(discuss)Lion's Arch stinks of poo?

(discuss)Lion's Arch stinks of poo?

in Lore

Posted by: Empressium.5482


Pardon me if its disgusting topic but i was wondering if actually LA is stinks of uhhhh poo and pee?From my observation, LA’s city architecture DOES NOT show anything tat resembles advanced sanitary technologies , yes LA got sewers but as u can see ingame, LA’s sewers connected directly to the sea canals thats surrounding the city not to mention an asuran npc spams “we only have outhouses” when being asked by a charr npc (this makes it worse cuz outhouses dump poo directly to the sea, making the sewers useless) which eventually leads us to conclusion : Are we all being trolled by TROLLNET for swimming in an ocean of poo all this time????
naw for the other major capital cities!
1. Divinity’s Reach, as a medieval like city yet bearing some renaissance technology(water pump, huge water pipes and a closed sewers), i can exclude DR from stinky city….! besides i’m not sure if the Six wanna a stinky city to worship them!
2 .The Grove, plants peeps dun poo or pee period, excluded too! or MAYBE NOT cuz i suspected these plant peeps use other races’s natural waste as somekind of a “fertilizer” for their tree city! Stinky huge tree!
3 .Hoelbrak, suspected as stinky city cuz Norn’s technology is still in the ancient era and i dun even see some kind of a cesspool or a frozen cesspool there! or lemme spectulate tat these primitive brutes just make a hole on Hoelbrak’s frozen lake area for dumping their natural waste!
4. Rata Sum, as a highly advanced futuristic city of irritating midgets, i dun ever see any sort of “futuristic toilets”! But the again i suspected this midgets might found no need for toilets cuz they could just pee n poo to the outdoor of their floating city! Not to mention they got an accessible sea to dump it! Verdict? Futuristic stinky city!
5.Lastly, The Black Citadel, this steampunk city of horned kittens also doesn’t have any kind of toilets but then again i’m still convinced tat like any other felines, this kittens poo and pee anywhere! Making it stinky steampunk city!

And ofc no human bias here! Those unsophisticated savage xenos cities are stinky and they all stink too!

Tyrian Human Supremacist Party

(edited by Empressium.5482)

(discuss)Lion's Arch stinks of poo?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Erm, you got something wrong.

A human (not charr) NPC asks where the outhouses are. The asura says that they don’t have outhouses.

But either way this topic feels troll’ing… but I’ll respond as if it isn’t.

The LA sewer system is actually mostly enclosed (we only see a small portion of it, which was busted open), and acts no different than most sewer systems that lead straight to a body of water.

About the cities and “not seeing any kind of toilets” – that’s true for all places. But just because we don’t see toilets doesn’t mean that they aren’t there behind the closed doors we can’t enter. Anet just didn’t render toilets.

But excluding your human racism trolling/roleplaying in your post, this is an already existing topic.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(discuss)Lion's Arch stinks of poo?

in Lore

Posted by: Zomaarwat.3912


The LA sewer system is actually mostly enclosed (we only see a small portion of it, which was busted open), and acts no different than most sewer systems that lead straight to a body of water.

DR’s system contains drakes though. 85,7% sure of it.

Over a year and the forum search is still broken = /

(discuss)Lion's Arch stinks of poo?

in Lore

Posted by: Minos.3450


The LA sewer system is actually mostly enclosed (we only see a small portion of it, which was busted open), and acts no different than most sewer systems that lead straight to a body of water.

DR’s system contains drakes though. 85,7% sure of it.

Surveys show that 97.3% of people using arbritrary numbers to make their point will get an increased emphasis on their claim.
Btw, there’s already a white lady in a graveyard so drakes in the sewer ? why not, that wouldn’t be the first urban legend made reality.