When will Lion's Arch be rebuilt?
It takes a while for repairs to happen. The lion’s statue was broken in October 2012 and stayed broken for months. I don’t know exactly when it got fixed, but it did… just in time for Scarlet to destroy everything.
Since this attack is a lot more extensive, it’s probably going to be years before it will look even remotely like it did before Scarlet’s attack. And I doubt that drill will ever be removed from the bay. I’m surprised she was even able to drop that thing from an airship!
Not really.
The original LA had a lot of open places to trade, but was mostly a human city.
GW2 LA was a seafarers trading city, which used old ships and ruins as it`s foundation, along with some cultural influences from almost every race.
Best example is the Lions Statue which was explained to be build by craftsmen of every race.
To be honest, it did never feel very urban, but rather open. Like a harbor city.
Biggest attraction was the crafting and tradespart of the town, with some cultivated parts on the outskirts.
It felt very much fragmented in it`s design, fitting the theme of a pirate/trader city.
About when and how it will be rebuild?
We do not know.
There was a fundraiser with the Zephirites a month back or so, but since then we saw no changes.
There is huge potential here. We got a lot of metal which could be used from the breachmaker.
We got a new leadership, which might allow new ideas to come in.
We got the ley line open in the water, which could be studied by the priory or the asura (i want a LLRC = Ley Line Research Center close by. Best would be an Asura flying cube thingy right above it).
The whole city really needs to work on it`s defences, which could actually incorporate a lot of Scarlets technology which is now there to study and use.
Overall yes. A huge potential, but we do not know when and how it will actually happen.
To be honest, I do not expect a great deal of a change, however the new crafting stations position at least hint on a much bigger scale then before (Though I hope they are able to incorporate old LA again and build an Airship docking bay)
It’s at least the third time the city is destroyed (if the battle against the Mursaat destroyed it too). At least it’s far away from a peaceful city.
It takes a while for repairs to happen. The lion’s statue was broken in October 2012 and stayed broken for months. I don’t know exactly when it got fixed, but it did… just in time for Scarlet to destroy everything.
Since this attack is a lot more extensive, it’s probably going to be years before it will look even remotely like it did before Scarlet’s attack. And I doubt that drill will ever be removed from the bay. I’m surprised she was even able to drop that thing from an airship!
Which is quite ironic.
It took them month to finish, but then are able to move it at will apearently.
How? If it is so easy to move and being destroyed so often (insert statue of liberty joke here), why do they not start to build spare parts, to quickly replace it?
There’s probably other more immediate concerns that would require the resources that would go into those spare parts and getting the drill up and running. Not to mention, rebuilding some complicated piece of machinery simply to move it out of the way when it is sitting in water already out of every bodies way doesn’t seem very energy efficient.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
well even whe lion’s arch does get rebuilt, the new layout pretty much guarantees it won’t be the same as before. which is a plus for me, because the city previously had very little reason to move outside the main corridor.
It’s at least the third time the city is destroyed (if the battle against the Mursaat destroyed it too). At least it’s far away from a peaceful city.
At least you can’t say the city had a dull moment.
When they do rebuild it, I too hope they go for a more Old Lions Arch look. LA in Guild Wars was a beautiful city, well I really liked it anyway. I hope they rebuild the light house too.
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Lion’s Arch is one the reasons why I’m not keen to see to Foefire curse lifted. We’re supposed to see a Living World but so far things just get destroyed or stay the same. There are currently three transitional parts of the world that don’t look like they will transition. Orr is the most obvious – Trahearne’s Wyld Hunt is to cleanse Orr and the actions in the Personal Story were supposed to begin that. Almost two years on and Orr is exactly as it was two years ago. I know there are plot issues with Personal Story if they change it, but it’s a shining example in GW2 of how the game hasn’t been able to change a part of the world that should be changing.
Then you have Lion’s Arch. It was destroyed a long time ago and it’s still destroyed. It takes people almost a decade to fully recover from natural disasters in the real world, but Lion’s Arch seems to be very stagnant. In that amount of time that has passed so far, a real city would have moved on from tent city and would have rebuilt more basic infrastructure and utilities. In a land with magic (and given how quickly the Pact created their settlements across Orr, including Fort Trinity, or how it only took a year for a single charr built Steel Eye Span across the Brand, Lion’s Arch shouldn’t be taking this long to progress back into an actual city again.
The final developing part of the world is Dry Top. So much of the current story is the Zephyrites just crashed. I really hope the current Living Story time line advances that sooner rather than later, either removing most of the Zephyrites from the map because they create a new settlement, or having them rebuild their ships (or board ones that weren’t destroyed).The Dry Top moment is probably one of the most time line specific moments in all of explorable Tyria. Everything the Zephyrites do there is as if their ship only just crashed. That simply won’t work a few months from now, let alone a year from now.
Before another big world changing event takes place (like the ending of the Foefire’s curse and possible cleansing of the ghosts of Ascalon) I think it’s time some of the other world changing stories advance or conclude, otherwise it’s all just piling up.