A Message to the Powers that Be

A Message to the Powers that Be

in Living World

Posted by: Kwith.8321


Judging from how the votes have turned out, it appears that Kiel is going to win. I have no clue why people would want to vote for her, the fractal is nowhere near as interesting as Evon’s, but it’s a democratic process (I hope), and the people have spoken.

I propose we raise enough of a voice to get Evon’s fractal made as well. Kiel needs to be made aware that the history of her theology is just as important as research into a reactor explosion involving some bizarre magic.

I personally don’t care who gets the seat on the council, I was more concerned about the fractal. So do whatever you can, demonstrate in LA, post here that you want the fractal, anything to get the attention of the powers that be to make this happen.

Let Kiel have her cushy seat in Lion’s Arch, just make sure she uses the power that comes with that seat wisely and hold her accountable. Also make sure that she not only represents the wishes of the people that elected her, but the wishes of the people that didn’t because we have a voice too and we DEMAND it be heard!

A Message to the Powers that Be

in Living World

Posted by: soneilon.7095


You have right man! Almost half of players in game want Fall of Abbadon to come into fractals. I’m sure there was many Kiel’s supporters who was not sure which fractal they want more.

I want Evon’s fractal and I’m posting it in hope that it will help

A Message to the Powers that Be

in Living World

Posted by: Uvatha.5476


I put 240 of my votes toward Evon and really wanted the Abbadon fractal because another asuran themed element in the game is just redundant when there are existing dungeons, fractals, maps, and personal story quests that are already immersed in it. A vote for Ellen was a vote for repeating content and a reluctancy to introduce anything new into the existing game.

The devs have flat out said that they won’t make both fractals. Even though I wanted the candidate that didn’t win I agree with ANet on this one. When the election began people were quick to say that voting didn’t matter anyway cause we’d get both eventually. That point of view is entitled, undeserving, and wrong.

We were given the option to choose and that should have been weighted seriously. I would like to see a world where the choices we make as a community have definite repercussions and affect the game for the long term even if things don’t always turn out the way I would have liked. Taking away a sense of finalty from the election by appeasing both the winners and losers completely destroys that and also wounds some of the impact of the living story.