What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


This has really been bothering me as a plot gap. The only 2 things I can think of that she could offer are the Pale Tree or a way to turn the Dream of Dreams to Nightmare without the Pale Tree.

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What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well I’ve posted something similar before, but if we assume that the Living Story takes place after the Personal Story and Dungeon Stories then it’s safe to say that the Nightmare Court is running a bit low on leadership. Scarlet being an anarchistic Sylvari could easily convince some of the Nightmare Court to join her (an over zealous champion or two might bring some of their friends along), especially since the command structures might be shacky at present.

What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Faolain kinda . . . left after Caithe told her to go away with lots of sharp weapons. And the Nightmare Court had the next people in turn all turn on each other trying to come out on top (as the Court was designed).

All Scarlet had to do was show up and beat them into following her or just promise to free the sylvari from the Dream, without saying she intended to not use the Nightmare.

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What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: Merus.9475


Did Scarlet have to offer them anything other than an opportunity to cause some chaos? The Nightmare Court are willing, but resource-starved.

What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


In my opinion, all the alliances are badly explained and have no reason to continue. If you give the dredge fancy guns then yes they will like that but not enough to send all their people to their death in Scarlet’s armies. Dead people with guns are no better than dead people without guns, particularly if they should have been at safely at home instead.

For the nightmare court there are some ideas about what Scarlet could deliver:
- The mechanical nightmare tree at the bottom of the TA dungeon. The court like nightmare trees but once it is gone why would anyone continue to help her?
- The hallucinogen toxins created by Scarlet could interest them but as with the dredge above, are they worth enough to sacrifice your troops?
- The jungle dragon. In one way it is obvious but it doesn’t entirely fit the lore about the dream and nightmare. You’d have thought that Pale Tree or Caithe would have found out if the court were really behind this all along.

It has been suggested that Scarlet was disconnected from the Dream and Nightmare. This sets her apart from the Nightmare Court and she is not leading them or part of them. Some of the courtiers are following Scarlet as part of the toxic alliance.

What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

In my opinion, all the alliances are badly explained and have no reason to continue. If you give the dredge fancy guns then yes they will like that but not enough to send all their people to their death in Scarlet’s armies.

Only factions of each group remained in her alliances. The dredge were never unified in allying with Scarlet – nor were the Flame Legion or Nightmare Court. It seems only the krait were, at first, fully united behind Scarlet but even that’s not fully clear – and after the Tower of Nightmares fell, they certainly weren’t united.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: Aaron Ansari.1604

Aaron Ansari.1604

Faolain kinda . . . left after Caithe told her to go away with lots of sharp weapons. And the Nightmare Court had the next people in turn all turn on each other trying to come out on top (as the Court was designed).

She left Twilight Arbor, but do we know rather she stopped leading the Court? In the explorable mission, the three are only fighting over the tree, not leadership. I always thought Faolain just moved to a secondary base and kept doing dark salad-y things from there.

R.I.P., Old Man of Auld Red Wharf. Gone but never forgotten.

What did Scarlet offer the Nightmare Court?

in Lore

Posted by: Blurk.6231


Faolain kinda . . . left after Caithe told her to go away with lots of sharp weapons. And the Nightmare Court had the next people in turn all turn on each other trying to come out on top (as the Court was designed).

She left Twilight Arbor, but do we know rather she stopped leading the Court? In the explorable mission, the three are only fighting over the tree, not leadership. I always thought Faolain just moved to a secondary base and kept doing dark salad-y things from there.

This was implied by Angel McCoy. I am hitting myself I cant find the thread but it went something like:

Is it true the Nightmare Court in the Toxic Alliance are just a splinter faction?

Angel: Yes, it is not like Scarlet has a deal with Faolain or something.

This implies she is still the leader of the NC

EDIT: Found it!!


Look beyond the obvious…

(edited by Blurk.6231)