Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Corvus.5836


I’ll keep it as short as I can…
If you talk to Riel Darkwater, the leader of the Order of Whispers, during the celebration in Fort Trinity during Victory or Death she says, “one down, four to go”.

In the Durmond Priory if you speak to a charr sitting on the right side of the main hall he says something similar to “5 against 6, the races of Tyria never had a chance” he goes on to name the 5 original races who fought the ED last time they rose.

Is this just Priory knowledge that Bubbles exists? The Order of Whispers claim to know quite a bit as well but the leader seems to only know of 4 other Dragons.

Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


That Charr you’re talking about is a spy sent to infiltrate the Durmond Priory by the Order of Whispers. And there are six dragons. Five that we know about, four that have had some noticeable impact on the world. Since you didn’t actually kill Zhaitan at the battle of Fort Trinity, Riel couldn’t have been talking about the EDs. Possible she was talking about his champions or land to be reclaimed or something.

Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Corvus.5836


That Charr you’re talking about is a spy sent to infiltrate the Durmond Priory by the Order of Whispers. And there are six dragons. Five that we know about, four that have had some noticeable impact on the world. Since you didn’t actually kill Zhaitan at the battle of Fort Trinity, Riel couldn’t have been talking about the EDs. Possible she was talking about his champions or land to be reclaimed or something.

Theres an ArenaNet member post from a few weeks ago which clarifies that Zhaitan is in fact dead.

Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

in Lore

Posted by: SlyFoxSays.5342


That Charr you’re talking about is a spy sent to infiltrate the Durmond Priory by the Order of Whispers. And there are six dragons. Five that we know about, four that have had some noticeable impact on the world. Since you didn’t actually kill Zhaitan at the battle of Fort Trinity, Riel couldn’t have been talking about the EDs. Possible she was talking about his champions or land to be reclaimed or something.

Theres an ArenaNet member post from a few weeks ago which clarifies that Zhaitan is in fact dead.

More powerful races couldn’t destroy them, but they didn’t have airships and canons! lol silly logic from Anet….

“You must always know where your towel is.”

Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

“One down, four to go” during a celebration of Zhaitan’s death? That’s a count of Elder Dragons. Keep in mind that the Priory knows that there WAS a sixth during the last rise. Not which one that was, nor what it does, nor where to find it, nor even if it’s still alive. The Order of Whispers could easily dismiss that as a bit of historical trivia irrelevant to this day and age.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

That Charr you’re talking about is a spy sent to infiltrate the Durmond Priory by the Order of Whispers. And there are six dragons. Five that we know about, four that have had some noticeable impact on the world. Since you didn’t actually kill Zhaitan at the battle of Fort Trinity, Riel couldn’t have been talking about the EDs. Possible she was talking about his champions or land to be reclaimed or something.

Victory or Death’s party happens after Arah story mode in the personal story. That’s not the Battle of Fort Trinity, where you don’t even see Riel. She was talking about the Elder Dragons.

@OP: Trahearne also makes mention of going through “four more impossible battles” and the personal story journal makes mention of five Elder Dragons. On the flip side, Eir only makes mention of Jormag, Primordus, or Kralkatorrik for “who’s next?”

It seems that while the Priory – and in turn due to spies, the Order of Whispers – and the Inquest know of all six, the Pact either only got informed of five, or they all think the sixth (most likely to be the jungle dragon) is still in hibernation or simply dead.

The reason why I say that it’s the jungle dragon that’s left unknown is because in Timberline Falls, there are quaggan which mention Elder Dragon influence they fled from in the Unending Ocean. There’s also other hand-waved comments of the quaggan and krait heading north due to ED influences, and with quaggan helping the Pact, it seems likely they’d inform the Pact of the deep sea dragon. The jungle dragon, on the other hand, has no known influence in the open world and we cannot even be certain that the Crucible of Eternity’s creatures in Experimental Green Lab (the husks and Nightmare Hounds) are dragon minions. As opposed to the Inquest studying the sylvari’s immunity to the Elder Dragons.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)

Victory or Death and the Durmond Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


Oh, my bad, misread. Sorry!