Will we ever be able to go through here?

Will we ever be able to go through here?

in Lore

Posted by: Banzie.5248



I know anets constantly pumping out content, and thats great and all. but they seem to have severely forgotten many parts of the world in tyria. Will we ever be able to visit the tengu areas of Tyria, who will they for, when will they decide? Seriously anet, You had so much going for you at the beginning, and you didnt even start the LS that happen AFTER your PS until june or so I believe.. Would really like if the LS started expanding more on the actual tyrian world. Dont like farming champ aetherblades for scarlet, Dont care for the boss train. Im all about the lore & wvw anet brings to the table no other games currently can. Both of which anet seem to be letting sit in the corner collecting dust for the most part

Back to my question, Will we ever go through the gates these 5 tengu protect? Or at least get a LS where they decide to fight with the other races and at the end of the 2 weeks its then an accessible area?

Note: This can go for so many things other then the Tengu. Many story parts have been forgotten by the team it seems, all of which would make the whole world seem more alive then it is with scarlet/teq :c


Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

Will we ever be able to go through here?

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I do not believe the parts are forgotten at all, just unused because of Lost Shores. When Lost Shores came out players griped that they were making new zones without polishing up the zones they already have (rightly so as well), so they seem to have moved away from making new content in new zones and moved towards trying to improve what they already have while including content in the zones already available. I think the best way in which to make new zones available would be through an Expansion, not through the Living Story, due to the temporary nature of it. I want to be able to take all of my characters through these new zones and stories, but that will not be possible with the current way in which the Living Story is working. That is why I think expansion, not Living Story is the best method for including new permanent content.

On a sidenote, I wonder how the whole Living Story system will work when/if they make a new expansion. I mean I’m gonna need a month or more to get a character through, depending on the amount of content within the expansion, so am I gonna miss out on a lot of Living Story content because of my inability to follow along?

Will we ever be able to go through here?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

They keep saying they haven’t forgotten but that they want to “pace things out” – issue is that they’re putting in too much “content” (by which I mean achievement grind) with too little “storytelling” (the instances) which have too little in-game depth (80% of what we know of Scarlet comes out of game from two sources – the short story and an interview which manages to turn Scarlet into a non-Villain Sue). This in turns means they’re pacing things out too much, give us too little story content to be satisfied, and pushes the time in which we’ll get to the other story elements even further back.

Expect Scarlet’s plot to be over in 2025. SAB’s plot to be over in late 2016, and Tequatl’s plot to be over in 2028. Next new plot will initiate in 2020 and end in 2060 when the world ends (it won’t be concluded).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)

Will we ever be able to go through here?

in Lore

Posted by: jheryn.8390


IMO it feels like they abandoned the rich lore that they continually crafted through all four GW1 story lines (Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and EOTN). Each was carefully and thoughtfully executed as far as story was concerned. It was very detailed and comprehensive.

The personal story in GW2 has an obvious start and finish, but it’s effect on everything in the world isn’t as encompassing as it was in GW1. It also isn’t as engaging as it was in GW1.

Now with the addition of the LS, it seems like the story is getting thinner and thinner. The plot is uninspired and full of holes.

There was so much unanswered from GW1 that could have been explored in GW2. There was a huge base of things they could have built upon in GW2. What have the remaining Mursaat been up to? What’s become of the Tengu? Why wasn’t there waves of Elonians pouring into Kryta and Cantha when Palawa Joko was taking over? The White Mantle is obviously not gone. What are they scheming?

There are a myriad of stand out Character’s in GW1 that they could have followed some of the activities of their descendants. In Ascalon and The Shiverpeaks they could have taken us to some places (destroyed or not) not seen yet and built LS around those places.

I think “pacing things out” is a joke. There is enough material from GW1 that they could have built story line around that could have lasted us through the life of the game.

The comprehensive, rich lore of GW1 made it the game it was and set it apart from other MMO’s. They have yet to recapture that wonder and build upon it’s foundations IMO. Where are the storyteller’s from that time?