new player story question

new player story question

in Lore

Posted by: Camomonk.1798


Hi so I got gw2 when it first came out I played it for a little bit then stopped. I’m going to pick it up again with my friends and was wondering how our race chose affects the story. If I pick char and my friends pick human will we be able to experience the whole story together or will the story split us up?

new player story question

in Lore

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Once you officially join an order, the storylines converge. Race does affect what “Help another species” options there are however, so you’d want to see if the choices overlap.

Charr and Human both have the racial sympathy toward Skritt, so that’d work. If you both join the same order, from that point on you could do 100% of the story together without halting progress for one or the other.

Everything before being a member of the Vigil, Order of Whispers, or Priory is race-unique though.

new player story question

in Lore

Posted by: Jaken.6801



GW2s story is playable with other players, however:

1. You can join the story of other players.

2. Personal Story is not replayable.

3. The first 30lvl are based around your race and are unique to your choices at character creation. You can however play the story of your friend and he can join you in your story.
You just have to make sure not to agree that your story progression is overwritten (you get a warning).

4. Every 10lvl there is a new story arc.

5. The story will have some choices, that come up later, so if you want the same experience and dont want to play some story parts twice, then you should try to coordinate.
There are always other characters and leveling is easy after your first level 80

Next is a slight spoiler, continue if you dont mind.

5. At one point you choose an order. As soon as you get initiated in the order, the story will be based around the order and not your race. this is the earliest point where the story comes together.

6. The narrative of the orders will also condense at around lvl 40 or 50. I just leave the place: Claw Island.

Extra notes

There is something called, Living Story/World, on one hand it is all the story changes that push the world forward, on the other hand they are story seasons, additional chapters after the Personal Story.

Living Story (LS) 1 was an experiment and while you see the aftereffects in the world (The Scarlet Incident), you are not be able to replay it at the moment. However there is an NPC in Lions Arch, whcih summerizes what happened after you finished the Personal Story.

LS2 is available via the gemstore. It is replayable and offers some additional challenges.

Living Story is for free if you play it at release, however you have to pay if you didn`t log in at that time and missed your free version .

I added a little diagram, which roughly shows how the personal story progresses.
i think you can make out how it is build.


new player story question

in Lore

Posted by: Camomonk.1798


thanks for the info so fast just one more question what races combo well with a Asura?

new player story question

in Lore

Posted by: Jaken.6801


thanks for the info so fast just one more question what races combo well with a Asura?

In lore or in terms of story progression?

Story progression is more or less the same for every race (the digram shows how it converges to a single point)
The first story arcs are around your race and choices and after that it opens up, however only your character is the lead in his stoy (and vice versa).

How races are in relation to each other is hard to pinpoint.
Asura are the stuck up know-it-all`s. So they have a tendency to be annoying for or at other races (High IQ does not mean high social skills)

At the point of the story, every race is friendly (more or less, there is always some kind of racism here and there).
So they travel between each cities, trade and exchange technology (to a degree).

For roleplay, you can look at the race description and try to adapt it.

Gamemechanicwise it doesn`t really matter which race you play.

After the Tutorial you can enter your capital and use a gate to lions Arch and travel to any other capital from there.

new player story question

in Lore

Posted by: Camomonk.1798


Ok so if I want to play through the story together with my friends we would do both of our race story’s together. So I join theirs and they join mine and then after that we pick the same order and we can just play the rest of the game together. Again thanks for the help can’t wait to start this game back up again