasn’t the one to be knocked down.)
6. Most importaint question of them all. Can we use the drill to drill to Cantha?
After all the hard wor that Scarlet went through to wake up her master, I think it’s a safe position to say that she was corrupted.
False, Sons of Svanir are not corrupted, but refer to Jormag as to his master.
1. Did that guy ever find the water closet?
6. Most importaint question of them all. Can we use the drill to drill to Cantha?
I still hope we can use the Dredge tunnel to enter Cantha
After they escaped the Dwarven tyranny, the Canthan Dredge got nearly extinct with the genocide the Canthan emperor brought upon them, Pushed back into the earth the dredge struggle to live on, after the emperor died, the Dredge were enslaved again, treated as farm animals the Dredge lived miserable lives.The tunnel leading to their homelands blocked of by Destroyers, they are stuck in Cantha, with a few rebelious Dredge still struggling for independence.
After the Tyrian heroes defeated Primordus the Canthan Dredge contacted the Tyrian Dredge, but after years of seperation the dredge saw them as enemies. So the canthan Dredge called upon the Pact, they allowed them to use to passage the Cantha, if they helped them fight the Empire.
So the epilogue is here. What do you guys think? I don’t think any of these questions were answered.
I don’t think anything was answered. All we got was that Brisban will be our next destination.
I don’t think anything was answered. All we got was that Brisban will be our next destination.
Not even that. It might just be a red herring.
After all the hard wor that Scarlet went through to wake up her master, I think it’s a safe position to say that she was corrupted.
False, Sons of Svanir are not corrupted, but refer to Jormag as to his master.
Sons of Svanir choose to become Sons of Svanir. Scarlet was chosen. hat’s a big difference.
So the epilogue is here. What do you guys think? I don’t think any of these questions were answered.
Unanswered questions off the top of my head:
-Who is E?
-Where is Mai Trin?
-What happened to the enemy alliance?
I actually want two new topics about that:
1) collect questions and try to answer them ourself with the combined knowledge of the comunity, based on what is in the game and not neccessary our “interpretation”
2) take the left over questiosn to create a topic directly aimed at the writers to get their attention.
Simply because i think they still have to explain a lot.
Stuff that is part of the LS S1 and not of the following ones.
Scarlets story, as they said, is done. So at this point we should know everything in this regard as we go into the next story.
- What was Scarlet motive?*
I mean, her reason? Was she still fighting the dragon, did she want to help him? Was Ceara still somehow in charge? Was there restance? We got a lot of different information regarding this over time, which do point in different directions and Braham cutting in did not help in any way.
- Where are her facilities?*
We found three of them ingame (TA, LA and the JP), so where did she build the giant Breachmaker? In the Mists? In the Flame Legion Lands? Underground?
- Why did nobody pursue her for real?*
Was she rally no serious thread? i mean she just tried to assassinate the queen, poisons several lands, captured people of the norn and charrs…
We know why the pact was not involved, as it was told to us in the aftermath, however every other faction felt so incompetent considering the scale this whole mess was going on.
No headhunters, no special unit, no science team to crack her tech,… Just our “random” and “barely sufficient” B-Iconics pushed into the limelight thanks to writing…
I am sorry give us politicial reasons. like someone wanted LA gone anyway… The asura wanted a direct access to the Ley Lines…. anything that would stop whole organizations to stop being competent in following one single genius
- What was the point of her trying to weaken LA before she knew she has to be there?*
Trying to get Mai Trin on the Captains Council. For What reason? Was it a deal with them? Get them power in LA and they follow? What was the point? Were they getting ahead, if so this plot went nowhere and ended up being a big spoiler towards her goal… something she should not have at that time…
I had more, but i have to think these over again.
Overall they should certainly go through these threads and give us a blogpost answering some of these major questions.
Put them together in one nice package and be done with it.
the whole “mystery” thingy slowly gets on my nerves, since it has certainly overstayed its welcome.
Take all the open questions and answer them. The season is over. You had your chance to put it all in. Did not work out, so just give them to us. Please.
So the epilogue is here. What do you guys think? I don’t think any of these questions were answered.
I was gonna hold off with questions ’till the epilogue but well, here we are.
1. What’s the deal with Azurite? Why did the MA mine it?
2. Why did Scarlet try to put Mai Trin in LA before she was assured of the leylines’ existence there?
3. Why the heck was a leyline-probe in the Edge of the Mists? Are there leylines in the Mists too?
4. What’s with the renegade Nightmare Court faction? Do they even have a better explanation for joining Scarlet than ‘for the evulz’?
5. How did Peter survive the Miasma?
6. How did Scarlet get her hands on Obelisk Shards?
7. How and where the heck did Scarlet get the toxic pollen from in the first place?
8. How did Scarlet know that the Tower of Nightmares would spawn a fake-krait prophet?
9. Was the Marionette’s purpose really just to thin out ‘adventurers’?
10. How did Dessa isolate the Thaumanova-fractal and why can’t the procedure be repeated for other things? (like checking on dragons cough)
11. What is Caithe’s secret?
12. How did she build that giant mountain-sized drill in secret? The ToN was cloaked by the Nightmare Court, but we were told Scarlet kept her alliances separated so it’s rather unlikely that one alliance hid it while another helped building it…
13. What happened to the alliances? Did they all get wiped out during the siege or did parts of them flee under new leaderships?
14. How did the Priory find out about the leyline intersection AFTER Scarlet invaded?
15. How did the Order of Whispers enter the EoTM? Why didn’t they do anything with the intel about her planned ‘base’ there?
16. Whatever happened to Kari’s report about the Tower of Nightmares?
17. So why again didn’t the Pale Tree tell us about Scarlet when she first revealed herself?
18. Was the whole headache-inducing point of Scarlet absolving the 3 asuran colleges which was later corrected to special courses at the colleges only to have 3 fancy-themed colors associated with a buff and the power core-items? R e a l l y? (And then the colors were the wrong ones too!)
19. What WAS the tower of nightmares and how was it sentient? Was it and the hybrid a dragon champion after all?
20. Oh yeah. About that mysterious Mister E.
There’s prolly a few more but I can’t think of them from the top of my head…
As to those who wish to learn the likely fate of each of Scarlet’s factions…
1. Molten Alliance: The Charr that joined the Molten Alliance are stated by ArenaNet to banned from rejoining Flame Legion Society(they’d be killed on sight) unless they get results which they didn’t.
The Moletariate had the whole Dredge Society join the Molten Alliance and since they already are the entire Dredge Society(aside from Rebels) they can’t rejoin Dregde Society(you can’t rejoin something you never left).
The Moletariate is the only Government the Molten Alliance has now that Scarlet is dead so the Charr will have to serve them to survive.
2. Aetherblades: Mai Trin is still alive and may be part of Mordremoth’s schemes. She likely is now in control of the Aetherblades, Steam Creatures and Twisted Watchworks.
3. Toxic Alliance: The Toxic Courtiers are a splinter faction of the Nightmare Court.
The Krait enslave other races(slaves are the second most valuable reasource to the Krait with Obelisk Shards as the first).
It appears that the Krait just got themselves a brand new set of slaves as compensation for Scarlet dying and since they likely know how to create more Toxic Courtiers they will gather more Sylvari slaves to add to their Toxic Alliance(a fitting name for the Krait’s new empire).
Do each of these fates seem likely?