Why do sylvari have boobs?

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864



Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Erukk.1408


Because the Pale Tree (supposedly) used the human form as a template when creating the Sylvari. Malyck’s very being puts that into question, but until we get some verification on the matter, that’s what we have to go with as of now.

(edited by Erukk.1408)

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Because they do, and Anet said so.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

As Erukk said, the Pale Tree modeled sylvari after a basic comprehension of the human body. Which involves boobs on females.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: neilug hyuga.5634

neilug hyuga.5634

The Pale Tree’s seed was plant on the graveyard of Ronan’s family, and after Ronan’s death, his own tomb.

The theory that they look like Human was really interesting, but, with Malyck it makes almost everything wrong, but whatever.

Also if you played GW1, there is interesting theory about Warden being also minions of Mordremoth, which I really like too.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Old Roy.5924

Old Roy.5924

The snarky reply would be: Well, the females have boobs, but all Sylvari are sporting wood!

Usually playing GW2-64 under WINE on Linux Mint 17.3 – and lovin’ it.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I don’t think that Malyck shows that theory to be wrong necessarily. There is nothing to state that humans weren’t involved in the planting of Malyck’s tree as well. It is too up in the air, since we do not know where it exists.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

All that would be needed is for Malyck’s tree to know about the existence of humans. Depending on its location (given our explored map, it’d be between Dry Top, Tangled Depths, Rata Sum, and Metrica Province given that it’s along the river that leads into Metrica/Brisban), it could have seen White Mantle/bandits wandering around and created copies from them.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

In the future then ANet could have Pale Trees from other areas of the world with Sylvari modeled after Charr, Asura or have Norns sized Sylvari. Or they could be modeled after centaurs, if that’s whose cemetery the tree grows on top of. Or Skritt for that matter. And of course those females won’t all have boobs.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Was it ever actually confirmed that Malyck came from a different tree?

The story leaves it somewhat ambiguous, he doesn’t remember and you never actually find his tree, it’s just assumed that because he doesn’t remember the Grove or the Dream or any other sylvari that he came from somewhere else.

It would be a massive let-down but it’s possible his pod was just removed from the tree (by accident or on purpose) early and, like real life fruit picked before it falls off the tree, continued to ripen disconnected from the tree.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


From the wiki. Pretty much states that he comes from another tree.

Trahearne: This is the place. The Knight of Embers will be waiting to meet the grand duchess. If she is allowed to tell Faolain the truth, the results will be disastrous.
Malyck: Why, Trahearne? What aren’t you telling us? This is my life! I deserve to know the truth!
Trahearne: You’re right, but yours isn’t the only life in danger. I’ll tell you the truth, and then, you must make a choice.
Trahearne: My research has led me to believe that the Pale Tree is not a unique creature. Legends say her seed is one of many, found in a cave.
Trahearne: That cave has never been found, but it seems at least one of those other seeds was planted. It sprouted the tree which bore you, Malyck.
<Character name>: If that’s true, there could be other cities of sylvari. Other Groves…
Trahearne: Groves untutored by Ventari’s tablet. Do those sylvari dream, I wonder? What inspires them?
<Character name>: If Faolain finds out, she won’t need the Grove. The court will burn the Pale Tree to the ground and find one they can more easily twist to nightmare.
Trahearne: Yes. If that happens, the sylvari race will be no more. Tyria will fall into darkness.
Malyck: No! I won’t let that happen. If I must die to keep this secret, I will do so.
Trahearne: Then we have only one option. The Knight of Embers must die"

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Erukk.1408


Trahearne: Groves untutored by Ventari’s tablet. Do those sylvari dream, I wonder? What inspires them?
<Character name>: If Faolain finds out, she won’t need the Grove. The court will burn the Pale Tree to the ground and find one they can more easily twist to nightmare.
Trahearne: Yes. If that happens, the sylvari race will be no more. Tyria will fall into darkness.

I always found that thought kinda interesting. If other Pale Trees and the sylvari that they birth have no connection to the Dream (and by extension the Nightmare), how exactly would the NC “twist it to Nightmare” or make their sylvari fall to nightmare?

I can understand the NC trying to break them physically and mentally like they usually do with the Dreamer sylvari, but would the non-Dreamers react in the same way? Dreamers, when they fall to Nightmare, usually seem to want to go and carry out acts of evil to feed and grow the Nightmare portion of the dream, but would that still apply to those that have no constant connection to ethereal nightmare fuel pushing them towards such acts?

(edited by Erukk.1408)

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

In the future then ANet could have Pale Trees from other areas of the world with Sylvari modeled after Charr, Asura or have Norns sized Sylvari. Or they could be modeled after centaurs, if that’s whose cemetery the tree grows on top of. Or Skritt for that matter. And of course those females won’t all have boobs.

It’s got nothing to do with the cemetery, just the Pale Tree having seen humans.

Was it ever actually confirmed that Malyck came from a different tree?

Yes. A better example than Narcemus’ – which outright states that he is from another tree (as does Caithe, though less directly), would be the story step before, when going with Trahearne:

Amaranda the Lonesome: A distant shore—and darkness. A root, a cave…you. You are the seed. What Ronan knew and never told still lingers in the Dream.
Malyck: What does that mean?
Trahearne: It means my fears are well founded. You were not born of the Pale Tree, Malyck. We cannot see your Dream; you cannot see ours. I must return to the Grove and speak to the Pale Tree.
Knight of Embers: Now I, too, understand.
Knight of Embers: When the grand duchess hears this, she will send the whole court after you, Harbinger!


Of course, Trahearne’s claims on the Dream separation seem to be wrong – Malyck, even with trying to reach out for his Dream, results in nothing, as discussed in Caithe’s path :

PC: have much to learn. The Dream guides us. Reach out, and it may guide you as well.
Malyck: I have tried, but to no avail. Your “Dream” eludes me, and I’m left wonder if it and nightmare are the same.

We even got comment from Bobby Stein that Malyck’s tree was originally to be part of HoT, though the plot got cut for time development reasons. Claiming ‘we wouldn’t be able to do it justice’.

Sadly, not having it in the one and only time it would make the most sense to have the plot does it less justice than doing it poorly.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I could still see opportunities for Malyck’s Pale Tree to come into the picture. Not only are we still, according what we know, located in he jungle having defeated Mordremoth, which gives us the capability to stumble upon it, but there is the war against Sylvari which was hinted upon but has not yet been touched upon. I could easily see us being besieged in the Grove with them coming as allies to help, or us havin to stop a group from going to take them out.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Given what we’ve seen, I think it is very much to do with the cemetery. The Pale Tree is almost certainly a Blighting Tree that had her independence from Mordremoth – I think it’s reasonable to presume that her method of gaining templates is the same. She needs a corpse to use as the starting point.

As people have said, though, humans have been spread throughout the jungle. It’s entirely possible that Malyck’s tree also had humans to copy off. It might not exclusively use humans and dogs as templates like the Pale Tree does, however…

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Given what we’ve seen, I think it is very much to do with the cemetery. The Pale Tree is almost certainly a Blighting Tree that had her independence from Mordremoth – I think it’s reasonable to presume that her method of gaining templates is the same. She needs a corpse to use as the starting point.

As people have said, though, humans have been spread throughout the jungle. It’s entirely possible that Malyck’s tree also had humans to copy off. It might not exclusively use humans and dogs as templates like the Pale Tree does, however…

It does raise a question, like where the other seeds in the cave planted by semi-dormant Mordrem after Ronan had fought his way through and claimed it?

Did Ventari’s influence and magic cause the Pale tree to be free, or was it that she was ‘planted early’ perhaps?

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I think a likely option is that all of the seeds in that cave were freed from corruption like the pale tree, possibly similar to how Glint was freed, then it is likely that the guardians may have planted them. Or perhaps others may have.

I say that because it requires more than tenents to overcome corruption.

(edited by Narcemus.1348)

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Given what we’ve seen, I think it is very much to do with the cemetery. The Pale Tree is almost certainly a Blighting Tree that had her independence from Mordremoth – I think it’s reasonable to presume that her method of gaining templates is the same. She needs a corpse to use as the starting point.

But they don’t, they just need a body. But this is also the ‘evil dragon minion’s way of doing things’ and not the ‘kind dragon minion’s way of doing things’. Just as we see Glint making Crystal Guardians and Crystal Spiders without corrupting actual spiders or whatever for the guardians.

And Ronan and others were around, living, for quite some time.

Also, as you point out in the other thread, it’s clear that Mordrem don’t need a template to make minions – see Vinetooth.

Did Ventari’s influence and magic cause the Pale tree to be free, or was it that she was ‘planted early’ perhaps?

Given what we know about dragon minions, unless altered by a powerful external force (such as the ritual that Glint underwent), dragon minions – all dragon minions – are without free will. This means that they are incapable of chosing their own life. This is regardless of their dragons’ wakening state (see Svanir, Drakkar, and Great Destroyer).

This would mean that if it was unique to the Pale Tree itself, then Malyck would not be a sylvari, it’d be a mordrem .

It should also be noted that there is no mention of Ronan fighting the ‘monstrous plant creatures’ that guarded the cave, so they could have looked horrid but were friendly for all we know.

Which means that the most likely scenario is that the entire cave had purified seeds.

And before Mawdrey gets mentioned – we put that seed through various odd magics which could have replicated the ritual that Glint underwent. The main thing that I would suspect causing this is the Foefire magic we feed it, seeing the divine fire’s reaction to mordrem in Season 2, knowing that Foefire ghost’s fire is really effective against both risen and sylvari, knowing that Foefire ghosts were the only thing not corrupted by Kralkatorrik’s breath, and knowing that – like the Forgotten’s ritual and divine fire – Magdaer/Sohothin potentially originate from the Six Gods.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


It’s been forever since I read the thing about Ronan and the seed, but I just recalled that the cave was guarded by creatures (IIRC, plant like), and he didn’t simply waltz in and out easily. He did however, come out of the situation with one seed from the cave, which was filled with many seeds.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Deleena.3406


If they was anything like those maguuma vine seeds (we dont know how big the seed was)
prolly was only practical to take one.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: eNeRgOo.5463


You’re thinking too much.
Asuras told that Sylvaris have sexual organs without reproducing functions. It’s easy because they don’t need that function, they have Pale Tree to do that.
They never told why they have them though. It was never revealed. My simply idea is – to feel pleasure. Nobody told they aren’t doing sexual intercourses. They feel love, love is both physical and psychical. Also sexualism and love aren’t just about reproducing. Proof? Check orientations.
Sylvaris needed to be humanoids race. That’s the idea of artist that created them. Malyck is humanoid as well, so it isn’t about Pale Tree copying construction of Humans and Dogs to create Sylvaris and Hounds. I would say – Sylvaris come to the world and they have different abilities. Some of them are made to be Rangers, so Pale Tree gave them great companions. Don’t look too deep.
Moreover! I guess that Pale Tree and Other Trees can actually create lots of things, specific to their nature. From humanoids, dogs, to wolfs, giants and planty dragons we get to know in HoT, but don’t assume they can make planty Asuras, Norns, Humans and Char. It’s not the way they work. It must be Modrem-like something.

Still – there are lots of holes in their lore. I think – I hope – that we get to know about Sylvari race a little bit more once Arenanet brings Malyck back.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Blighting Trees are capable of making mordrem asura, norn, human, and charr. We see a mordrem asura and a mordrem human, depending on your choices, during Bitter Harvest.

There’d be no reason why Pale Trees (for lack of a better term for them all) couldn’t. You’re not looking deep enough.

Besides, sylvari basically are mordrem humans.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Given what we’ve seen, I think it is very much to do with the cemetery. The Pale Tree is almost certainly a Blighting Tree that had her independence from Mordremoth – I think it’s reasonable to presume that her method of gaining templates is the same. She needs a corpse to use as the starting point.

But they don’t, they just need a body. But this is also the ‘evil dragon minion’s way of doing things’ and not the ‘kind dragon minion’s way of doing things’. Just as we see Glint making Crystal Guardians and Crystal Spiders without corrupting actual spiders or whatever for the guardians.

I had an unspoken assumption there: the Blighting Trees can use a corpse or a prisoner, but the latter is pretty unhealthy for the prisoner. The Pale Tree probably has the same capability, but chooses not to use it – in practice, it’s the corpses in the graveyard she was planted over that she used (possibly collecting the templates instinctively before she was truly sapient).

It’s possible that she could make original creations from seeing things like Glint’s constructs, but its also possible that the magics of the two are simply different. If the Pale Tree can make copies purely from sight, though, this raises the question of why she hasn’t made any sylvari in Ventari’s image. If it does require desecrating a corpse, however, it’s possible that the Pale Tree absorbed the humans and dogs before she was old enough to know better, but that when Ventari died, she chose to honour his remains rather than absorbing them.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


You’re thinking too much.
Asuras told that Sylvaris have sexual organs without reproducing functions. It’s easy because they don’t need that function, they have Pale Tree to do that.
They never told why they have them though. It was never revealed. My simply idea is – to feel pleasure. Nobody told they aren’t doing sexual intercourses. They feel love, love is both physical and psychical. Also sexualism and love aren’t just about reproducing. Proof? Check orientations.

Actually, anet explicitly came out and said that Sylvari do have sex, purely for pleasure or love but not having babies.