who would be the next ED?

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Arathor.7419


my geuss goes to Kralkatorik

A wolf among sheep

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Lonami.2987


Jormag. He’s the closest, and right now, the most dangerous, with the icebrood at the gates of Hoelbrak. Going to the Far Shiverpeaks against Jormag would continue the centaur storyline, too, which was left in the air.

Kralkatorrik’s south, probably somewhere at Elona. The branded are moving south along the Brand, too. He would be probably included with Palawa Joko, an undead, and it’s too soon to add more undead to the game.

Primordus isn’t very active, and his minions are just wandering around, with no real goal, no invasion purposes. They just pop around, invade a cave and stay there, without becoming any real menace to any region. Chances are the dwarves are still containing him.

Bubbles and Mordremoth are too far, and their influence hasn’t still reached us.

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Arathor.7419


i still thin kralkatorik the big purple gap in the map , iz significant damage and you really see alot of those branded are field of ruins and blazeridge spreading their virus , yes also jormag is on the assault but the closest at hoelbrak their gates are only a few sons of svanir not the real minions of jormag those are in frostgorge

A wolf among sheep

(edited by Arathor.7419)

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Antara.3189


I’m going to have to side with Kralky because after following the lore from the living story, I’ve seen more hints to the Crystal Desert and Glint. Might be in preparation for something larger…

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Arath, their are icebrood in snowden drifts and wayfarer hills which is right north of hoelbrak, they are surrounding the towns and everything up there some without sons of svanir so yes his influence is very close

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Arathor.7419


Arath, their are icebrood in snowden drifts and wayfarer hills which is right north of hoelbrak, they are surrounding the towns and everything up there some without sons of svanir so yes his influence is very close

yea but we already have an ice area to play , we dont have any desert area yet , also sinced the pact already pushed trough orr now its an easy route for them to push right into crystal desert.

A wolf among sheep

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Not having any area to play has nothing to do with lore

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Arathor.7419


Not having any area to play has nothing to do with lore

yea but it seems pretty much logic the pact can march from orr easily onto crystal desert ,also there is a portal thats currently closed to crystal desert , order of whispers seems to have find a way to still get into elona

A wolf among sheep

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

We went after Zhaitan because he invaded and was on Tyria’s doorsteps.

Kralkatorrik has not been heard from for now 6 years, roughly. Zhaitan had a head start when he woke with building forces and still took 10 years to invade. We don’t know where Kralkatorrik is – he may not be anywhere close to us anymore, let alone in the Crystal Desert. He was last seen fleeing the end of where the Dragonbrand is, not continuing it so no means to track him if he’s not attacking someone.

Jormag however, has forces ever pushing south, has the focus of born early storyline (branded have none), and his forces have even assaulted Lion’s Arch already. Furthermore, the norn want to go after Jormag and are preparing for such, while the charr are still content on defense and research, not assault. Also, Honor’s Claw ends HotW explorable dungeon paths with “Jormag is coming” effective. Lastly, Jormag has had 200 years to build forces. He is already invading. Kralkatorrik is not.

Jormag is next. Unless Primordus pops out randomly.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Arathor.7419


We went after Zhaitan because he invaded and was on Tyria’s doorsteps.

Kralkatorrik has not been heard from for now 6 years, roughly. Zhaitan had a head start when he woke with building forces and still took 10 years to invade. We don’t know where Kralkatorrik is – he may not be anywhere close to us anymore, let alone in the Crystal Desert. He was last seen fleeing the end of where the Dragonbrand is, not continuing it so no means to track him if he’s not attacking someone.

Jormag however, has forces ever pushing south, has the focus of born early storyline (branded have none), and his forces have even assaulted Lion’s Arch already. Furthermore, the norn want to go after Jormag and are preparing for such, while the charr are still content on defense and research, not assault. Also, Honor’s Claw ends HotW explorable dungeon paths with “Jormag is coming” effective. Lastly, Jormag has had 200 years to build forces. He is already invading. Kralkatorrik is not.

Jormag is next. Unless Primordus pops out randomly.

you have a point there yet i prefer to see kralkatorik and visit crystal desert.

A wolf among sheep

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Lonami.2987


Another two “important” things:

  • There’s branded in the Far Shiverpeaks, where the Brand begins.
  • Deldrimor Front wouldn’t be included in the Elona expansion, it’s too big already if we make it cover from Istan to the Crystal Desert.

Both of those places should appear before the Elona expansion. Well, at least Kralkatorrik’s former resting place, which would be included in Jormag’s expansion. Deldrimor Front would fit with Primordus’ expansion.

So I wouldn’t expect Kralkatorrik and Elona until the second or third expansion.

A good order, in my opinion:

  • Jormag
  • Bubbles
  • Primordus
  • Kralkatorrik
  • Mordremoth
Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I wouldn’t bet on an Elona expansion at all. The Crystal Desert in itself is a pretty big area, as is Deldrimor Front. I don’t think Elona has to be included with the Crystal Desert, if it ever opens up at all.

But personally I hope that we first get Jormag, and then Kralkatorrik.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

you have a point there yet i prefer to see kralkatorik and visit crystal desert.

I’d much rather see Jormag fought first. It’s most logical to go after Jormag and Primordus who’s had the most time to build up forces – to prevent them from becoming stronger before striking after them. And Jormag is the only Elder Dragon who’s location we know.

There’s really nothing in the living story that implies the story will go into the crystal desert – the story is more related to the dwarves and the shiverpeaks giving Primordus and the Depths of Tyria a more likely outcome than it is to the Crystal Desert and Kralkatorrik.

  • There’s branded in the Far Shiverpeaks, where the Brand begins.

Er… the Dragonbrand begins in the Blood Legion Homelands, not in the Far Shiverpeaks which are west of said homelands.

Deldrimor Front would fit with Primordus’ expansion.

I fail to see how given how that area has never held any relation to Primordus at all.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Arathor.7419


every area we can see on the map right now will sooner or later be open or else it wouldnt be on the map.

A wolf among sheep

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: hermescragsniper.2713


Just something I’ve noticed with the speculation on this:

Jormag: Generally the obvious choice for the next dragon for various reasons as has been outlined by Konig and others.

Primordus: The Wild card dragon, Anet could bring him in at any time. I would bet they hold off on him for a long time though as Prim’s situation is a very useful tool for development

Kralk: Popular choice probably because of Edge of Destiny, Crystal Desert is potentially accessible and he’s crystally :P However, unlikely we will see this guy next seeing as he may not even be in the desert.

Bubbles: Another popular choice likely because he’s so mysterious. Also unlikely though as other dragons are so near

Mordy: Another potential wild card due to the fact we know so little but still less likely than most.

I would like to see Jormag and Mordy as next ones seen and fought but I want to kill bubble next to free up the oceans


who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Lonami.2987


Another “good” thing about Bubbles and Mordremoth is we don’t know them, and the locations where they are supposed to be (Cantha + ocean, Magguma/west of Tyria) aren’t places we’d worry about defending.

So for example, in the Cantha expansion we could go to Cantha for any reason, without caring about Bubbles, and then he appears in the last moment. Maybe he could even be secondary, with another bigger threat remaining as the main villain.

you have a point there yet i prefer to see kralkatorik and visit crystal desert.

I’d much rather see Jormag fought first. It’s most logical to go after Jormag and Primordus who’s had the most time to build up forces – to prevent them from becoming stronger before striking after them. And Jormag is the only Elder Dragon who’s location we know.

There’s really nothing in the living story that implies the story will go into the crystal desert – the story is more related to the dwarves and the shiverpeaks giving Primordus and the Depths of Tyria a more likely outcome than it is to the Crystal Desert and Kralkatorrik.

  • There’s branded in the Far Shiverpeaks, where the Brand begins.

Er… the Dragonbrand begins in the Blood Legion Homelands, not in the Far Shiverpeaks which are west of said homelands.

Deldrimor Front would fit with Primordus’ expansion.

I fail to see how given how that area has never held any relation to Primordus at all.

By “Far Shiverpeaks” I meant the entire “continent”, north of Tyria. Yeah, leads to confusion :P.

Deldrimor Front would make sense as it’s the former dwarved homeland, and could serve as an entry point to the depths, together with the Maguuma Wastes.

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

every area we can see on the map right now will sooner or later be open or else it wouldnt be on the map.

You actually believe that? I hate to burst your bubble.
The Guild Wars 1 map:


Just look at all that unused space.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Arathor.7419


i think eventually most of the map space will be playable content when the game is few years away from the release date , look at the wow map all space is used there.

A wolf among sheep

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Gandarel.5091




Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

every area we can see on the map right now will sooner or later be open or else it wouldnt be on the map.

Go play GW1, and see how wrong you are. Not a lot of the map was open for any three maps.

Orr was never open in GW1. Dzalana was never open in GW1. Just to name two named regions. And that’s not including the unnamed regions that were later given names, like Scavenger’s Causeway, Isle of Janthir, etc.

Another “good” thing about Bubbles and Mordremoth is we don’t know them, and the locations where they are supposed to be (Cantha + ocean, Magguma/west of Tyria) aren’t places we’d worry about defending.

So for example, in the Cantha expansion we could go to Cantha for any reason, without caring about Bubbles, and then he appears in the last moment. Maybe he could even be secondary, with another bigger threat remaining as the main villain.


Deldrimor Front would make sense as it’s the former dwarved homeland, and could serve as an entry point to the depths, together with the Maguuma Wastes.

  1. The DSD is NOT in Cantha. He’s in the deepest parts of the Unending Ocean. Given all lore, that shouldn’t even be between Cantha and Tyria (Nightfall manual makes mention of several low reefs between Cantha and Elona, then between Cantha and Tyria lies the Battle Isles). He lies where the krait were, which were probably on the edges of the Clashing Seas that lie between Cantha and Tyria/Elona.
  2. Former dwarven nation doesn’t matter for diddly squat. Nothing points Primordus’ actions near there, and by that argument Steamspur Mountains fit better or equally so. Primordus hibernated beneath what is now Fireheart Rise, and he has been moving about since, likely tied to Mount Maelstrom’s eruption. He can show up anywhere he likes, there’s no reason to believe it’ll be tied to former Dwarven lands.
  3. Same goes for Maguuma Wastes, nothing links that to Primordus or the Depths of Tyria.

i think eventually most of the map space will be playable content when the game is few years away from the release date , look at the wow map all space is used there.

Guild Wars 2 is not World of Warcraft. ArenaNet is not Blizzard.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Amanda Whitemoon.6173

Amanda Whitemoon.6173

we need a timeline for after 1326 (start of gw2) about how what we all did fits in the timeline. i think mordremoth is still asleep and will wake up around 1370. (the 50 years theory that the waking up seems to have)

i think jormag will be next too, but i hope kralkatorrik, as long as it is not bubbles, tentacle creatures freak me out.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Ludovicus.7980


Jormag. He’s the closest, and right now, the most dangerous, with the icebrood at the gates of Hoelbrak. Going to the Far Shiverpeaks against Jormag would continue the centaur storyline, too, which was left in the air.

Kralkatorrik’s south, probably somewhere at Elona. The branded are moving south along the Brand, too. He would be probably included with Palawa Joko, an undead, and it’s too soon to add more undead to the game.

Primordus isn’t very active, and his minions are just wandering around, with no real goal, no invasion purposes. They just pop around, invade a cave and stay there, without becoming any real menace to any region. Chances are the dwarves are still containing him.

Bubbles and Mordremoth are too far, and their influence hasn’t still reached us.

I’d like to see an alliance with Joko. He rules over the undead just as Jenna does over the humans. He doesn’t have puppet slaves like Zhaitan. That alliance would be interesting.
I think Joko is a very interesting character. He’s witnessed so much. He’s very old, sort of wise and feral in his own way.

The glory of my ancestors shall be restored.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Lickage.7318


I think it will be the Jungle Dragon, as for all I know it’s still sleeping, we will probably witness it’s awakening and be a part of the next big threat to Tyria.

If not I probably see Kralky going next. We got the tool to defeat him and with that we can re-establish a alliance with Palawa Joko (since we destroyed 1 of his enemy’s). If he still rules Elona ( would be awesome)

Kaelyn Nightfall – Sylvari Ranger
Server: Gandara
Note: English is my second language

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Alleluia.1320


we need a timeline for after 1326 (start of gw2) about how what we all did fits in the timeline. i think mordremoth is still asleep and will wake up around 1370. (the 50 years theory that the waking up seems to have)

i think jormag will be next too, but i hope kralkatorrik, as long as it is not bubbles, tentacle creatures freak me out.

Pretty sure Mordremoth will be waking earlier than that. Seems like a year outside of the game is a year in game, and they aren’t gonna wait another 44 years to wake it up.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


It’s a tough call, recent Living Story events could point in direction of either Jormag, Primordius or Kralkatorrik.

I’d love to see Jormag or Kralkatorrik first; could the Aspects that the Zephyrites harnessed from Glint’s body be tied to some clue on how to defeat her master and somehow lead us back to the next elder dragon we must defeat where Destiny’s Edge failed.

Snaff died in Edge of Destiny, and he was the one who could take control of Kralkatorrik’s mind, and the knowledge of how died with him, maybe a new means to defeat Kralkatorrik needs to be discovered before he can be re-introduced?

, the dragon’s tooth in the Great Lodge at Hoelbreak has some significance if you read the Edge of Destinty novel – and again, if we’re to go up against Jormag we’ll need to be able to defeat him. So far all we see are people fleeing south to escape his corruption, but little of the story has so far revealed to us any clues as to how we would fight Jormag if he was to turn up at our doorstep.

So, much as I’d like to see an elder dragon soon, I also don’t see how soon this could happen as some clues need to fall into place first; as for Primordius, it was the first to rise, but unlike Zhaitan who rose nearly a hundred years later and is already dead, he has taken his time… maybe to build forces (could the Molten Alliance be one such recent move?) or simply biding his time before he strikes unlike its less patient “siblings”. Without any lore to back me up on that, in my opinion, I have a feeling we’ll see both Jormag and Kralkatorrik again before we see Primordius.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215

Rainbow Sprint.3215

i still thin kralkatorik the big purple gap in the map , iz significant damage and you really see alot of those branded are field of ruins and blazeridge spreading their virus , yes also jormag is on the assault but the closest at hoelbrak their gates are only a few sons of svanir not the real minions of jormag those are in frostgorge

The sons of svanir ARE minions of Jormag. They worship Jormag and further his cause (destroying everything). so yes Jormag is the most immediate threat.

But destiny’s edge fought Kralkatorrik so that might be the next in line. Destiny’s edge wanting a rematch, Zojja wanting revenge, having knowledge of exactly where he is, as opposed to jormag where he’s just somewhere up there.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


We don’t really know where Kralkatorrik is either; last seen fleeing from the battle vs Destiny’s Edge, but we don’t know which direction or if he’s tending his wounds in Crystal Desert.

…Queen Jennah conjures an image of Kralkatorrik hovering over Ebonhawke fleeing south to end the siege by the Branded, but there’s no writing of where he fled to

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I think the only sensible prediction to make, would be one of the Dragons who has already shown himself, and is nearby.

This means the jungle dragon and bubbles are out, since we do not know where they are exactly, we haven’t encountered any of their minions, and aren’t sure if they are awake.

We know roughly where Kralkatorrik went, but Jormag is probably the most obvious. We know exactly where he is, we are already fighting his armies and his champions, and he’s close.

Primordus remains an unpredictable card in the deck. We do not know when he’ll show up, or how close he is.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


Well, Primordus’ minions are all over Tyria from the maguuma through Kryta to the Shiverpeaks, so he is a global threat like Zhaitan was.

Also, Primordus can bring in the Tengu (destroyers are surfacng on both sides of their walls) and the Dwarves with the Deldrimor front.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

The problem is that Primordus seems all over the place. Probably due to the dwarves keeping him busy. So he could be literally anywhere. He doesn’t seem to be focusing on one area.

Jormag on the other is pushing from one clear direction. That makes it a lot more practical to form an offensive against him.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


I don’t know if everyone knows this but if you talk to the Tengu they say something bout Primordius’ minions inside the Dominion of Winds. It’s ost likely that when they add Primorius they will add Tengu as a playable race.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’d love to see the underside of Tyria extensively explored in huge, destroyer infested caverns tunneled out by Primordus. I’d also love to see destroyers as they were in GW1, big, hard hitting and appearing in large numbers…

If we tie non-playable major races to the dragons, I guess it’d be tengu for Primordus, kodan for Jormag,, and largos for DSD. If they are holding back new races for now, we’re most likely to see Kralkatorrik next.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Ludovicus.7980


I’d love to see the underside of Tyria extensively explored in huge, destroyer infested caverns tunneled out by Primordus. I’d also love to see destroyers as they were in GW1, big, hard hitting and appearing in large numbers…

If we tie non-playable major races to the dragons, I guess it’d be tengu for Primordus, kodan for Jormag,, and largos for DSD. If they are holding back new races for now, we’re most likely to see Kralkatorrik next.

That might mean that we’ll see some forgoten in the crystal desert.

The glory of my ancestors shall be restored.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’d love to see the underside of Tyria extensively explored in huge, destroyer infested caverns tunneled out by Primordus. I’d also love to see destroyers as they were in GW1, big, hard hitting and appearing in large numbers…

If we tie non-playable major races to the dragons, I guess it’d be tengu for Primordus, kodan for Jormag,, and largos for DSD. If they are holding back new races for now, we’re most likely to see Kralkatorrik next.

That might mean that we’ll see some forgoten in the crystal desert.

Possibly, but not likely as a playable race, as they are one of the elder races, not forgetting their alien shape.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Ludovicus.7980


I’d love to see the underside of Tyria extensively explored in huge, destroyer infested caverns tunneled out by Primordus. I’d also love to see destroyers as they were in GW1, big, hard hitting and appearing in large numbers…

If we tie non-playable major races to the dragons, I guess it’d be tengu for Primordus, kodan for Jormag,, and largos for DSD. If they are holding back new races for now, we’re most likely to see Kralkatorrik next.

That might mean that we’ll see some forgoten in the crystal desert.

Possibly, but not likely as a playable race, as they are one of the elder races, not forgetting their alien shape.

Just as the tengu, largos and kodan.

The glory of my ancestors shall be restored.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’d love to see the underside of Tyria extensively explored in huge, destroyer infested caverns tunneled out by Primordus. I’d also love to see destroyers as they were in GW1, big, hard hitting and appearing in large numbers…

If we tie non-playable major races to the dragons, I guess it’d be tengu for Primordus, kodan for Jormag,, and largos for DSD. If they are holding back new races for now, we’re most likely to see Kralkatorrik next.

That might mean that we’ll see some forgoten in the crystal desert.

Possibly, but not likely as a playable race, as they are one of the elder races, not forgetting their alien shape.

Just as the tengu, largos and kodan.

No. Kodan, and especially largos and tengu, are in the realm of possibilities. Having an elder race as a playable race wouldn’t fit thematically, and since the forgotten are snake-like, you’d have trouble fitting most armor on them, not to mention animating them jumping or leaping.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Ludovicus.7980


I’d love to see the underside of Tyria extensively explored in huge, destroyer infested caverns tunneled out by Primordus. I’d also love to see destroyers as they were in GW1, big, hard hitting and appearing in large numbers…

If we tie non-playable major races to the dragons, I guess it’d be tengu for Primordus, kodan for Jormag,, and largos for DSD. If they are holding back new races for now, we’re most likely to see Kralkatorrik next.

That might mean that we’ll see some forgoten in the crystal desert.

Possibly, but not likely as a playable race, as they are one of the elder races, not forgetting their alien shape.

Just as the tengu, largos and kodan.

No. Kodan, and especially largos and tengu, are in the realm of possibilities. Having an elder race as a playable race wouldn’t fit thematically, and since the forgotten are snake-like, you’d have trouble fitting most armor on them, not to mention animating them jumping or leaping.

No, of course. I meant just as tengu, largos and kodan are now.

The glory of my ancestors shall be restored.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’d love to see the underside of Tyria extensively explored in huge, destroyer infested caverns tunneled out by Primordus. I’d also love to see destroyers as they were in GW1, big, hard hitting and appearing in large numbers…

If we tie non-playable major races to the dragons, I guess it’d be tengu for Primordus, kodan for Jormag,, and largos for DSD. If they are holding back new races for now, we’re most likely to see Kralkatorrik next.

That might mean that we’ll see some forgoten in the crystal desert.

Possibly, but not likely as a playable race, as they are one of the elder races, not forgetting their alien shape.

Just as the tengu, largos and kodan.

No. Kodan, and especially largos and tengu, are in the realm of possibilities. Having an elder race as a playable race wouldn’t fit thematically, and since the forgotten are snake-like, you’d have trouble fitting most armor on them, not to mention animating them jumping or leaping.

No, of course. I meant just as tengu, largos and kodan are now.

Ah, yes, I see now what you mean, as a major non-playable race.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


I don’t think each dragon would bring another playeable race… Gw1 had only 1, 5 is a bit too large step forward already.

Tengu has chances but nothing else.

Kodan are shamanistic spirituals just like the norns, they share the same territory and even voice acting. Also, players don’t like the too large races, statistically speaking, when the last survey came out norn was the far less playable race, and the charr was only a bit higher in population.

Largos – basically newer to the lore than the sylvari, and considering that everyone hates underwater combat and they would have to make all largos areas to be underwater, not likely. Also, they are main assassin, so many of the classes wouldn’t make sense and could just destroy what a largos is. Engineering largos underwater? eh..

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

we need a timeline for after 1326 (start of gw2) about how what we all did fits in the timeline. i think mordremoth is still asleep and will wake up around 1370. (the 50 years theory that the waking up seems to have)

GW2 started out at the beginning of 1325. The entire course of the main campaign – including personal story, the open world’s story (which seems to progress based on levels), and dungeon stories (story and explorable mode), all occur before Halloween it seems. Then it’s the content update going in order. So basically: Vanilla(near start of 1325 (according to norn, the Great Hunt takes place in/near winter) and for several months (from Forging the Pact to The Source of Orr is “several weeks” – the length prior is unknown))->Halloween->The Lost Shores->Wintersday (calendar turns to 1326)->Flame and Frost 1,2,3 and 4->Secret of Southsun/Last Stand at Southsun->DragonBash/Sky Pirates->Bazaar of the Four Winds/Cutthroat Politics->Queen’s Jubilee

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I don’t think each dragon would bring another playeable race… Gw1 had only 1, 5 is a bit too large step forward already.

Tengu has chances but nothing else.

Kodan are shamanistic spirituals just like the norns, they share the same territory and even voice acting. Also, players don’t like the too large races, statistically speaking, when the last survey came out norn was the far less playable race, and the charr was only a bit higher in population.

Largos – basically newer to the lore than the sylvari, and considering that everyone hates underwater combat and they would have to make all largos areas to be underwater, not likely. Also, they are main assassin, so many of the classes wouldn’t make sense and could just destroy what a largos is. Engineering largos underwater? eh..

Well, from what we’ve seen, Anet likes to keep their options open, so it would make sense for them to not use the paths that could later be used for introducing new races as playable just yet.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


There are no other Elder Dragons. The Elder Dragons are a fairy tale made up by the ruling elite to keep the rest of us under their thumbs. Has anyone actually seen any of these elder dragons? I know I haven’t. If there are any more Elder Dragons, then why aren’t they doing anything?

who would be the next ED?

in Lore

Posted by: Ludovicus.7980


There are no other Elder Dragons. The Elder Dragons are a fairy tale made up by the ruling elite to keep the rest of us under their thumbs. Has anyone actually seen any of these elder dragons? I know I haven’t. If there are any more Elder Dragons, then why aren’t they doing anything?

Shut up, before it comes the invisible lergas sni—

The glory of my ancestors shall be restored.