Hello folks! What i’m about to write here is my opinion on two subjects: 1) Why many people loose interest in the LS updates/lore after a few days?And 2) A change that might get better results to keep people hooked in the game LS, and it’s Pros and Cons. Again, this is my opinion, it’s based on some information I’ve gathered over my script-writing and storytelling classes, but it’s still my opinion. My goal here is to provide Useful feedback to Arena Net for their future LS updates, story-wise!
So first topic: – Why do alot of people loose/have lost interest in the LS updates as far as the story is concerned?
- My answer would be that, first, the latest contents have either very few lore behind them or they LS updates with some lore behind them felt like they were put aside (like the Zephirites and Glint relation that never got explored or mentioned in-game) and people now just want activities so they can get Achievement points and the meta reward from those achievements. Secondly, this is caused by the fact that the LS updates are being created in a Procedural fashion.
What is Procedural you ask? It’s like a “case-of-the-week” story format that can be seen in TV shows like C.S.I. The Mentalist, House, etc; it doesn’t require you to follow every single episode. Wikipedia can give you a more in-depth knowledge about this subject at:
On to the second topic: – What could be done to make the LS more appealing story-wise?
- Well, i’d suggest changing the LS formats to a more Serialized fashion. A Serial drama has a plot that, like the name says, continues to evolve from episode to episode through characters and events. Examples of this are: Game of Thrones, LOST, Battlestar Gallactica, etc.
This could get people to get “hooked” on the actual lore. However changes like, investing more heavily in the characters and events by giving them depth so they would be the driving force for the LS events and making the LS characters react more significantly to the player presence, would have to be made.
Now for the Cons this change could bring.
- Missing a LS update would be like missing one episode of a tv show (like the ones i mentioned on the previous paragraph)
- People who can’t spare the time to invest in the story would be feel left out of the loop. (Which is why i think Arena Net choose this Episodic format for the LS, however they have to realized that a majority of their player base isn’t happy with it.)
I very much believe that Arena Net choose to release the LS updates in this Procedural fashion to try and please the the most casual of casual players. Which is fine, but one thing that both A.Net and those players have to realize is: MMO is a time-consuming genre in the game industry for the players and the developers. If you dont have time to “get invested in the story and keep up with it every two weeks” then ask Arena Net to put an NPC on the Home Instance that let’s you replay key-points of the past LS and not worry so much about the it’s initial concept of living world; it will still feel alive A.Net.
Now, everyone, including A.Net, have to realize that developers have to create appropriate content for their player base and GW2 has different player bases with different needs.
So, my suggestion is: change the LS format to a more Serialized and character-invested format. It won’t go against the Pillars of GW2, i don’t think so, no. It will help make the game more enjoyable for everyone.
Sorry for the wall of text, but I feel this needs to be said. Also if you know of any way to make sure this gets to the Devs eyes, please feel free to do so or tell me how to.