What will Evon do?
I really don’t care, so long as I get the chance to hang his pelt on my sylvari’s wall. Political intrigue is well and good, but self-serving hypocrisy is downright distasteful.
I would be willing to bet that Heal-tron will get pulled into it. Their dialogue definitely left me with the feeling that Evon will be enforcing a… non-traditional payment model. Especially now that the little bot has won Kiel’s trust…
I was sad Evon didn’t get onto the Captain’s Council. I would have liked the Abaddon fractal…
That said, I did catch the little dialogue exchange where Evon and all the Black Lion Trading Agents were conscripted into the Lion Guard. Now he’s forced to outfit the Lion Guard with armor and weapons. I could see him using his new position to advance. He’s not the kind of guy to let an opportunity go to waste.
Evon is a businessman so the first thing he’s going to do is rebuild his business. He could move his center of operations away from Lion’s Arch but there’s nowhere obvious for it to go. Kiel and the council are not pleased with Evon but they’re not pleased with the Consortium either, so if Lion’s Arch is rebuilt it may seem like business as usual. The politics will return later.
Evon is a businessman so the first thing he’s going to do is rebuild his business. He could move his center of operations away from Lion’s Arch but there’s nowhere obvious for it to go.
I always wonder why he didn’t do this before the attack. The players and Anet like to portray him as a cunning businessman, but he spend months saying that Scarlet is going to attack LA, yet he didn’t do anything to prepare for it. He should have been moving his base of operations, or at least his goods, out of LA. He had more than enough money to have had bought and build warehouses and to hired security to protect the place.
I always wonder why he didn’t do this before the attack. The players and Anet like to portray him as a cunning businessman, but he spend months saying that Scarlet is going to attack LA, yet he didn’t do anything to prepare for it. He should have been moving his base of operations, or at least his goods, out of LA. He had more than enough money to have had bought and build warehouses and to hired security to protect the place.
How do we know he didn’t?
I’m glad he’s being punished, and I’m glad I didn’t vote for him. To judge from the dialogue around that Asura gate he slammed shut in everyone’s faces, he wasn’t supposed to know how to do that. Who knows what else the big hairy weasel is capable of?
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
I always wonder why he didn’t do this before the attack. The players and Anet like to portray him as a cunning businessman, but he spend months saying that Scarlet is going to attack LA, yet he didn’t do anything to prepare for it. He should have been moving his base of operations, or at least his goods, out of LA. He had more than enough money to have had bought and build warehouses and to hired security to protect the place.
How do we know he didn’t?
“My business is in tatters, and I’m surrounded by refugees who can’t buy my stock. Yeah, my day is looking up."
Those aren’t the words of someone you planned ahead.
I always wonder why he didn’t do this before the attack. The players and Anet like to portray him as a cunning businessman, but he spend months saying that Scarlet is going to attack LA, yet he didn’t do anything to prepare for it. He should have been moving his base of operations, or at least his goods, out of LA. He had more than enough money to have had bought and build warehouses and to hired security to protect the place.
How do we know he didn’t?
“My business is in tatters, and I’m surrounded by refugees who can’t buy my stock. Yeah, my day is looking up."
Those aren’t the words of someone you planned ahead.
Yet he somehow offers us something new every two weeks in the Gem Store, (most recently Tormented Weapons…).
How much the gem store or the functionality of the TP as the whole is connected to lore or storyline is anyone’s guess. Though, I would guess barely myself. If they were fully connected, the TP and gem store probably wouldn’t have been functional at all throughout the last two living stories.
Hehe, woudn’t that be something,
‘Sorry guys Trading Post and Gem Store are down due to the assault on Lion’s Arch. Check back with us in a few weeks. Get 100 gems for every head you take of Scarlet’s minions.’
Hehe, woudn’t that be something,
‘Sorry guys Trading Post and Gem Store are down due to the assault on Lion’s Arch. Check back with us in a few weeks. Get 100 gems for every head you take of Scarlet’s minions.’
No way Evon would be that generous.
Ah no that’d be true. 1 gem for every 1000 heads is more reasonable.
If Evon had his way, we’d pay him 1 gold for every head we took. Freakin’ businessmen…
EDIT: I’m personally seeing the Lionguard collecting donations to rebuild LA, and rivaling them Evon collecting donations to rebuild his business…
Hehe. Yeah, too bad… /boycots Evon
Evon is a businessman so the first thing he’s going to do is rebuild his business. He could move his center of operations away from Lion’s Arch but there’s nowhere obvious for it to go.
I always wonder why he didn’t do this before the attack. The players and Anet like to portray him as a cunning businessman, but he spend months saying that Scarlet is going to attack LA, yet he didn’t do anything to prepare for it. He should have been moving his base of operations, or at least his goods, out of LA. He had more than enough money to have had bought and build warehouses and to hired security to protect the place.
Game Mechanics vs Lore, sure. But the Black Lion Trading Post is still open for business and working fine. One could argue that he did in fact do so.
“My business is in tatters, and I’m surrounded by refugees who can’t buy my stock. Yeah, my day is looking up."
Those aren’t the words of someone you planned ahead.
Devil’s Advocate (since Evon is the coolest and stuff), maybe it’s not the stock that’s been destroyed but the client base. With everyone else having lost so much, he can’t sell anything and thus has secret warehouses full of dead-stock. Explains the BLTP specials we’re been having lately.
Hehe, woudn’t that be something,
‘Sorry guys Trading Post and Gem Store are down due to the assault on Lion’s Arch. Check back with us in a few weeks. Get 1 gems for every head you take of Scarlet’s champions.’
Fixed for you.
That would actually be a nice thing ArenaNet could do. Though it’d cost them money so it won’t happen.
As to the OP and what Evon will do, my hope is this for in-general:
- We get events like o-Tron and the minstrel’s during Wintersday, donating money to buy supplies for rebuilding LA, and then defending caravans to the Vigil Keep gates (caravans of gold, heading to the various cities – Black Citadel for metals, DR for wood (Queen’s Forest and all), Hoelbrak for workers and craftsmen (gotta look good!), the Grove for gardeners (LA needs to be self-sufficient), and Rata Sum for fixing waypoints and the asura gates), and then from the gates to LA (with the supplies/money).
- We get to chose where each caravan of gold goes in the same style as choosing dungeon paths or the charr arena hearts (a pop-up in the area which takes players’ votes and goes with the majority).
- Anet will take how many events of these occurred, succeeded, and failed and advance LA’s reconstruction based on this.
- Being made Quartermaster, Evon gets an unexpected chance to set his foot further into LA’s market door. With all the other businesses out of business (just talk to the refugees), he’s going try to expand the Black Lion to cover all of LA’s goods, and use this to get onto the Captain’s Council (just as Shud runs the gates, and Hao Luen runs the banks, he’ll run the markets).
- Of course, the Consortium will try the same as they barely suffered, not being situated in Lion’s Arch. So we’ll have a Black Lion v. Consortium econimic battle going on. This battle will have a result-based-on-players, thus the outcome can be either a Consortium member on the Captain’s Council and the gemstore becoming Consortium Trading Post with new themes to it, or Evon gets on the council and gemstore remains unchanged.
- At the same time, there will be a revolt by the citizens who lost loved ones because of the council’s in-actions, demanding Hao Luen, Tokk, Anne Reid, and Farth Scarclaw to step down as they did nothing even when the miasma subsided (Peter, Kiel, Shud, and Magnus were evacuating citizens so they’ll be treated like heroes along with Marjory, Kasmeer, Braham, Rox, and us). In the end, only Tokk gets taken down (why Tokk? Because in Edge of Destiny he shows to hold more care about Rata Sum than Lion’s Arch) – alternatively Anne Reid (because she’s done vip as far as we know, and during the invasion she claims that she’ll go skin Scarlet… but never leaves the camp – at least Farth has the excuse of being too old to fight now).
- Then Evon or <Consortium Puppet Name Here> gets put onto the council in replacement.
After that? Leave LA. Go focus on the Sinister Triad as the next filler villain group, which will lead to the third dragon to kill – Mordremoth (Back in January, it was mentioned two big projects in the background hidden to us players will be revealed post-Scarlet, I am hoping one is an expansion to go after Jormag; yes, I am still convinced that Jormag will be the second dragon; Mordremoth just woke, he won’t be a challenge to fight and thus the Pact will have the semi-idiot ball and ignore him because he’s not a threat yet – same goes to Kralkatorrik; thus order will likely be: Jormag → Mordremoth empowered by a year feeding off of ley line supermagic → Primordus having consumed the last of the great asura cities and thus is superpowered → Kralkatorrik who invaded the Mists and thus is consuming protomatter and is thus superpowered → the deep sea dragon who has consumed all the krait obelisks and has somehow corrupted an Oratuss subliminally and convinced all krait that the DSD is their One True Prophet and thus will be superpowered with a powerful army of fanatics-turned-fanatic-er.).
My expectations?
- LA will simply be rebuilt over time like the Lion’s Court and Lion’s Gate were after Halloween ‘12 and Lost Shores respectively. Players don’t dictate anything.
- Captain’s Council will remain unchanged and full of idiots.
- Evon will become the next villain between dragons, instead of the more interesting foes like the mursaat-backed Sinister Triad. He will be killed and the MIA Sareb will suddenly appear with no expectations and take over the Black Lion TP in his stead.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Villain you say? I agree!
I also think he’ll use the threats coming at us to have an excuse to summon “allies” from Fractals.
According to Game Designer Antony Ordon: “*I doubt Evon’s interest in the past isn’t entirely…religious.*”
In other words it is religious! This may imply that he seeks to summon a Fractal version of Abbadon to Tyria.
The end game will hopefully be just like Scarlet though probably more epic since Evon will likely go all Commander Varesh on us(in other words he’ll turn into a Margonite) before we kill him.
Villain you say? I agree!
I also think he’ll use the threats coming at us to have an excuse to summon “allies” from Fractals.
Which wouldn’t work at all, because beings created in fractals can’t leave their respective fractal. The whole fractal, including all the stuff inside it, simply resets, and it repeats its events over and over and over again.
Which is why Evon would research into that field.
We don’t have enough knowledge on Fractals to know if it’s truly impossible to summon anything from them.
If something can be touched and manipulated directly by outside forces like the players than logically(whether ArenaNet is going to follow logic in this instance or not) there must be a way to bring them here.
It would most likely require a tedious and lengthy ritual that only Abbadon and his followers know.
Of course if ArenaNet does not care about logic and will utterly and illogically forbid the leaving of any Fractal beings then that’s end of the matter.
Evon will quit the Black Lion Trading Company, the Consortium will purchase the assets and jack prices up on the Gem Store 25% . . . then we’ll get a chapter to get Evon back in control of the company and oust the Consortium with “an extremely hostile takeover”. In gratitude we’ll get a Black Lion Claim Ticket, some Gems, and some consumable items will be permanently discounted . . . but not free.
Manipulatino by outside forces doesn’t necessitate being capable of living.
We can take things out of the Fractals though, but only inanimate (non-living) things. So it’s unlikely that Abaddon would be capable of leaving.
However, it should be noted that Evon if is indeed religious he’s more likely interested in the titans – whom were worshiped by the charr. However, I feel that he’d be less a devotee himself and more in simply learning something about the old faith. Perhaps even trying to bring a god for the Flame Legion to follow so that they’ll end up following him.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
So what’s to stop Evon from taking Abbadon or a Titan’s body for himself?
Surely he would want the power of the God of Secrets. With that power he could bring Nightfall to Tyria again though in a more permanant manner!
Mountains of Blood(Depths of Madness overtaking the Shiverpeaks), Kingdoms of Flesh(Domain of Pain overtaking Kryta or Ascalon), plains filled with plinths of Secrets(Domain of Secrets overtaking Kryta or Ascalon) and swamps filled with the dead remains of insect gods(Domain of Fear overtaking Maguuma Jungle)…. All of these would be worthy changes to Tyria’s form!
Tomorrow the BLTC will sell bracelets inscribed with “WWED”.
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
I’m down on Evon because he’s two-faced, underhanded, and owes me some Black Lion Keys before I forgive him for what happened last September.
Kiel also told people what was going to happen, or at least told the people who supposedly could do something about it. What she should have done is recruited players to be on hand and given them all airships.
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
I’m down on Evon because he stranded civilians trapped in the heart of Lion’s Arch by shutting off their asura gate for no apparent reason, and then has the kittening nerve to harangue that Kiel and Magnus have the blood of all the dead citizens on their hands.
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
I’m down on Evon because he stranded civilians trapped in the heart of Lion’s Arch by shutting off their asura gate for no apparent reason, and then has the kittening nerve to harangue that Kiel and Magnus have the blood of all the dead citizens on their hands.
That’s a good reason too. I would have just stopped at “he’s Ash Legion”.
Few things some people seem to be forgetting. Abaddon is over. God of secrets is Kormir. I’m fairly certain Kormir jumping into that thingy at end of nightfall actually KILLED abaddon. Also, Anet already mentioned way back that the abaddon fractal would have not have any impact on the LS. And honestly guys, abaddon fractal would have been interesting for loose ends and whatnot. But do you guys really want Anet to bring abaddon back to life/power and have us fight him again?
Also, Konig, I know that you’re fixed on Jormag next but wouldn’t Mordremoth make more sense tactic wise? Him not being a threat yet should be an easy kill. (Story wise going after Mordremoth would be less exciting then but tactic wise it would make more sense). Although one could argue that letting the other Dragons live longer would make them more powerful and dangerous. Hmh.
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
I’m down on Evon because he’s two-faced, underhanded, and owes me some Black Lion Keys before I forgive him for what happened last September.
Kiel also told people what was going to happen, or at least told the people who supposedly could do something about it. What she should have done is recruited players to be on hand and given them all airships.
Kiel did it months after Evon and only after Marjoy, Vorpp, Kasmeer, the Durmand Priory and the player character did all the research for her. Evon was warning about Lion’s Arch months in advance without anyone else telling him what’s what.
As to what will Evon do, he’s being set up as the next villain. We are steadily being positioned to side against him (yakgate and now his political point scoring combined with the vindictive deputising from Kiel) and he’s the least good “friendly” NPC so he’s right up there to be the next villain. Or they could be preparing a “plot twist” like they did with Marjory and Kasmeer. Constantly have Marjory talk about how incapable Kasmeer is, how concerned for Kasmeer safety she is, how likely to die Kasmeer is, then write a scene where Marjory is the one who is reckless and needs protection from Kasmeer (Aren’t you surprised guys? Kasmeer was strong all along! Isn’kitten great character development?).
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
I initially thought that Evon might be “E” as well, but when Marjory first encounters him on the streets (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/marjorys-story-the-last-straw-part-2/), the only remarkable thing she notes is that “E” has a ‘deep voice’.
I’d imagine as a human, having a charr sidle up to you feels very different (and obviously so) from a human. In particular, charr are covered in fur, have clawed paws, constantly growl when they speak and a have a substantial height difference – characteristics not typical of (most) humans.
Of course, this is my two cents worth (who is to say ANet won’t blanket it all by saying Evon was under a very, very convincing polymorph spell?), so feel free to speculate, besides, Ellen Kiel also starts with “E”. ^.^
(edited by Heraldusluminare.2946)
Or it could be a mesmer that made everything feel and look like a tall male human.
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
I initially thought that Evon might be “E” as well, but when Marjory first encounters him on the streets (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/marjorys-story-the-last-straw-part-2/), the only remarkable thing she notes is that “E” has a ‘deep voice’.
I’d imagine as a human, having a charr sidle up to you feels very different (and obviously so) from a human. In particular, charr are covered in fur, have clawed paws, constantly growl when they speak and a have a substantial height difference – characteristics not typical of (most) humans.
Of course, this is my two cents worth (who is to say ANet won’t blanket it all by saying Evon was under a very, very convincing polymorph spell?), so feel free to speculate, besides, Ellen Kiel also starts with “E”. ^.^
Sooooo are you suggesting Ellen Kiel has a deeper voice than we know? :P
What if she had a cold that day? Lol.
Why is everyone down on Evon? Seriously, he warned everyone what would happen, he was right, and now he is getting his wares stolen by the Liongaurd because they wouldn’t listen. I still believe Evon is the Mysterious “E”.
He is suspicious because of not what he’s done but because of what ArenaNet has said!
According to Game Designer Antony Ordon: “*I doubt Evon’s interest in the past isn’t entirely…religious.*”
See the double negative there?
The Game Designer is outright hinting that Evon is seeking the Abaddon Fractal for religious reasons!
That hint leaves 2 equally possible choices:
1: He seeks to either become a God or bring back a God and is thus a Big Bad.
2: He’s the Master of Whispers and thus the Big Good.
We must wait and see what ArenaNet chooses.
He’s not the Master of Whispers. We meet her as an operative of the Order of Whispers.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
And she’s not dead either unless something happened after Zhaitan’s death so that leaves the first theory…. The Big Bad theory…..
And she’s not dead either unless something happened after Zhaitan’s death so that leaves the first theory…. The Big Bad theory…..
Or, you know, any other explanation like he’s just a greedy charr now who wants to profit and keep his vaunted business safe from collapsing. All the while grandstanding about how he could have stopped things if anyone listened to him. You know, instead of actually doing anything himself?
He’s not Big Bad material.
I agree with Tobias – I’ve always viewed Evon as the cantankerous old gruff added for comic relief. I think he’s more likely to rule the world through commerce rather than through bloodshed.
It’s easier to sleep at night when you don’t have to worry about a whole nation trying to kill you, you know?