We need a new name for DE 2.0
At the end of HoT, when you talk to Braham and Marjory in the final open instance after completing Hearts and Minds, it seems that they consider themselves a part of Destiny’s Edge.
They’re not Destiny’s Edge 2.0. They’re Destiny’s Edge’s newest members.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Surely though with all that’s happened, it isn’t Destiny’s Edge anymore, right? I mean the leader’s gone, one member was considered a traitor, 2 are currently unconscious/damaged and one is Rytlock.
EDIT: Plus until they are “Adding into Destiny’s Edge”, they are NOT destiny’s Edge even if they feel like it, so they atm are “DE 2.0” but should be fate’s End
Think of it like the Power Rangers. In the first few iterations, members came and went all the time, sometimes with a couple of characters being in multiple versions. Just because it’s not the original lineup, doesn’t mean they’re not part of the group. They’re just a different dynamic, and a bit bigger.
but why do people call them “DE 2.0” that’s what i’m tyring to stop, I’m not trying to name their guild EXACTLY, i’m tyring to stop DE 2.0
EDIT: Howeve remy initial post didn;t at all mention this xD wooooops
Surely though with all that’s happened, it isn’t Destiny’s Edge anymore, right? I mean the leader’s gone, one member was considered a traitor, 2 are currently unconscious/damaged and one is Rytlock.
EDIT: Plus until they are “Adding into Destiny’s Edge”, they are NOT destiny’s Edge even if they feel like it, so they atm are “DE 2.0” but should be fate’s End
- The Pact Commander has effectively taken leadership role as of Zhaitan’s death.
- Caithe is no longer considered a traitor at the end of HoT.
- Logan and Zojja are injured but not out.
So while two of the original members are dead, four of them are still around.
Usually guilds and orders tend to begin with a small group and grow in size via recruitment. They retain the same name, and are the same group.
They are not “the original Destiny’s Edge” but they are “Destiny’s Edge”.
but why do people call them “DE 2.0” that’s what i’m tyring to stop, I’m not trying to name their guild EXACTLY, i’m tyring to stop DE 2.0
EDIT: Howeve remy initial post didn;t at all mention this xD wooooops
They call them DE 2.0 because that was the entire purpose behind their implementation. They are ‘the biconics’ – the secondary ‘iconic figures’, with the first iconic figures being Destiny’s Edge.
They were implemented in the story for the sole purpose of replacing Destiny’s Edge. They are Destiny’s Edge’s replacement for the Living World, because famous voice actors like Felicia Day (Zojja’s VA) cannot come in on a continuously weeekly schedule.
This is why in Season 1, we never saw or heard Zojja, rarely saw Eir, rarely saw Logan, and rarely saw Rytlock.
You won’t stop folks from calling them DE 2.0, because that’s the role they fill. They are DE 2.0 in purpose, if not in name.
And you won’t stop it for the same reason you won’t stop folks calling the deep sea dragon “bubbles”.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
DE 2.0 is OK. They are just poor substitutes they dont deserve good name.
Dragons’ End?