What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Imperios.2543


When Mordremoth became a vegetable? Should they retain their free will but still be evil kitten holes, turn back into normal sylvarI physically and/or mentally, or just turn into vegetable minions of a vegetable dragon?

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Diovid.9506


I don’t think they will change. Risen didn’t change after Zhaitan’s death. Both Arah explorable mode and the update to Tequatl took place after Zhaitan’s death.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The leftover Mordrem will probably form their own religion. Mordremoth will riiiiiiise again!

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: PetboyJoshua.3108


It wouldn’t make sense that they would continue to serve Mordremoth, at all.
Have you tried talking to the Mordrem Guard in the Rata Novus instance ? He’s freed from Mordremoth’s influence for a little while just because its voice is weaker there.
Mordremoth’s control is something that it’s got to do actively.
So if we kill Mordremoth, I don’t see why it would be any different : he’s not calling anymore and invasing Sylvari’s minds, so Mordrem guards should be free.

However, it may be different for the ones that are clones and the dead/reanimated creatures he uses, seeing that the first ones are entirely made by him, and the second ones has been seen working for him even where his voice doesn’t reach (=Ascalon and the Shiverpeaks).


What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


I don’t think they will change. Risen didn’t change after Zhaitan’s death. Both Arah explorable mode and the update to Tequatl took place after Zhaitan’s death.

Risen forces did become a lot weaker after Zhaitan’s death, I think with time passing, they will start to wither as well unless they drain some energy like Teq.

In the story timeline, we only fought some Risen inside Arah shortly after Zhaitan’s death, then Teq. Teq went deep to drain energy.

(edited by Slowpokeking.8720)

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


If the Mordrem guard or sylvari in general can resist Mordremoth, why did Glaust need a powerful forgotten ritual to gain her freedom when she is far more powerful than the average sylvari?

Why can’t a sylvari be brought back from nightmare if a sylvari can resist Mordremoth?

Maybe Mordremoth and Kralkatorrik’s control over their minions, especially champions works in different ways.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


It would be bizarre if Mordremoth, the Elder Dragon who’s domain is the mind, is able to be resisted mentally, while Kralkatorrik’s hold (and Zhaitan’s, and Jormag’s) over the corrupted’s minds has been absolute without the intervention of cleansing magic.

I don’t think Mordremoth really have much power in mind, the only thing it was able to control was the Sylvari, its creation, who were supposed to be Mordrem guards from the beginning.

That sphere was a joke.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Jaken.6801


I don`t get the guards.
They are grown to serve mordremoth, which means their only influence is that of his will.
Even if we take the clones later into account and maybe the idea that they have remnants of the originals ideals and ideas, why would an ED create such a flawed concept.
If he can stretch his influence so far, wouldnt it make more sense to have them run with a more simplified programm instead of an own will and self ?

Okay, there might be logisstic problems here and they need to work somehow autonom, but if we can build golems who do certain things, I think an all powerfull ED can do that too.

Other than that. I welcome our new future dino riding allies, since we have an infant and guilable army to convert to our cause, since they are all nice on the inside and dont want to do horrible stuff…

I have more sympathy with the undead of zaithan. I mean they are forcebly revived and under his infulence. They had a life and experience prior.
however the guards are just created to serve Mordremoth. They are on the same level as destroyers who are living magma.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Diovid.9506


I don`t get the guards.
They are grown to serve mordremoth, which means their only influence is that of his will.
Even if we take the clones later into account and maybe the idea that they have remnants of the originals ideals and ideas, why would an ED create such a flawed concept.
If he can stretch his influence so far, wouldnt it make more sense to have them run with a more simplified programm instead of an own will and self ?

This question reminds me of the Mass Effect games. There, Reapers (comparable to the Elder Dragons of GW2) do something resembling corruption. The further the corruption, the more loyal a creature becomes and the more direct the influence of the Reaper is however it also becomes more stupid and thus less useful as an individual. I think Elder Dragons might have a similar dilemma. They have masses of mindless drones which are used not for their individual capabilities but for their numbers. And then they have a smaller number which are not just more intelligent but which have more of a mind of their own for more complicated and specialized tasks.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


I don`t get the guards.
They are grown to serve mordremoth, which means their only influence is that of his will.
Even if we take the clones later into account and maybe the idea that they have remnants of the originals ideals and ideas, why would an ED create such a flawed concept.
If he can stretch his influence so far, wouldnt it make more sense to have them run with a more simplified programm instead of an own will and self ?

Okay, there might be logisstic problems here and they need to work somehow autonom, but if we can build golems who do certain things, I think an all powerfull ED can do that too.

Other than that. I welcome our new future dino riding allies, since we have an infant and guilable army to convert to our cause, since they are all nice on the inside and dont want to do horrible stuff…

I have more sympathy with the undead of zaithan. I mean they are forcebly revived and under his infulence. They had a life and experience prior.
however the guards are just created to serve Mordremoth. They are on the same level as destroyers who are living magma.

They were not supposed to have individual will, the Pale Tree reshaped them.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


If the Mordrem guard or sylvari in general can resist Mordremoth, why did Glaust need a powerful forgotten ritual to gain her freedom when she is far more powerful than the average sylvari?

Why can’t a sylvari be brought back from nightmare if a sylvari can resist Mordremoth?

Firstly there are a number of theories that involve the Sylvari also having been cleansed (or at least the original seed of the Pale Tree).
Secondly, Sylvari resisting Mordremoth means they haven’t fallen under his sway. Once a Sylvari goes Mordy / Nightmare they don’t come back.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: PetboyJoshua.3108


CureForLiving > Actually, the screenshot I posted earlier in this thread seems to prove otherwise, for Mordrem guards at least. :/ The Nightmare seems quite different.

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Jaken.6801


I don`t get the guards.
They are grown to serve mordremoth, which means their only influence is that of his will.
Even if we take the clones later into account and maybe the idea that they have remnants of the originals ideals and ideas, why would an ED create such a flawed concept.
If he can stretch his influence so far, wouldnt it make more sense to have them run with a more simplified programm instead of an own will and self ?

Okay, there might be logisstic problems here and they need to work somehow autonom, but if we can build golems who do certain things, I think an all powerfull ED can do that too.

Other than that. I welcome our new future dino riding allies, since we have an infant and guilable army to convert to our cause, since they are all nice on the inside and dont want to do horrible stuff…

I have more sympathy with the undead of zaithan. I mean they are forcebly revived and under his infulence. They had a life and experience prior.
however the guards are just created to serve Mordremoth. They are on the same level as destroyers who are living magma.

They were not supposed to have individual will, the Pale Tree reshaped them.

Yes and Mordremoth creates his own Guard as well, not only taking Sylvari and turn them if I am not mistaken.
Or did I missed something?

What happened to Mordrem Guard...? SPOILERS

in Lore

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


I don`t get the guards.
They are grown to serve mordremoth, which means their only influence is that of his will.
Even if we take the clones later into account and maybe the idea that they have remnants of the originals ideals and ideas, why would an ED create such a flawed concept.
If he can stretch his influence so far, wouldnt it make more sense to have them run with a more simplified programm instead of an own will and self ?

Okay, there might be logisstic problems here and they need to work somehow autonom, but if we can build golems who do certain things, I think an all powerfull ED can do that too.

Other than that. I welcome our new future dino riding allies, since we have an infant and guilable army to convert to our cause, since they are all nice on the inside and dont want to do horrible stuff…

I have more sympathy with the undead of zaithan. I mean they are forcebly revived and under his infulence. They had a life and experience prior.
however the guards are just created to serve Mordremoth. They are on the same level as destroyers who are living magma.

They were not supposed to have individual will, the Pale Tree reshaped them.

Yes and Mordremoth creates his own Guard as well, not only taking Sylvari and turn them if I am not mistaken.
Or did I missed something?

I don’t think its own Mordrem Guard has much individual will.