what could have been [might contain spoiler]

what could have been [might contain spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: Racoon.4128


Friends, I’d like to mention how much I love the new maps and the layout and the jungle’ishness of the whole design, I felt so lost and broken (but so excited), seeing my carefully built Pact been ripped of the sky, scattered in this new hostile wilderness.

I would also like to mention how disappointed I am regarding the HoT-Story. Like QQ-to-tears-disappointment, please let me express my thoughts:

I wish, we could have seen more character development – especially after Eir's passing away. Braham could have picked up her bow and become a dragon hunter himself, avenging his mother's death and at the same time introducing the class, giving it a proper background and the epicness it deserves (like Revenant-Rytlock). And I was so hoping for Eir becoming a druid, feeding the story of the new class!
Man, I miss her already, she really was an archetype of the strong, wise woman.

Then Caithe: She turned into this hunted woman who – as we later understand – is determined to make her Wyld Hunt succeed. Mordremoth could have broken her spirit during her encounter with Faolain, resulting in a side quest where the Hero and their small group try to free her from the Elder Dragon’s grip (while further exploring the jungle). As a result, she evolves with the Daredevil-specialization!

And what about Marjory receiving the great sword of her sister Melinda (ding, ding, elite specialization of Necromancer?!) but we never hear another word of her new powers again?

Last but not least Traherne, the ever-so-bright-and-heroic Firstborn. I loved him so much for always being so noble, oh shiny knight in salad armor…
Mordremoth catching him broke my heart and I really, really wanted to rescue him. Why not continue the story with a turned Traherne, a twisted and evil Firstborn who was not able to resist the grip (verifying that other sylvari might bend to the Dragon’s call, too, making the threat even bigger, raising suspicion against Canach – whose character I enjoy immensely), a Firstborn who becomes the Elder Dragon’s Marshall? We could have had another side step with a massive battle, but Mordremoth saves him from our attacks and we find him with his broken sword and he helps us, because reasons, maybe the Pale Tree whispered to him, calling him son? Or maybe he does not help us, we gain access to the Dream by killing him)?

All of those strong story steps lay ground for fantastic character developments. Talking about Eir's death, Melinda's death, Caithe’s Wyld Hunt, new items which where gven to the protagonists…

Ah, I am suffering from ‘what could have been’. It’s exactly like when you watch a movie and have imagined it to be different… like Jem and the Holograms or The Hobbit 3. What do you guys miss in the Story? What did you enjoyed the most in the Story of HoT?

Last thought before bed: Please let us at least fix Caladbolg and return it to the Pale Tree. And help Taimi build an awesome tiger-shaped golem. And maybe get us saurian mounts, pretty please, yes?
Still some things I can look forward to.

what could have been [might contain spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: Jaken.6801


Friends, I’d like to mention how much I love the new maps and the layout and the jungle’ishness of the whole design, I felt so lost and broken (but so excited), seeing my carefully built Pact been ripped of the sky, scattered in this new hostile wilderness.

I would also like to mention how disappointed I am regarding the HoT-Story. Like QQ-to-tears-disappointment, please let me express my thoughts:

I wish, we could have seen more character development – especially after Eir's passing away. Braham could have picked up her bow and become a dragon hunter himself, avenging his mother's death and at the same time introducing the class, giving it a proper background and the epicness it deserves (like Revenant-Rytlock). And I was so hoping for Eir becoming a druid, feeding the story of the new class!
Man, I miss her already, she really was an archetype of the strong, wise woman.

Then Caithe: She turned into this hunted woman who – as we later understand – is determined to make her Wyld Hunt succeed. Mordremoth could have broken her spirit during her encounter with Faolain, resulting in a side quest where the Hero and their small group try to free her from the Elder Dragon’s grip (while further exploring the jungle). As a result, she evolves with the Daredevil-specialization!

And what about Marjory receiving the great sword of her sister Melinda (ding, ding, elite specialization of Necromancer?!) but we never hear another word of her new powers again?

Last but not least Traherne, the ever-so-bright-and-heroic Firstborn. I loved him so much for always being so noble, oh shiny knight in salad armor…
Mordremoth catching him broke my heart and I really, really wanted to rescue him. Why not continue the story with a turned Traherne, a twisted and evil Firstborn who was not able to resist the grip (verifying that other sylvari might bend to the Dragon’s call, too, making the threat even bigger, raising suspicion against Canach – whose character I enjoy immensely), a Firstborn who becomes the Elder Dragon’s Marshall? We could have had another side step with a massive battle, but Mordremoth saves him from our attacks and we find him with his broken sword and he helps us, because reasons, maybe the Pale Tree whispered to him, calling him son? Or maybe he does not help us, we gain access to the Dream by killing him)?

All of those strong story steps lay ground for fantastic character developments. Talking about Eir's death, Melinda's death, Caithe’s Wyld Hunt, new items which where gven to the protagonists…

Ah, I am suffering from ‘what could have been’. It’s exactly like when you watch a movie and have imagined it to be different… like Jem and the Holograms or The Hobbit 3. What do you guys miss in the Story? What did you enjoyed the most in the Story of HoT?

Last thought before bed: Please let us at least fix Caladbolg and return it to the Pale Tree. And help Taimi build an awesome tiger-shaped golem. And maybe get us saurian mounts, pretty please, yes?
Still some things I can look forward to.

I think we should stop combining the Elite and DE2.0… it just limits possible cool concepts.
Also, Braham taking up a bow and calling himself dragonhunter is not enough to name an entire profession after it.
I mean, even the devs own explanation is definetly not enough, as the name itself just too broad to be confined to one profession.
It is style over substance and the excuse of high concept is not enough to warrant dozens of questions which they are unwilling (or not enough time, even though they spend a lot on explaining mechanics etc… and keeping up to date with every change… ugh) to address.

On the other hand Majory becoming a reaper could be a great bridge to her canthan heritage.

However i rather have some masters or real groups in the world using these advanced profession abilities instead of the easy and boring way we have at the moment.

I agree with the fact that we could have way more character developement and in fact much more fluff, instead of setpiece after setpiece, with very little bite.