questions about the story

questions about the story

in Lore

Posted by: takk.5698


just finished the SS1
now playing on SS2

but understand that there’re something on SS2 related about scarlet
which I didn’t have a chance to play the mission

so my questions are
- Who is she ? Why did she attack lion arch ?
- did she only appear on living world or also in personal story ?

because just start SS2 at dry top but cant catch up what’s going on here

questions about the story

in Lore

Posted by: Diovid.9506


- Who is she ? Why did she attack lion arch ?

This gives a decent (although somewhat lengthy) summary of everything that happened before season 2:

- did she only appear on living world or also in personal story ?

She just appeared in the living world.

questions about the story

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah ANet should really really look at conveying information a bit better. What OP considers Season 1 is actually the Personal Story, S1 is what followed the personal story and led up to Season 2. Although new player would obviously not know any of this, because it’s not made clear in game.